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Fernando R. (ed.) — GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics
Fernando R. (ed.) — GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics

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Íàçâàíèå: GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics

Àâòîð: Fernando R. (ed.)

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü áåç íîìåðîâ ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 784

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.11.2013

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Diffuse maps in high-quality software rendering      586 592
Diffuse maps in texture-space diffusion      273
Diffuse reflectance      294
Diffuse reflection coefficient      547
DiffuseMaterial structure      546—548
Diffusion approximations      271
Diffusion in fast fluid dynamics simulation      660
Diffusion in Navier — Stokes equations      642 646 648—649
Diffusion in SBRDF      300
Diffusion in shadow volume multipass rendering      141
Diffusion, texture-space      272—277
Dimming for glow      359
Direct lighting illumination model      169—170
Direct lighting illumination model, color in      170
Direct lighting illumination model, results in      173—175
Direct lighting illumination model, selection in      170
Direct lighting illumination model, shadowing in      171—173
Direct lighting illumination model, shaping in      170—171
Direct lighting illumination model, texturing in      173
Direct3D      446
Direct3D for device windows      515
Direct3D for effects      516
Direct3D for glow      347—348 350 352—355
Direct3D for lens flares      501
Direct3D, FX Composer for      505
Direct3D, ID3DXEffectCompiler for      516
Direction in per-pixel lighting      253—254
Direction in SBRDF      294
Direction in shadow volume rendering      145—146 155—157
Direction in vertex programs      556
Direction in wave functions      8
Direction of geometric waves      15
Direction of light      201—202 281 543 556
Direction of rays      160
Direction of texture waves      17—18
Directional lights      138 151—153 158 161
Directional waves      11—12
DirectX in omnidirectional shadow mapping      196
DirectX, glow accuracy issues for      358—359
Dirty method      448
Discontinuities in Noise function      78
Discontinuities in occlusion interval maps      211
Discontinuities in z-buffer depth of field      386—387
Discrete lights      296—299
Discretization in fast fluid dynamics simulation      663
Dispersion relation for water      14
Display method      452
Displaying images      431—433 451—452
DisplayWindow attribute      430
Distance attenuation in shadow volume rendering      159
Distances in absorption simulation      267
Distances in circle of confusion      377
Distances in focus      375
Distances in omnidirectional shadow mapping      199
Distances, sorting objects by      493—494
DistanceShapingParams structure      177
Divergence function      657
Divergence in fast fluid dynamics simulation      642—643 645 656—657
Divergence-free vector field      645
Dolly camera movements      530
Doom 3 game      137—138 162 193 195
Dot function      556
dot products      645
Dougherty, Michael      165
Draw stage in texture-based volume rendering      670—671
Drawing image data      449
DrawPrimitive function      245 355
Dye fields      660
Dynamic occlusion for morph targets      68
Dynamic ranges in photography      429
Dynamic ranges normalizing      454
Dynamic shadows      217
Early-z optimizations      482
Early-z rejection      487—488
EdgeDetectGPS function      397
Edges in cinematic lighting      170—171
Edges in constant filter kernels      397—399
Edges in depth of field      381
Edges in per-pixel lighting      254
Edges in shadow volume rendering      155
Edges in water simulation      21—22 27
Editor window      506 525—527
Effect files in shaders      602—606 613—615
Effects for games      356—360
Efficiency in FX Composer file formats      513
Efficiency in texture bombing      332
Elevation direction      694—695
Ellipses in shadow volume rendering      162
Emission-absorption model      670
Emissive terms in shadow volume rendering      141
Emotions in animation      65—66
Emulating offline Tenderer      573—577
Enclosing rectangles in ultrasound visualization      697
Engineering applications      667
Entering intersections in shadow volume rendering      150
Environment lighting      286—289
Environment maps for glow      355
Environment maps for HDR images      442
Environment maps for lighting      49
Environment maps in Cinema4D      573
Environment maps, SBRDF rendering using      298—305
Errors in fragment program optimizations      558
Errors in FX Composer      532
Errors of visibility in depth of field      381—382
errors, quantization      17
Euler's method      647
eval function      546
Evaporation in fast fluid dynamics simulation      661
Exitant directions in SBRDF      294
Exiting intersections in shadow volume rendering      150
Expensive code in cinematic lighting      182
Explicit texture coordinates      27
Extensible engines      506
External forces in Navier — Stokes equations      642
Eye buffers in volume rendering      682—683
Eye direction in vertex programs      556
Eye vectors in bump-environment mapping      24—27
Eyesight in dark environments      463
f2fConnector structure      104
f3texCUBE_RGBE_Conv function      302
f4texRECTbilerp function      655
Face culling      157
Face normals      571
faceFragmentShader function      59
Faces in shadow volume rendering      153
Faceted meshes      729
faceVertexShader function      55—56
Facial expressions      46
Falling edges in occlusion interval maps      207—209
Fast depth-writing performance      497—498
Fast fluid dynamics simulation      637
Fast fluid dynamics simulation for buoyancy and convection      661
Fast fluid dynamics simulation for liquids and gases simulation      660
Fast fluid dynamics simulation for vorticity confinement      662—663
Fast fluid dynamics simulation in three dimensions      663
Fast fluid dynamics simulation, approach to      639
Fast fluid dynamics simulation, arbitrary boundaries in      664
Fast fluid dynamics simulation, assumptions in      638
Fast fluid dynamics simulation, CPU/GPU analogies in      651—653
Fast fluid dynamics simulation, fragment programs in      653—659
Fast fluid dynamics simulation, free surface flow in      664
Fast fluid dynamics simulation, goals in      638
Fast fluid dynamics simulation, implementation      650—651
Fast fluid dynamics simulation, mathematical background of      639—640
Fast fluid dynamics simulation, Navier — Stokes equations for      641—642 644—650
Fast fluid dynamics simulation, staggered grids in      663
Fast fluid dynamics simulation, vector calculus in      642—644
Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) in caustics computations      34
Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) in grid sampling      5
Feedback in fast fluid dynamics simulation      652—653
FIFO (first-in, first-out) caches      481
File formats in FX Composer      512—513
File formats, OpenEXR      see "OpenEXR images"
Fill mode in shaders      602
Fill rates in fragment shading      476
Fill rates in shadow volume rendering      162—165
Fill rates in visibility      255
Fill-rate-bound objects      497
Film, simulating      440—441
Filter graphs      445—446
Filter kernels      392
Filter kernels bicubic      399—404
Filter kernels constant      397—399
Filter kernels screen-aligned      404—405
Filter kernels user-defined      393—394
Filter kernels, grayscale data in      394—397
Filter networks, objects in      447
Filter-width estimates      417
Filter-width estimates, derivatives in      418—420
Filter-width estimates, discussion      423—424
Filter-width estimates, textures      420—423
Filters for glow      99 349 351
Filters for HDR images      442
Filters for perspective shadow maps      237—242
Filters high-quality      see "high-quality filtering"
Filters in absorption simulation      270
Filters in ambient occlusion      289
Filters in caustics computations      43
Filters in cinematic lighting      173
Filters in image-processing framework      448—449
Filters in image-to-image conversions      392
Filters in pipeline performance      483
Filters in texture bombing      331
Filters in texture-space diffusion      273
Filters in volume rendering      686
Filters in water simulation      21—22
Filters in z-buffer depth of field      385—387
Filters isotropic      419
Filters, edge-length      21—22
Filters, implementation      460—464
Filters, parameters for      460—461
Filters, stencil shadows      237
Filters, uses of      355—356
filterwidth function      419—424
final_c computation      561
Find feature      526
findBackfaces method      153
Finding Nemo film      343
Finite light points      153
Finite volumes      162
Fire and flames      87
Fire and flames, animated sprites for      89—94
Fire and flames, blending      94—95
Fire and flames, creating      87—89
Fire and flames, glow for      99—101
Fire and flames, grain for      101 103
Fire and flames, heat shimmer for      101—102
Fire and flames, layer composition for      97—98
Fire and flames, particle motion in      94 96
Fire and flames, performance for      96—99
Fire and flames, post-rendering effects for      99
Fire and flames, programs for      104—105
Fire and flames, smoke in      94—95
Fire and flames, storing animation for      94
Fire and flames, variety in      92—93
Fire and flames, volume rendering for      668
First realization in Navier — Stokes equations      645
First-in, first-out (FIFO) caches      481
Fixed light sources      233
Fixed-function transformations      477
Fixed-point textures      242
Flames      see "fire and flames"
Flares, lens      499—503
Flat3D textures      663
Flicker with glow      349
float type      454
Floating-point frame buffers      485
Floating-point numbers and calculations by GPUs      621 633
Floating-point numbers and calculations for color representation      454
Floating-point numbers and calculations in OpenEXR      455
Floating-point pixel reduction      625
Floating-point textures      623
Floating-point textures in absorption simulation      270
Floating-point textures in bicubic filter kernels      402—403
Floating-point textures in fragment program optimizations      559
Floating-point textures in omnidirectional shadow mapping      198—199
Floating-point textures in perspective shadow maps      242
Fluids      see "fast fluid dynamics simulation"
fnc_dif fuselgt function      560
Focus for depth-of-field effects      see "depth of field"
Fog for glow      357—360
FogMaterial structure      548—549
Force applications in fast fluid dynamics simulation      655—656
Force in Navier — Stokes equations      646
Foreground in focus      375
Formulating deformers      725
Forward integration method      647
Forward ray tracing      33
Forward-mapped z-buffer depth of field      382
Four-sample technique      188—191
fp30 profile      557
frag2screen structure      719
Fragment programs for SISs      719—720
Fragment programs in fast fluid dynamics simulation      650—651
Fragment programs in fast fluid dynamics simulation, advection in      653—655
Fragment programs in fast fluid dynamics simulation, boundary conditions in      657—659
Fragment programs in fast fluid dynamics simulation, force applications in      655—656
Fragment programs in fast fluid dynamics simulation, projection in      656—657
Fragment programs in fast fluid dynamics simulation, viscous diffusion in      655
Fragment programs in pyramidal grids      703—705
Fragment programs in ultrasound visualization      703—705
Fragment programs in volume rendering      689—690
Fragment programs vs. vertex programs      555—556
Fragment programs, optimization techniques on      556—561
Fragment shaders in botdeneck identification      476—477
Fragment shaders in image-based lighting      314—316
Fragment shaders in pipelines      474 483
Fragment shaders in skin lighting      53 58—61
Fragment shaders, speeding up      482—483
FragmentProgram function      703—704
Frame-buffer bandwidth      484—485
Frames, bounding boxes for      495—496
Framework for image processing      445—446
Framework for image processing, design in      447
Framework for image processing, filter implementation in      460—464
Framework for image processing, Image class      454—458
Framework for image processing, image data in      449—450
Framework for image processing, ImageFilter class      458—460
Framework for image processing, implementation      452—453
Framework for image processing, loading and displaying images in      451—452
Framework for image processing, operators and filters in      448—449
Framework for image processing, performance and limitations in      465—467
Framework for image processing, sample application      463—465
Framework for image processing, summary      467
Free surface boundaries      639
Free surface flow      664
Frequency in wave functions      8 14
FresExp exponent      316
Fresnel's equation      37
Fresnel-style attenuation      315—316
Fromrast structure      297 303—304
Front to back rendering      484—485
Front-facing polygons      497
Frosted glass, glow for      356
Frustums culling      498
Frustums lights inside, shadows for      251—252
Frustums lights outside, shadows for      252—254
Full-screen coverage geometry for gjorw      352
Fur effect      689
FX Composer      505
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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