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Fernando R. (ed.) — GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics |
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Simulating clouds 661—662
Simulating fast fluid dynamics see "fast fluid dynamics simulation"
Simulating grass see "grass simulation"
Simulating liquids and gases 660
Simulating, night vision 463—465
Simulating, photographic film 440—441
Simulating, water see "water simulation"
Sine functions for grass simulation 112
Sine functions for water simulation 7
Single instruction, multiple data (SIMD) computation 652
Single scattering approximations 271
Single-image random-dot stereograms (SIRDSs) 713
Single-image stereograms (SISs) 711—713
Single-image stereograms (SISs), animated 717—719
Single-image stereograms (SISs), Cg fragment program for 719—720
Single-image stereograms (SISs), creating 713
Single-image stereograms (SISs), parameters for 713—715
Single-image stereograms (SISs), rendering for 715—717
Sink operators in filter networks 447
SIRDSs (single-image random-dot stereograms) 713
SISs see "single-image stereograms (SISs)"
Size, pipeline batches 479—480
Size, pyramidal grid apertures 700
Size, textures 483
Skeletons for skinning 70
Skin 45
Skin function 70—71
Skin, glow for 356
Skin, lighting for 47—50
Skin, lighting for fragment shaders in 58—61
Skin, lighting for implementing 51
Skin, lighting for vertex shaders in 52—58
Skin, response to light 50—51
Skin, shading 45—47
Skin, silhouette terms for 51 53—54
Skin, subsurface scattering for 50 264—266
Skin, summary 6l
Skinned meshes with shaders 614
Skinning accumulated matrix 71
Skinning in animation 69—72
Skinning in FX Composer 518
Skinning, skeletons for 70
SkinSilhouetteVec term 54—55 60
SkiriNormSideSpecMap term 59—60
Skybox rendering 485
Slab operations 653
Slice polygons 672 676—677 682—683
Slideback distance 220
Slow readback in GPU computation 633—634
smart pointers 510
Smoke animating 90—92
Smoke blending 94—95
Smoke generators 91—92
Smoke simulating 661
smoothstep function 576
Snells Law 32—34 36—37
soft shadow function 210
Soft shadows in omnidirectional shadow mapping 202—203
Soft shadows, occlusion interval maps for see "occlusion interval maps"
Sorted lists in per-pixel lighting 251
Sorted lists, binary searches on 631
Sorts bitonic merge 627—630
Sorts object 493—494
Source operators in filter networks 447
SourceOperator class 448 451
Sources of glows 347—349 351 359
Sources of lighting 221—223 552—553
Space basis vectors 23—24
Spatial bidirectional reflectance distribution function (SBRDF) 293
Spatial bidirectional reflectance distribution function (SBRDF), rendering using discrete lights 296—299
Spatial bidirectional reflectance distribution function (SBRDF), rendering using environment maps 298—305
Spatial bidirectional reflectance distribution function (SBRDF), representation of 294—296
Spatial bidirectional reflectance distribution function (SBRDF), summary 306
Spatial dimensions for occlusion interval maps 207—208
Specular function 178
Specular highlights 574
Specular lobes 294
Specular maps 48—49
Specular terms in shadow volume rendering l4l
Speed in high-quality filtering 391—392
Speed in wave functions 8
Speed of cinematic lighting 182
Speed of clock 475
Speed of fragment shaders 482—483
Speed of geometric waves 14
Speed of glow effects 349
Speed of texture waves 15—16
Spherical harmonic lighting 206
Spherical maps in Cinema4D 573
Spherical maps in high-quality software rendering 593
SpheroCam cameras 441
Splines in Noise function 75 77
Splinter Cell game 343
Spot lights 138 159
SpotLight structure 543
Sprites custom 97—99
Sprites for fire 96—99
Sprites for flames and smoke 90—92
Sprites, implementing 89—90
SPSOut structure 604
SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions) 72
Stable fluids method 639 644
Staggered grids 663
Stam, Jos, caustics computation by 34
Stam, Jos, fluid simulations by 639
Static kernels 404
Static objects, bounding boxes for 494—495
Statistical anomalies in Noise function 76
StdNormalizer interface 539—541
Steepness of waves 12—13
Stencil buffers 141—142 150—151
Stencil shadows in omnidirectional shadow maps 195
Stencil shadows in perspective shadow maps 237
StepHoriz value 394
StepVert value 394
Stereo photography 709—710
Stereograms 709
Stereograms, random-dot 710—711
Stereograms, sample application 721
Stereograms, single-image 711—713
Stereograms, single-image ,Cg fragment program for 719—720
Stereograms, single-image animated 717—719
Stereograms, single-image, creating 713
Stereograms, single-image, parameters for 713—715
Stereograms, single-image, rendering for 715—717
Stops in photography 429
Storing fire animation 94
Streaking of glow 359
stream processors 622—623
stream program 623
Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE) 72
streams 622
StretchRect function 348
Stripe function in high-quality filtering 407—408
Stripe function, balance in 411—412
Stripe texture 413—414
stripeJaggedPS function 407
stripePS function 409
stripes function 83
stripeTex function 413
stripeTexPS function 409
Strips in pipeline optimization 479
Strips in SISs 713 715—716
strokePS function 411—412
strokeTexPS function 413—414
Structures for effect files 606
Sublists 628
Subsurface scattering 46 263
Subsurface scattering in absorption simulation 266—272
Subsurface scattering in skin lighting 50 264—266
| Subsurface scattering, glow for 356
Subsurface scattering, simple approximations for 264—267
Subsurface scattering, summary 277
Subsurface scattering, texture-space diffusion in 272—277
Subsurface scattering, visual effects of 263—264
Sum of sines approximations for water simulation 7
Sum of sines approximations, geometric waves in 11—15
Sum of sines approximations, normals and tangents in 9—10
Sum of sines approximations, texture waves in 15—18
Sum of sines approximations, wave selection in 7—8
Sum of vectors in Navier — Stokes equations 644
Summary 664
Sun disk in caustics computations 35—36
Superellipses 170—171
SuperellipseShapingParams structure 177
Superquadrics 79
Surf aceParams structure 177
Surface maps 596
Surfaces and surface boundaries in fast fluid dynamics simulation 639 664
Surfaces and surface boundaries in high-quality software rendering 588
Surfaces and surface boundaries in image-based lighting 315
Surfaces and surface boundaries in water simulation 7
Surfaces and surface boundaries in wave functions 8
Surfaces and surface boundaries of texture waves 17
Surfaces and surface boundaries, normals and tangents in 9—10 59
SVertex structure 603 612
SVSOut structure 603—604
SwapBuffers function 493 501—502
Tangent vectors 127
Tangent-space basis vectors 23—24
Tangents and tangential components in accumulated matrix skinning 71
Tangents and tangential components in Cinema4D 571
Tangents and tangential components in high-quality software rendering 584 591
Tangents and tangential components in water simulation 9—10
Tangents and tangential components, morph 65—68
Tangents and tangential components, texture maps 588
tangentToWorld term in skin lighting 53
Targets, FX Composer audiences 506
Tasks panel in FX Composer 532
Technical considerations in texture bombing 331—332
Teem toolkit 675
Temperature in fast fluid dynamics simulation 660—661
Tessellation in edge-length filtering 21—22
Tessellation of proxy polygons 676
Tessendorf, Jerry 14
Testing burden in FX Composer 514
tex2D function in derivative functions 406
tex2D function in environment lighting 288
tex2D function in filter-width estimates 420 422
tex2D function in high-quality filtering 392
tex2D function in image-to-image conversions 395
tex2Dproj function 188 576
texbomb_2.cg program 332
texbomb_l.cg program 325
Texel size 235
texmapscale variable 188
texRECT function 401 404 559
texRECT_bicubic function 403—404
TEXSIZE dimension 15
Texture alpha channels 347
Texture bandwidth 476 483—484
Texture bombing 323—324
Texture bombing, adjacent cell images in 325—326
Texture bombing, cells in 324
Texture bombing, controlled variable density in 333
Texture bombing, efficiency issues in 332
Texture bombing, image priority in 326
Texture bombing, image sampling in 324—325
Texture bombing, procedural 3D bombing in 333—335
Texture bombing, procedural images in 326—329
Texture bombing, random image selection from multiple choices in 330—331
Texture bombing, scaling and rotating in 332—333
Texture bombing, summary 337
Texture bombing, technical considerations in 331—332
Texture bombing, time-varying textures in 335
Texture bombing, Voronoi-related cellular methods in 335—337
Texture compression 211
Texture coordinates 628
Texture coordinates for flames 92—93
Texture coordinates for glow 351—355
Texture coordinates for parallel reductions 625
Texture coordinates in ambient occlusion 288
Texture coordinates in Cinema4D 571
Texture coordinates in high-quality software rendering 584
Texture coordinates in perspective shadow maps 231—233
Texture coordinates in volume rendering 676
Texture coordinates in water simulation 22—23 27
Texture Filtering option 721
Texture formats avoiding 484
Texture formats for omnidirectional shadow mapping 198—199
texture function 392
Texture interface 546
Texture lookups in fragment program optimizations 559—560
Texture lookups in volume rendering 669
Texture maps for curves 367
Texture maps for filter-width estimates see "filter-width estimates"
Texture maps for glow 346
Texture maps in caustics computations 37
Texture maps in high-quality software rendering 586 588 591
Texture maps in SBRDF 296
Texture memory in SBRDF 296
Texture memory in sorts 629
Texture memory in volume rendering 690
Texture samples for glow 355
Texture samples in SBRDF 298
Texture space in subsurface scattering 272—277
Texture space in water simulation 7
Texture waves 15—18
Texture-based volume rendering 670—674
texturelD method 449
Textures for curves 366
Textures for glow 359
Textures for grass simulation 109
Textures for materials 545
Textures in absorption simulation 270
Textures in ambient occlusion 284
Textures in bicubic filter kernels 402—403
Textures in Cinema 4D 579
Textures in cinematic lighting 173
Textures in cube sampling noise 81—82
Textures in fast fluid dynamics simulation 650 652—653
Textures in fragment program optimizations 559
Textures in grayscale conversion 370
Textures in high-quality filtering 407—415
Textures in high-quality software rendering 588—593
Textures in Noise function 76—77
Textures in omnidirectional shadow mapping 198—199
Textures in perspective shadow maps 242
Textures in pipeline optimization 476 479 483—484
Textures in stereogram application 721
Textures in z-buffer depth of field 385
Textures panel 506 515 531—532
Textures, binding OpenEXR images to 431—432
Textures, complex functions in 482
Textures, variable stripe 413—414
Thompson William B. 463
three-dimensional items, arrays 674
Tools development FX Composer for 505—506
Top views for shadow volumes 140
Toroidal tiling 81
trace function 269
tracking objects 510
Transfer functions in ultrasound visualization 697
Transfer functions in volume rendering 669—675 678—679
Transfer time in sorts 629
Transformations fixed-function 477
Transformations for deformers 724—728
Translate movements in FX Composer 530
Translation deformers 724
Translucency in occlusion culling 493
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