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Fernando R. (ed.) — GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics |
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Ranges in focus 375
Ranges in photography 429
Ranges in ultrasound visualization 694—695
Ranges normalizing 454
Ranks for curves 366
Raster operations (ROP) in bottleneck identification 476
Raster operations (ROP) in pipelines 474—475
Rasterization bottlenecks 688—689
Ray theory vs. wave theory 125
Ray-quad tests 37
Ray-traced depth of field 378
Rays and ray tracing in caustics computations 33—36
Rays and ray tracing in occlusion interval maps 209
Rays and ray tracing in shadow volume rendering 160—161
rBeta parameter 655—656
RDSs (random-dot stereograms) 709—711
Reading OpenEXR images 431—433
Real-time environment lighting, ambient occlusion in 279—280
Real-time environment lighting, ambient occlusion in, hardware-accelerated 283—284
Real-time environment lighting, ambient occlusion in, preprocessing steps for 281—282
Real-time environment lighting, ambient occlusion in, rendering with 284—289
Real-time environment lighting, ambient occlusion in, summary 289—292
Real-time glow 343—347
Real-time glow for games 356—360
Real-time glow, convolution in 349—352
Real-time glow, hardware-specific implementations for 352—355
Real-time glow, rendering sources of 347—349
Real-time glow, summary 361
Real-time RenderMan conversions see "conversions"
Real-time shadows 137
Receivers, message 511—512
Reconstructions in volume rendering 669
Red color remapping 368—369
Red, green, blue, emerald (RGBE) color filters 404
Reflectance scaling 294
Reflected wave phase 126
Reflection maps 586
Reflection vectors 48
Reflections in cinematic lighting 172—173
Reflections in eye vectors 24—25
Reflections in skin lighting 50
Reflections of geometric waves 20
Reflections on water 21
Reflections, cube-mapped 307
reflectPS function 314—315
reflectVS function 313
Refractions in caustics computations 32—34
Refractions on water 31
Regions in focus 375
Regions in shadow map antialiasing 186
RegisterNVObjects function 507
Rejection sampling in ambient occlusion 282
Release method 507
Remapping color channels 366
Render panel 515
Render style for glow 356
Render window 506
Render-to-texture (RTT) operations copies 652
Render-to-texture (RTT) operations on GPU 351
renderBegin method 449 457
Rendered texture maps 346
renderEnd method 449 457
Renderer contexts 356 608—609
Rendering front to back 484—485
Rendering glows, contexts for 356
Rendering glows, convolution in 349—352
Rendering glows, sources of 347—349
Rendering high resolution 497
Rendering in omnidirectional shadow mapping 199—200
Rendering multipass 141—144 196 553
Rendering shadow volume see "shadow volume rendering"
Rendering with ambient occlusion maps 284—289
Rendering, occlusion interval maps 209—211
Rendering, OpenEXR images 433—438
Rendering, ping-pong 239
Rendering, procedural 687—688
Rendering, SBRDF using discrete lights 296—299
Rendering, SBRDF using environment maps 298—305
Rendering, volume rendering see "volume rendering techniques"
RenderMan for high-quality filtering 392
RenderMan, shader conversions to real-time see conversions
renderShadowCaps function 154
renderShadowSides function 156 158
Resampling in volume rendering 675
Rescaling in bump-environment mapping 24
Reshape method 452
Resizing in image-to-image conversions 392
Resolution color, half format for 429
Resolution in fragment shading 476
Resolution-independent noise 84
Resources for omnidirectional shadow mapping 199
Resources in Direct3D 515
Resources locking 478—479
Result maps in single-image stereograms 716—717
Retrieving image data 449
Reverse-mapped z-buffer depth of field 383—388
REYES rendering engines 186
RGB color for curves 368
RGB color for glow sources 347
RGB color for screen-aligned filter kernels 405
RGB color in water simulation 21
RGB color, conversions with CIE 371
RGBA textures 198
RgbalnputFile class 431
RGBE (red, green, blue, emerald) color filters 404
Rigid meshes 614
rim lighting 46
Rise vectors 207—209
RLE compression 431
Roll in wave simulation 10
ROP (raster operations) in bottleneck identification 476
ROP (raster operations) in pipelines 474—475
Rotate movements in FX Composer 530
Rotating in bump-environment mapping 24
Rotating in texture bombing 332—333
Rotating of texture waves 18
Rotating, color cube 371
Rough bounding volumes 227
Rounding for glow 358
RTT (render-to-texture) operations on GPU 351
RTT (render-to-texture) operations, copies 652
Runge-Kutta methods 647
Runtime processing in water simulation 23—28
s function for SBRDF 301
samplerRECT data 401 440
Sampling in ambient occlusion 282
Sampling in caustics computations 34—35
Sampling in real-time glow 350
Sampling in SBRDF 298
Sampling in shadow map antialiasing 188—191
Sampling in texture bombing 324—325
Sampling in volume rendering 670 672 679
Sampling, noise in 80—82
saturate function 210 556
Saturation in color-space conversions 371—372
Sawtooth patterns for texture waves 15
SBRDF (spatial bidirectional reflectance distribution function) 293
SBRDF (spatial bidirectional reflectance distribution function), rendering using discrete lights 296—299
SBRDF (spatial bidirectional reflectance distribution function), representation of 294—296
SBRDF (spatial bidirectional reflectance distribution function), summary 306
SBRDF (spatial bidirectional reflectance distribution function),rendering using environment maps 298—305
Scalar fields in fast fluid dynamics simulation 643 663
Scalar fields in Navier — Stokes equations 645
Scalar functions for deformers 724
Scale movements in FX Composer 530
Scaling in accumulated matrix skinning 71
Scaling in bump-environment mapping parameters 24
Scaling in circle of confusion 377
Scaling in color-space conversions 372
Scaling in fast fluid dynamics simulation 659
| Scaling in filter-width estimates 424
Scaling in morph targets 68
Scaling in texture bombing 324 330 332—333 335
Scaling in texture waves 17—18
Scaling in water simulation 27
Scanners in ultrasound visualization 699
Scattering in volume rendering 684
Scattering, subsurface see "subsurface scattering"
Scene Graph panel in FX Composer 524—525
Scene information for FX Composer 517—518
Scene information for shaders 608—610
Scene panel in FX Composer 530—531
Schlick, Christophe 316
Scientific applications, volume rendering for 667
Scissor rectangles in per-pixel lighting 255
scope of variables 605
Scope of water simulation 5—7
Scotopic vision 463
ScotopicFilter filter 463—466
Screen glow fog 357—360
Screen-aligned filter kernels 404—405
Screen-aligned geometry 351
screenWindowCenter attribute 430
screenWindowWidth attribute 430
Search function 631—632
Searches, binary 630—633
SearchFinal function 633
Second realization in Navier — Stokes equations 645—646
Second-order discontinuities 78
Seidel, H. 165
Selection in cinematic lighting 170
Selection in texture bombing 330—331
Self-advection 642
Self-Illumination 574
Self-shadows 680
Semantics in effect files 605
Semantics in FX Composer connection parameters 511
Semantics in shaders 610
Senders, message 511—512
Separable convolution 349—350
Separable filters 461
Sequential vertex data access 480
Serial processing 622
setCgParameters method 459—460 462
setlmagePosition method 452
Sets for visibility 248—254
setsize method 450
setSourceOperator method 448
SetTextureStageState function 355
setVertexParam function 148
setZoomFactor method 452
shadeops function 565
Shader interfaces 537—538
Shader interfaces for lighting 542—545
Shader interfaces for material trees 545—549
Shader interfaces, basics of 539—541
Shader interfaces, summary 549—550
Shader Perf panel 515 527—528
ShaderManager class 448 459
Shaders and shading for ambient occlusion 287—288
Shaders and shading for eye vectors 26
Shaders and shading for fire 104—105
Shaders and shading for skin 45—47 53 58—61
Shaders and shading in bottleneck identification 476—477
Shaders and shading in Cinema4D 572—573 579
Shaders and shading in depth of field 382
Shaders and shading in image-based lighting 314—316
Shaders and shading in texture-space diffusion 272
Shaders and shading, derivatives in 418—420
Shaders and shading, fragment 476—477 482—483
Shaders and shading, FX Composer for see "FX Composer"
Shaders and shading, in omnidirectional shadow mapping 202
Shaders and shading, in pipelines 474 483
Shaders and shading, inheritance with 615
Shaders and shading, integrating into applications 601—602
Shaders and shading, integrating into applications, context in 608—609 612—613
Shaders and shading, integrating into applications, data types in 607—609
Shaders and shading, integrating into applications, effects files in 602—606 613—615
Shaders and shading, integrating into applications, languages in 602—605
Shaders and shading, integrating into applications, material parameters 610—611
Shaders and shading, integrating into applications, scene information in 609—610
Shaders and shading, integrating into applications, semantics in 610
Shaders and shading, integrating into applications, summary 615
Shaders and shading, integrating into applications, vertex format in 611—612
Shaders and shading, pixel see "pixel shaders"
Shaders and shading, RenderMan, converting to real-time see "conversions"
Shaders and shading, speeding up 482—483
Shaders and shading, vertex see "vertex shaders"
ShadeSkin function 266
Shading points, diffuse reflection coefficient at 547
ShadingRate parameter 555
Shadow maps for glow 355
Shadow maps for light 543
Shadow maps in ambient occlusion 283
Shadow maps in Cinema4D 573
Shadow maps in cinematic lighting 173
Shadow maps perspective see "perspective shadow maps"
Shadow maps, antialiasing 185
Shadow maps, antialiasing, brute-force implementation 187—188
Shadow maps, antialiasing, operation of 189—192
Shadow maps, antialiasing, percentage-closer filtering in 186—187
Shadow maps, antialiasing, samples in 188—191
Shadow maps, antialiasing, summary 192
Shadow maps, omnidirectional see "omnidirectional shadow mapping"
Shadow quads 155
Shadow sets 249 251—254
Shadow volume rendering 137—138
Shadow volume rendering, clipping in 145—146 162—163
Shadow volume rendering, code for 151
Shadow volume rendering, culling in 159
Shadow volume rendering, debugging in 157—158
Shadow volume rendering, directional lights in 158
Shadow volume rendering, fill-rate optimizations for 162—165
Shadow volume rendering, findBackfaces method for 153
Shadow volume rendering, finite volumes in 162
Shadow volume rendering, future of 165—166
Shadow volume rendering, geometry optimizations for 158—161
Shadow volume rendering, light and dark caps for 153—154
Shadow volume rendering, markshadows method for 151—152
Shadow volume rendering, math in 148—151
Shadow volume rendering, multipass 141—144
Shadow volume rendering, point lights and spot lights in 159
Shadow volume rendering, program structure for 141—144
Shadow volume rendering, sides in 150 155—157
Shadow volume rendering, uncapped performance in 160—161
Shadow volume rendering, uses for 138—140
Shadow volume rendering, vertex buffer structure in 144—145
Shadow volume rendering, working at infinity in 145—148
Shadow volume rendering, z-bounds in 163—165
shadow volume. See shadow volume rendering summary 690
Shadow-casting boxes 148
Shadows in cinematic lighting 171—173
Shadows in image-based lighting 317—318
Shadows in omnidirectional shadow mapping 200—203
Shadows in per-pixel lighting 246
Shadows in volume rendering 685
Shadows, occlusion interval maps for see "occlusion interval maps"
Shadows, techniques for 49
Shape plug-ins 518 530
Shaping in cinematic lighting 170—171
Sharpening in image-to-image conversions 392
Shimmer heat 101—102
Shimmer with glow 349
Sides in shadow volume rendering 150 155—157
SIGGRAPH publications 47
Sigma for Gaussian blur 460
Silhouettes and silhouette edges for shadow volumes 141 144 150 155 165
Silhouettes and silhouette edges in per-pixel lighting 253—254
Silhouettes and silhouette edges in skin lighting 51 53—54
SIMD (single instruction, multiple data) computation 652
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