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Fernando R. (ed.) — GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics
Fernando R. (ed.) — GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics

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Íàçâàíèå: GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics

Àâòîð: Fernando R. (ed.)

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü áåç íîìåðîâ ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 784

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.11.2013

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
FX Composer (continued) for tools development      505—506
FX Composer (continued), fxcomposer file      512—513
FX Composer (continued), objects for      506—509
FX Composer (continued), panels in Editor window      525—527
FX Composer (continued), panels in Log      533
FX Composer (continued), panels in Materials      523—524
FX Composer (continued), panels in Properties      528—530
FX Composer (continued), panels in Scene      530—531
FX Composer (continued), panels in Scene Graph      524—525
FX Composer (continued), panels in Shader Perf      527—528
FX Composer (continued), panels in Tasks      532
FX Composer (continued), panels in Textures      531—532
FX Composer (continued), sample project      533—535
FX Composer (continued), scene management for      517—518
FX Composer (continued), starting      521—523
FX Composer (continued), summary      518 535
FX Composer (continued), user interface      514
FX Composer, Direct3D graphics implementation      515—516
FX Composer, file formats in      512—513
FX Composer, geometry pipes in      517—518
FX Composer, ID3DXEffect for      516—517
FX Composer, initial features and target audiences for      506
FX Composer, interface approach for      509—512
Galileo's romb      286
Gamasutra paper      34
Games, effects for      356—360
Games, real-time shadow , for      137
Gamma for channel-based color correction      365
Gamma for OpenEXR images      438—440
Gas station      205—206 213
Gases, simulating      660
Gauss function      462
GaussFilter class      460—461
Gaussian filters for night vision      465
Gaussian filters implementing      460—464
Gaussian filters in real-time glow      350
gem_proc_2.cg program      327—328 332
Generate Stereogram option      721
GenerateSkinLUT function      265—266
Geometric waves      11—15 20
Geometry for glow      351—352 357
Geometry in FX Composer      517—518 530
Geometry in high-quality software rendering      584 588
Geometry in omnidirectional shadow mapping      198
Geometry in volume rendering      158—161 670 672 676—677 689—690
GeoPipe objects      525
Geri's Game film      173—175
Gerstner waves      12—14
GetFileExtension method      507
GetNumFileExtensions method      507
GetSYSInterface function      508
Ghosting in ray-traced depth of field      378
GIFloatPbuf fer class      434
glBegin function      459—460
glBlendFunc function      142
glCopyTexSubImage2D function      715
glDepthBoundsEXT function      163—164
glDepthFunc function      142
glDrawElements function      153
glFrustum function      146—147
Global illumination model      442
global scope      605
globally unique identifiers (GUIDs)      507—508
Glow      343—347
Glow for fire      99—101
Glow for games      356—360
Glow rendering context      356
Glow, convolution in      349—352 355
Glow, hardware-specific implementations for      352—355
Glow, rendering sources of      347—349
Glow, summary      361
glScissor function      162
glStencilMask function      157
glTexGen function      700—701
glTexImage2D function      422
glTexImage3D function      696
GL_ALWAYS_PASS value      157
GL_ARB_f ragment program extension      721
GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE function      697
GL_CLAMP__TO_JBORDER_ARB function      697
GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA function      697
gnFormatRGBA      457
God rays      44
Gonioreflectometers      371
Gouraud fill      602
Gouraud interpolation      568
Gouraud shading      47 54
GPU clocks      475
GPU derivatives      405—406
GPUs and pipelines      473 479 489
GPUs computation on      see "computation on GPUs"
GPUs for deformers      725—728
GPUs, convolution on      351—352
Gradient function      657
Gradients for curves      367
Gradients in fast fluid dynamics simulation      642—643 645
Gradients in Noise function      75—80
Gradients in volume rendering      675
Gradients of scalar fields      645
Gradients of wave functions      41
gradients ofp      656
gradwave function      42
Grain for fire      101 103
Granularity in Noise function      76
Graphics cards      578
Graphics-API antialiasing      414—415
Grass simulation      107—108
Grass simulation, animation for      111—112
Grass simulation, animation for per cluster      113—115
Grass simulation, animation for per grass object      117—119
Grass simulation, animation for per vertex      115—117
Grass simulation, object preparation for      108—111
Grass simulation, summary      120
Grass simulation, texture for      109
Grating, diffraction      124—125
Gravitational pull in fast fluid dynamics      661
Gray patches for gamma      439
Gray ramps for curves      367—368
Grayscale conversion      369—370
Grayscale data in filter kernels      394—397
Grayscale data, stripe coverage for      409
Grayscale helper textures      397
Green color remapping      368—369
Green, Simon      401
Grids in fast fluid dynamics simulation      639—641 658 663
Grids in Navier — Stokes equations      644
Grids in ultrasound visualization      694 696—698
Grids in volume rendering      696—705
Gritz, Larry      167 175
Ground planes      148
GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers)      507—508
Half format      428—429
Half type      454
Halos of light      see "glow"
Hardware Profiles      417
Hardware shading into Cinema4D      567—569
Hardware shading into Cinema4D, Cinema4D to CgFX connections in      570—571
Hardware shading into Cinema4D, lessons learned in      578—579
Hardware shading into Cinema4D, offline renderer emulation in      573—577
Hardware shading into Cinema4D, results and performance in      577—578
Hardware shading into Cinema4D, shader and parameter management in      572—573
Hardware-accelerated ambient occlusion      283—284
Hardware-specific glow implementations      352—355
Hashing of gradients      75—76
HDR (high-dynamic-range) environments lighting in      47—49
HDR (high-dynamic-range) environments maps for      290
HDR (high-dynamic-range) images, creating and using      441—443
HDR (high-dynamic-range) images, OpenEXR      425—428
HDRShop program for HDR images      441
HDRShop program for high-dynamic-range environments      48
HDRShop program for image-based lighting      317
Headers in OpenEXR      430
Heat shimmer      101—102
Height function      9 450
Height in images      450
Height in water simulation      7—9 19—21
Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition      644—645
Hermite splines      75
Hierarchy class      570
High-dvnamic-range (HDR) images, creating and using      441—443
High-dvnamic-range (HDR) images, OpenEXR      425—428
High-dynamic-range (HDR) environments, lighting in      47—49
High-dynamic-range (HDR) environments, maps for      290
High-frequency features in cube sampling noise      81—82
High-frequency features in glow sources      348
High-frequency features in volume rendering      688
High-level languages for caustics      38—44
High-level languages for morph targets      65—67
High-quality filtering, antialiasing and texturing in      407—415
High-quality filtering, filter kernel bicubic      399—404
High-quality filtering, filter kernel constant      397—399
High-quality filtering, filter kernel, grayscale data in      394—397
High-quality filtering, filter kernel, screen-aligned      404—405
High-quality filtering, filter kernel, user-defined      393—394
High-quality filtering, filter kernels      392
High-quality filtering, GPU derivatives for      405—406
High-quality filtering, quality vs speed in      391—392
High-quality filtering, summary      415
High-quality software rendering      581—582
High-quality software rendering, attribute maps in      584—587
High-quality software rendering, component generation in      587
High-quality software rendering, content pipeline in      582—583
High-quality software rendering, geometry in      584 588
High-quality software rendering, summary      598
High-quality software rendering, test case and results in      593—598
High-quality software rendering, textures and vertices in      588—593
High-resolution rendering      497
Histograms      675—676 678
HLSL (High-Level Shading Language) for high-quality filtering      392
HLSL (High-Level Shading Language), language for caustics      38
Holes in absorption simulation      267
Homogeneous coordinates      145
Homogeneous fluids      641
Horizon maps      206
Horizontal blur texture      351
HP_occlusion_test extension      488
Hue in cinematic lighting      172
Hughes, John      165
Hughesuman eye in dark environments      463
IBL (image-based lighting)      see "image-based lighting (IBL)"
ICFXEffeet interface      572
ICgFXEffeet interface      570
ID3DXEffect interface      516—517
ID3DXEffectCompiler interface      5l6
IEEE 754 floating-point specification      428
ifdef preprocessor      538
Illuminance statement      552
Illuminate function      543
Illumination in per-pixel lighting      248—249 251
Illumination in volume rendering      675 679—680
IlluminationModel function      169
Image buffers      625
Image class      447 449—450 454—458
Image method      448 458
image-based      see "image-based lighting (IBL)"
Image-based for OpenEXR images      440
Image-based for perspective shadow maps      233
Image-based for skin      47—50
Image-based for skin, fragment shaders in      58—61
Image-based for skin, implementing      51
Image-based for skin, vertex shaders in      52—58
Image-based in omnidirectional shadow mapping      200—201
Image-based in vertex programs      556
Image-based in volume rendering      682—687
Image-based lighting (IBL)      307
Image-based lighting (IBL), diffuse      317
Image-based lighting (IBL), fragment shaders for      314—316
Image-based lighting (IBL), localized cube maps as backgrounds in      318—320
Image-based lighting (IBL), localizing      307—311
Image-based lighting (IBL), shadows in      317—318
Image-based lighting (IBL), summary      320
Image-based lighting (IBL), vertex shaders for      312—313 320
Image-based, Materials panel for      524
Image-based, parameters for      554
Image-based, per-pixel      see "per-pixel lighting"
Image-based, shader interfaces for      542—545
Image-based, shadow volume rendering      see "shadow volume rendering"
Image-based, skin response to      50—51
Image-based, sources of      552—553
Image-space shadow algorithms      218
Image-to-image conversions, kernels for      392
Image-to-image conversions, kernels for, bicubic      399—404
Image-to-image conversions, kernels for, constant      397—399
Image-to-image conversions, kernels for, grayscale data in      394—397
Image-to-image conversions, kernels for, screen-aligned      404—405
Image-to-image conversions, kernels for, user-defined      393—394
ImageFilter class      448—449 458—460
imagePositionX method      451
imagePositionY method      451
Images, in texture bombing      324—326
Images, in volume rendering      670
Images, OpenEXR formats for      see "OpenEXR images"
Images, processing framework for      see "framework for image processing"
ImageTexture structure      547
ImageView class      451—453
Implicit methods in Navier — Stokes equations      647
Implicit texture coordinates      27
ImportScene method      507
In compositing operation      437
In-focus range      375
In-phase waves      125—126
Incidence radiance in SBRDE      300
Incident directions in SBRDF      294
Incident light in ambient occlusion      281
Incident light in high-dynamic-range environments      49
Include directive      613
Incompressible flow, Navier — Stokes equations for      641—642
Independenr computations      624
Independent textures      366
Index fetching in bottleneck identification      478
Index fetching in pipelines      474
Index of refraction (IOR)      32—33
Indexed vertex arrays      570
Indices in pipeline performance      480
Indices in shadow volume rendering      153—154 158
Infinite perspective      145—148
Infrared light waves      124
Inheritance with shaders      615
Initial features and conditions in FX Composer      506
Initial features and conditions in Navier — Stokes equations      650
Initialize stage in volume rendering      670—672
Input Levels values in color correction      364
Input-output mapping of color channels      366
Integer 32-bit RGBA textures      197—198
Integration techniques in Navier — Stokes equations      644
Intellisense      525
Intensity in channel-based color correction      365
Intensity in cinematic lighting      170
Interface keyword      539
Interface, FX Composer      509—512 514
Interference, wave      125—126
Interior fragments      653
Interpolation in Cinema4D      568
Interpolation in cube sampling noise      81
Interpolation in fast fluid dynamics simulation      655
Interpolation in fragment programs      558 655
Interpolation in Noise function      78
Interpolation in vertex programs      556
Interpolation in volume rendering      670 672 675 690
Interpolation in z-buffer depth of field      386—387
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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