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Fernando R. (ed.) — GPU gems: programming techniques, tips, and tricks for real-time graphics |
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Interpolators in FX Composer 511
Intersections in shadow volume rendering 150
Interval maps, occlusion see "occlusion interval maps"
INVClone interface 510
INVCreator interface 508
Inverse light sources 221—223
Inverse of Jacobian matrices 729
Inverse transposes 728
Invert depth in single-image stereograms 715
Invert depth in stereogram application 721
INVImportScene class 507
Invisibility of objects 493
Invisible buffers 453—454
INVMessageReceiver interface 512
INVMessageSender interface 512
INVObject interface 507
INVObjectPtr interface 509
INVProperties interface 509 511
INVPropertiesPtr interface 509
INVScript interface 510
INVUnitTest interface 514
INVXMLStreamable interfaceInvert depth 510
IOR (index of refraction) 32—33
iPIX software 47—48
Irradiance maps 355
Islands in high-quality software rendering 589
Isotropic filters 419
Isotropic signals 73
ITU-R BT.601 standard 405
jack-o'-lanterns, shadows for 138—139
Jacobi iterations in fast fluid dynamics simulation 655—656 660
Jacobi iterations in Navier — Stokes equations 649—650
Jacobian matrices for deformers 727—732
jaggies in fire 101
jaggies in shadow maps 185
James, Greg 277
Jitter in ray-traced depth of field 378
Julesz, Bela 709
Kajiya-Kay hair-shading model 559
Kernel weights for glow 352
kernels 622
Kernels bicubic 399—404
Kernels constant 397—399
Kernels, grayscale data in 394—397
Kernels, screen-aligned 404—405
Kernels, user-defined 393—394
Lafortune representation 294—295 299—300
Lambertian contributions 317
Landis, Hayden 280
Laplacian operators in fast fluid dynamics simulation 642—643
Laplacian operators in Navier — Stokes equations 648
Lat-long maps 286
latlong function 288—289
Layered depth of field 379—380
Layers for flames 97—98
Layers in z-buffer depth of field 388
Lens flares, glow for 356
Lens flares, occlusion culling for 499—503
Lenses in focus 375—376
lerp function 148
Levels in color correction 364—365
Levels of detail (LODs) in texture bandwidth 476
Levels of detail (LODs) in texture bombing 331
Levels of detail (LODs), vertex-processing 481
lifetime, object 510
Light buffers 682—686
Light cameras 225—233
Light caps 150 153—154
Light interface 543—544
light meters 439
Light reflections and refractions on water 31
Light rigs 592
lighting 552
Lighting for gamers 137
Lighting with frustums 251—254
Lighting, ambient occlusion see "ambient occlusion"
Lighting, cinematic see "cinematic lighting"
Lighting, diffraction see "diffraction"
LightParams structure 177
lightPos property 528
LightRadius semantic 605
Limited outputs in GPU computations 633
Line-plane intercepts 40—42
Linear filters 331
Linear pixel values 438—441
Linear shading 54
Linear transformations 724—728
lineOrder attribute 430
Liquids, simulating 660
load balancing 622
Loading images 451—452
LoadOperator class 451
loadVertexProgram function 148
Lobes in SBRDF 294—296
Local forces in Navier — Stokes equations 642
Localized cube maps as backgrounds 318—320
Localizing image-based lighting 307—311
Locking resources 478—479
LODs (levels of detail) in texture bandwidth 476
LODs (levels of detail) in texture bombing 331
LODs (levels of detail), vertex-processing 481
Log panel in FX Composer 533
Lookup function 441
Lookup tables in photographic film simulation 440—441
Lookup tables in pipeline optimization 480
Lookup tables in volume rendering 669 689—690
Loop bodies in fast fluid dynamics simulation 650—651
Looping of Gerstner waves 14
Lossless file compression 431
Low-frequency features for glow sources 348
Low-frequency features in cube sampling noise 81—82
Low-polygon skyboxes 475
Low-resolution model in high-quality software rendering 591 593
Luminance for gamma 439
Luminance in stripe function 411—412
Lumpy noise patterns 83
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 693—694
Magnitude in shadow volume rendering 146
mainPS function 575—576
MakeStripe function 413—414
Maps and mapping in absorption simulation 266—272
Maps and mapping in Cinema 4D 573
Maps and mapping in cinematic lighting 173
Maps and mapping in color correction 366 368—369
Maps and mapping in functional programming languages 623
Maps and mapping in glow 355
Maps and mapping in GPUs 624
Maps and mapping in grayscale conversion 370
Maps and mapping in HDR environments 48—49
Maps and mapping in HDR images 442—443
Maps and mapping in high-quality software rendering 586 588
Maps and mapping in high-quality software rendering, attribute 596
Maps and mapping in high-quality software rendering, cubic 592
Maps and mapping in high-quality software rendering, normal 593 596
Maps and mapping in high-quality software rendering, spherical 593
Maps and mapping in high-quality software rendering, surface 596
Maps and mapping in high-quality software rendering, texture 591 593
Maps and mapping in lighting 49 51 253
Maps and mapping in SBRDF rendering 298—305
Maps and mapping in SISs 714 716—717
Maps and mapping in texture-space diffusion 273 277
Maps and mapping in water simulation 23—27
Maps and mapping normal in high-quality software rendering 593 596
Maps and mapping normal in texture waves 16
Maps and mapping normal in water simulation 7
Maps and mapping occlusion interval see "occlusion interval"
Maps and mapping texture see texture maps
Maps and mapping, context 612—613
Maps and mapping, environment 286—287 298—305
Maps and mapping, shadow see shadow maps
| Maps and mapping, tone 443 454 625
Maps rainbow 127 130—131
Marble patterns 83
Mark shadows step in shadow volume rendering 143 148 151—152
markShadows method 148 151—152
Masks for glow sources 347
Material panel 515
Material trees 545—549
Materials for shaders 608 610—611
Materials panel 506 523—524 546
Materials, Textures panel for 531—532
Math in deformers 724—725
Math in SBRDF 299—302
Math in shadow volume rendering 148—151
Matrix skinning 71
max function 210—211
Maximize batch size in pipeline optimization 479—480
Maya for animation 64
McCool, Michael 165
MEDIA directory 521
memory leaks 510
mental ray 594
Merge sorts 627—630
Mesh animation 63—65
Mesh plug-ins 518
Meshes for deformers 729
Meshes for shadow volumes 139 155
Meshes in high-quality software rendering 584 593
Meshes with shaders 614
MeshMender object 525
Message senders and receivers 511—512
MFC extension library 514
Midground in focus 375
Midpoint method 647
Minification filters 331
Mip-level biases 385
Mipmaps in ambient occlusion 288
Mipmaps in caustics computations 43
Mipmaps in filter-width estimates 421—422
Mipmaps in pipeline performance 484
Mipmaps in texture bombing 330—331
Mitchell-Netravali filters 401—402
Model-view-controller patterns 447
ModelViewProj variable 701
Monitor gamma 438—440
Monsters, Inc. film 168—169
Monte Carlo sampling in ambient occlusion 282
Monte Carlo sampling in caustics computations 34—35
Morph targets in animation, high-level languages for 65—67
Morph targets in animation, implementation 67—68
Motion blur 442
Mounier, Michael 165
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) 693—694
Multichannel color correction and conversion 368—369
Multichannel color correction and conversion, color-space 370—372
Multichannel color correction and conversion, grayscale 369—370
Multidimensional transfer functions 675
Multipass rendering for lighting 553
Multipass rendering for omnidirectional shadow mapping 196
Multipass rendering for shadow volumes 141—144
Multiple choices in texture bombing 330—331
Multiple images per cell in texture bombing 327—328
Multiple lights, shader interfaces for 542—545
Multiple-sample antialiasing 415
Multitexturing 233
Multithreading 570
Nabla operaror 642—643
Names for variables 605 609—610
Names in FX Composer connection parameters 511
Navier — Stokes equations first realization in 645
Navier — Stokes equations for choppiness effect 14
Navier — Stokes equations for incompressible flow 641—642
Navier — Stokes equations, advection in 642 646—648
Navier — Stokes equations, Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition in 644—645
Navier — Stokes equations, initial and boundary conditions in 650
Navier — Stokes equations, Poisson equations in 645 649—650
Navier — Stokes equations, second realization in 645—646
Navier — Stokes equations, solving 644—650
Navier — Stokes equations, vector calculus for 642—644
Navier — Stokes equations, viscous diffusion in 648—649
Navier — Stokes equations, voxel-based solutions for 5
NEAREST filters 331
Negative weights for bicubic filter kernels 400
Neighbor-sample placement for glow 352
Neumann boundary conditions 650
Night vision 463—465
NightFilter operator 463
Ninja model 189—192
No-ops in vertex processing 477
No-slip conditions in fast fluid dynamics simulation 658
No-slip conditions in Navier — Stokes equations 650
Noise and Noise function in pixel shaders 80—82
Noise and Noise function in ray-traced depth of field 378
Noise and Noise function in volume rendering 688—689
Noise and Noise function in z-buffer depth of field 387
Noise and Noise function, bumps and neighboring vertices for 82—83
Noise and Noise function, improvements in 78—80
Noise and Noise function, original implementation 74—77
Noise and Noise function, summary 84
Non-power-of-two (NPOT) textures 454
Nonverbal cues 46
Nonzero divergence in Navier — Stokes equations 645
Normal maps in high-quality software rendering 584—587 593 596
Normal maps in texture waves 16
Normal maps in water simulation 7
Normalization in pipeline performance 482
Normalization in shader interfaces 539—540
Normalization of dynamic ranges 454
normalize function 539
Normalized vectors 11
Normalizer interface 539
Normals deformer 726—728 732
Normals for texture waves 17
Normals in accumulated matrix skinning 71
Normals in ambient occlusion 283—284
Normals in glow 356
Normals in high-quality software rendering 584
Normals in water simulation 9—10
nPixelFormat variable 456
NPOT (non-power-of-two) textures 454
nrm function 539
Number of lights in ambient occlusion 283
Number of Strips option 721
NVIDIA Developer Web site 165
NVIDIA hardware for floating-point numbers 454
NVIDIA hardware for omnidirectional shadow mapping 195
NVPerfHUD tool 483
NVTriStrip tool 481
NV_occlusion_query extension 488
NV_texture_rectangle extension 454 459
Nyquist theorem 21
Object factories 508
Object translations 530
Object-space shadow algorithms 217
ObjectIDs in XML 513
Objects in FX Composer 506—510
Objects in high-quality software rendering 591
Objects, invisibility of 493
Objects, sorting 493—494
Occlusion culling 487
Occlusion culling for lens flares 499—503
Occlusion culling, bounding boxes in 493—496
Occlusion culling, CPU overhead in 496—497
Occlusion culling, fast depth-writing performance in 497—498
Occlusion culling, frustum culling in 498
Occlusion culling, high-resolution rendering in 497
Occlusion culling, occluders vs. occludees in 491—492
Occlusion culling, polygons in 498
Occlusion culling, sorting objects in 493—494
Occlusion culling, summary 503
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