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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
126006 Menon G.I., Barma M., Dhar D. Conservation Laws and Integrability of a One-Dimensional Model of Diffusing Dimers 1997
126005 Reichl L. E. A Delta-Kicked Brownian Rotor 1993
126004 Hewlett-Packard HP Color LaserJet CM6030, CM6040 MFP Series Service Manual 2008
126003 Steven A. Adelman Some Concepts in Condensed Phase Chemical Kinetics 1985
126002 Pierre L., Giamarchi T., Schulz H.J. A New Random-Number Generator for Multispin Monte Carlo Algorithms 1987
126001 Future Contributions to Journal of Statisth:al Physics 1994
126000 Barkai E., Fleurov V. Stochastic One-Dimensional Lorentz Gas on a Lattice 1999
125999 Gallavotti G. Chaotic Principle: Some Applications to Developed Turbulence 1997
125998 Malek Mansour M., Dethier J., Baras F. Microscopic Simulation of Limit Cycle Behavior in Spatially Extended Systems 2000
125997 Charles A. H. Introduction To Electromagnetic Fields And Waves 1967
125996 Herbert Spohn Fluctuations Around the Boltzmann Equation 1981
125995 Hubner R., Hoye J.S., Olaussen K. A Case Study of the MSA Approach to Quantized Polarizable Media 1986
125994 Book Review: The Quantum Statistics of Dynamic Processes 1991
125993 Jonathan C. Mattingly, Toufic M. Suidan The Small Scales of the Stochastic Navier–Stokes Equations Under Rough Forcing 2004
125992 Garanin D.A. The 1/D Expansion for Low-Dimensional Classical Magnets 1994
125991 Book Review: Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemhtry 1993
125990 Collet P., Eckmann J.-P. Dynamics of Triangulations 2005
125989 Bolshakov I.A., Gelbukh A. Computational linguistics Models, Resources, Applications 2004
125988 Rubin R.J. One-Dimensional Non-Nearest-Neighbor Random Walks in the Presence of Traps 1991
125987 van Beijeren H. Fluctuations in the Motions of Mass and of Patterns in One-Dimensional Driven Diffusive Systems 1990
125986 Carlon E., Igloi F., Selke W. Interfacial Adsorption in Two-Dimensional Potts Models 1999
125985 Brian R. La Cour, William C. Schieve Macroscopic Determinism in Interacting Systems Using Large Deviation Theory 2001
125984 Eleventh West Coast Statistical Mechanics Conference 1985
125983 Bouchet F., Barre J. Classification of Phase Transitions and Ensemble Inequivalence, in Systems with Long Range Interactions 2004
125982 Announsement Elliott W. Montroll Memorial Symposium May 3-4, 1984 1984
125981 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1990
125980 CECAM Workshop on Applications of the Random Sequential Addition Process, Orsay, France, June 14-25, 1993 1994
125979 Fernando Perez J., Wreszinski W. F. Phase Transitions and Reflection Positivity for a Class of Quantum Lattice Systems 1981
125978 Varlamov A.A., Balestrino G., Milani E. The Role of Density of States Fluctuations in the Normal State Properties of Higt Tc Superconductors n/a
125977 Di Caprio D., Badiali J.P., Russier V. Properties of the n-Body Correlation Functions near the Liquid-Gas Critical Point. Correlation Inequalities 1994
125976 Welford W.T., Winston R. The Ellipsoid Paradox in Thermodynamics 1982
125975 Addendum: Noise-Induced Order, K. Matsumoto and I. Tsuda, J. Stat. Phys. 31:87 (1983) 1983
125974 De Masi A., Ferrari P. A., Ianiro N. Small Deviations from Local Equilibrium for a Process Which Exhibits Hydrodynamical Behavior. II 1982
125973 Lebowitz J.L. (ed.) Editor's Preface 1985
125972 Philip K. Rawlings Modes of a Gaussian Random Walk 2002
125971 Charles L. Epstein Anderson Localization, Non-linearity and Stable Genetic Diversity ∗ 2006
125970 Gerard E. Electricity and Magnetism 1897
125969 le Bellac M., Mortessague F., Batrouni G.G. Book Review: Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Statistical Thermodynamics 2004
125968 Adriano Barra Irreducible Free Energy Expansion and Overlaps Locking in Mean Field Spin Glasses 2005
125967 Dhara A.K., Banerjee S.R. New Characterization of Stochastic Resonance in Bistable Square Potential Well 2001
125966 Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Xiaoyi He, Gary D. Doolen Simulation of Combustion Field with Lattice Boltzmann Method 2001
125965 Francois Castella, Laszlo Erdos, Florian Frommlet FokkerPlanck Equations as Scaling Limits of Reversible Quantum Systems 2000
125964 Bouabci M. B., Carneiro C. E. I. Random-Cluster Representation for the BlumeCapel Model 1999
125963 David J. Bergman Exact Relations Between Elastic and Electrical Response of d -Dimensional Percolating Networks with Angle-Bending Forces 2002
125962 Tim Sauer, James A. Yorke, Martin Casdagli Embedology 1991
125961 Privman V. Difference Equations in Statistical Mechanics. I. Cluster Statistics Models 1988
125960 Pierre Degond, Florian Mehats, Christian Ringhofer Quantum Energy-Transport and Drift-Diffusion Models 2004
125958 Jinho Baik, Eric M. Rains Limiting Distributions for a Polynuclear Growth Model with External Sources 2000
125957 James E. Broadwell Irreversibility in a Reversible Lattice Gas 2000

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