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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
126156 Matsumoto K. Noise-Induced Order II 1983
126155 Collet P. Amplitude Equation for Lattice Maps , A Renormalization Group Approach 1998
126154 Book Review : Ludwig Boltzmann y The Man Who Trusted Atoms 2000
126153 Michael C. Mackey, Helmut Schwegler Ensemble and Trajectory Statistics in a Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation 1993
126152 Makoto Katori, Norio Konno, Hideki Tanemura Survival Probabilities for Discrete-Time Models in One Dimension 1999
126151 Jean Ruiz Interface Sharpness in the Potts Model 1989
126150 Isabelle Choquet, Brigitte Lucquin-Desreux Hydrodynamic Limit for an Arc Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure 2004
126149 E-Jiang Ding, Cyrus K. Aidun Extension of the Lattice-Boltzmann Method for Direct Simulation of Suspended Particles Near Contact 2003
126148 Raymond Kapral, Simon J. Fraser Dynamics of Oscillators with Periodic Dichotomous Noise 1993
126147 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1992
126146 Avron J. E., Elgart A., Graf G. M. Transport and Dissipation in Quantum Pumps 2004
126145 Dettmann C. P., Cohen E. G. D. Microscopic Chaos and Diffusion 2000
126144 David S. Dean, Kalvis M. Jansons Excursions for Polymers in Elongational Flows 1994
126143 Enaud C., Derrida B. Large Deviation Functional of the Weakly Asymmetric Exclusion Process 2003
126142 Book Review: Brownian Motion and Stochastic Flow Systems 1986
126141 Edwards S. F. New Kinds of Entropy 2004
126140 Sinai Ya. G. Two Results Concerning Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of the Burgers Equation with Force 1991
126139 Book Review: Quantum Phase Transitions 2001
126138 Brosa U., Stauffer D. Vectorized Multisite Coding for Hydrodynamic Cellular Automata 1989
126137 Marcus V. Lima, César R. de Oliveira Uniform Cantor Singular Continuous Spectrum for Nonprimitive Schrödinger Operators 2003
126136 Burschka M. A., Titulaer U. M. The Kinetic Boundary Layer for the Equation with Absorbing Boundary 1980
126135 Abstracts from the International Conference on Mathematical Problems from the Physics of Fluids 1986
126134 John R. Klauder Overcoming Nonrenormalizability. Part 2 2004
126133 Steve Renals, Richard Rohwer A Study of Network Dynamics 1989
126132 Lorenzo Bertini, Emilio N. M. Cirillo, Enzo Olivieri Renormalization-Group Transformations Under Strong Mixing Conditions: Gibbsianness and Convergence of Renormalized Interactions 1999
126131 Aldo Procacci, Benedetto Scoppola Infinite Graphs with a Nontrivial Bond Percolation Threshold: Some Sufficient Conditions 2003
126130 Anton Bovier, Christof Kiilske There Are No Nice Interfaces in (2+ 1)-Dimensional SOS Models in Random Media 1995
126129 Vicente Garzo Nonlinear Transport in Inelastic Maxwell Mixtures Under Simple Shear Flow 2003
126128 Schfitz G., Domany E. Phase Transitions in an Exactly Soluble One-Dimensional Exclusion Process 1992
126127 L. Samaj Saturation of Electrostatic Potential: Exactly Solvable 2D Coulomb Models 2005
126126 Elisheva Cohen, David A. Kessler Front Propagation Dynamics with Exponentially-Distributed Hopping 2005
126125 Masoliver J., Garrido L., Llosa J. Geometrical Derivation of the Intrinsic Fokker-Planck Equation and Its Stationary Distribution 1986
126124 Chernov N. I., Joel L. Lebowitz Dynamics of a Massive Piston in an Ideal Gas: Oscillatory Motion and Approach to Equilibrium 2002
126123 Alex A. Samoletov A Remark on the Kramers Problem 1999
126122 Giancarlo Benettin, Antonio Giorgilli On the Hamiltonian Interpolation of Near-to-the-Identity Symplectic Mappings with Application to Symplectic Integration Algorithms 1993
126121 Appert C., van Beijeren H., Ernst M. H. Thermodynamic Formalism and Localization in Lorentz Gases and Hopping Models 1996
126120 Grassberger P. On the Hausdorff Dimension of Fractal Attractors 1980
126119 Craig A. Tracy Universality Class of a Fibonaeci Ising Model 1987
126118 James L. Monroe Restrictions on the Phase Diagrams for a Large Class of Multisite Interaction Spin Systems 1991
126117 Zheng W. M., Schieve W. C. Transition Probabilities and Stochastic Equations for the Mean Field Ising Model 1982
126116 Joel L. Lebowitz, Percus J. K., Talbot J. On the Orientational Properties of Some One-Dimensional Model Systems 1987
126115 Domingos H. U. Marchetti, Abel Klein, J. Fernando Perez Power-Law Falloff in the Kosterlitz-Thouless Phase of a Two-Dimensional Lattice Coulomb Gas 1989
126114 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1985
126113 Piasecki J., Pomeau Y. Large Energy Behavior of the Velocity Distribution for the Hard-Sphere Gas 1981
126112 George Stell Sticky Spheres and Related Systems 1991
126111 Cyrus K . Aidun, Dewei W. Qi. A New Method for Analysis of the Fluid Interaction with a Deformable Membrane 1998
126110 Soskin S. M. Large Fluctuations in Multiattractor Systems and the Generalized Kramers Problem 1999
126109 Morita T., Horiguchi T. Higher-Order Susceptibilities of the Regular and the Random Ising Model on the Cayley Tree. I 1980
126108 Ford G. W., Lewis J. T., O'Connell R. F. Independent Oscillator Model of a Heat Bath: Exact Diagonalization of the Hamiltonian 1988
126107 Kjaer K. H., Hilhorst H. J. The Discrete Gaussian Chain with 1/r n Interactions: Exact Results 1982

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