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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
126106 Lefevere R. Weakly Gibbsian Measures and Quasilocality: A Long-Range Pair-Interaction Counterexample 1998
126105 Gaspard P., Wang X. J. Homoclinic Orbits and Mixed-Mode Oscillations in Far-from-Equilibrium Systems 1987
126104 A. Arneodo, E. Bacry, S. Jaffard Oscillating Singularities on Cantor Sets: A Grand-Canonical Multifractal Formalism 1996
126103 Jancovici B., Joel L. Lebowitz, Manificat G. Large Charge Fluctuations in Classical Coulomb Systems 1993
126102 Khalatnikov I. M., Lifshitz E. M., Khanin K. M. On the Stochasticity in Relativistic Cosmology 1984
126101 List of Selected Works of I. M. Lifshitz 1985
126100 Sheldon Lee Glashow, Laurence Mittag Three Rods on a Ring and the Triangular Billiard 1996
126099 Elphick C., Jeanneret M., Tirapegui E. Comment on Bifurcations in Fluctuating Systems 1987
126098 Joachim Krug On the Shape of Wedding Cakes 1996
126097 Book Review: Perspectives in Statistical Physics 1982
126096 Kousuke Shizume The Decrease in the Overall Algorithmic Complexity of the Spin-Echo Effect 1992
126095 Christian Maes, Karel Netocny, Michel Verschuere Heat Conduction Networks 2002
126094 Petrosky T. Y. The Cometary Cloud in the Solar System and the R sibois-Prigogine Singular Invariants of Motion 1987
126093 Book Review: Random Walks in Biology 1985
126092 Chen Ercai Chaos for the Sierpinski Carpet 1997
126091 Alex Hansen, Stephane Roux Muitifractality in Elastic Percolation 1988
126090 Belavin A. A., Polyakov A. M., Zamolodchikov A. B. Infinite Conformal Symmetry of Critical Fluctuations in Two Dimensions 1983
126089 Baras F., Nicolis G., M. Malek Mansour Stochastic Theory of Adiabatic Explosion 1983
126088 Wu F. Y. Exact Solution of a Triangular Ising Model in a Nonzero Magnetic Field 1985
126087 Gemunu H. Gunaratne, Joseph L. McCauley, Matthew Nicol Variable Step Random Walks and Self-Similar Distributions 2005
126086 Bergthór Hauksson, Jakob Yngvason Asymptotic Exactness of Magnetic Thomas–Fermi Theory at Nonzero Temperature 2003
126085 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 2002
126084 Meurice Y., Niermann S., Ordaz G. The Oscillatory Behavior of the High-Temperature Expansion of Dyson's Hierarchical Model: A Renormalization Group Analysis 1997
126083 Antonets V.A., Antonets M.A., Farfel' V.A. Open Systems of Splitting Particles 1989
126082 Derrida B., Evans M.R., Mallick K. Exact Diffusion Constant of a One-Dimensional Asymmetric Exclusion Model with Open Boundaries 1995
126081 Chamati H., Tonchev N.S. Finite-Size Shift of the Critical Temperature in the Spherical Model 1996
126080 Gredeskul S.A., Pastur L.A. Works of I. M. Lifshitz on Disordered Systems 1985
126079 Dowell F. Theoretical Predictions of Diffusion from Brownian Motion in Superstrong Polymers 1991
126078 Huckaby D.A., Shinmi M. Exact Coexistence Surfaces Containing Double Critical Points for a Three-Component Solution on the Bethe, Honeycomb, and Square Lattices 1990
126077 Elskens Y., Kapral R. Reversible Dynamics and the Macroscopic Rate. Law for a Solvable Kolmogorov System: The Three Bakers' Reaction 1985
126076 Giacomini H.J., Riera J.A. Exact Results for a Random Frustrated Ising Model on the Kagome Lattice 1987
126075 Adib A.B. Does the Boltzmann Principle Need a Dynamical Correction? 2004
126074 Gardiner C.W. The Escape Time in Nonpotential Systems 1983
126073 ben-Avraham D., Redner S., Cheng Z. Random Walk in a Random Multiplieative Environment 1989
126072 Le Doussal P. Diffusion in Layered Random Flows, Polymers, Electrons in Random Potentials, and Spin Depolarization in Random Fields 1992
126071 Doyle M.M., Sri Namachchivaya N. Almost-Sure Asymptotic Stability of a General Four-Dimensional System Driven by Real Noise 1994
126070 Goldstein M.S. Limit Theorem for the Distribution of Eigenvalues of the Operator of Energy 1985
126069 Third Libliee Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids 1990
126068 Feng Y., Ruskin H.J. Shell Analysis and Effective Disorder in a 2D Froth 2000
126067 Moukarzel C., Herrmann H.J. A Vectorizable Random Lattice 1992
126066 Department of Mathematics Program of the 72nd Statistical Mechanics Meeting 1995
126065 Pastur L., Shcherbina M., Tirozzi B. The Replica-Symmetric Solution without Replica Trick for the Hopfield Model 1994
126064 Bonilla L.L., Vicente C.J.P., Rubi J.M. Glassy Synchronization in a Population of Coupled Oscillators 1993
126063 Balakrishnan V., Nicolis C., Nicolis G. Extreme Value Distributions in Chaotic Dynamics 1995
126062 van Kampen N.G. Chapman-Enskog as an Application of the Method for Eliminating Fast Variables 1987
126061 Radin C. The Ground State for Soft Disks 1981
126060 Roux S. Generalized Brownian Motion and Elasticity 1987
126059 Mattis D.C. Book Review: Statistical Mechanics Made Simple 2004
126058 Watanabe H. Triviality of Hierarchical O(N) Spin Model in Four Dimensions with Large N 2004
126057 Becklehimer J.L., Pandey R.B. Percolation of Chains and Jamming Coverage in Two Dimensions by Computer Simulation 1994

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