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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z À Á Â Ã Ä Å ¨ Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö × Ø Ù Û Ý Þ ß
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ID asc desc pic Àâòîðû asc desc Íàçâàíèå asc desc Ãîä asc desc Äîï.
126056 Buffet E., Hannigan P. Directed Random Walks in Random Environments 1991
126055 Reiterer P., Reitshammer C., Schurrer F. New Discrete Model Boltzmann Equations for Arbitrary Partitions of the Velocity Space 2000
126054 Nelson K., Driebe D.J. Ensemble Dynamics of Intermittency and Power-Law Decay 2003
126053 Êîâàëü Þ.Î., Ãðèí÷åíêî Ë.Â., Ìèëþò÷åíêî I.Î. Îñíîâè òåî𳿠ê³ë. ϳäðó÷íèê. ×. 1. 2008
126052 Âîëîäüêî À.Â, Êðàñíîâ Ð.Ï., Þäèí Â.È. Ýëåêòðîìàãíèòíûå âîëíû è êîëåáàíèÿ â âîëíîâîäàõ è ðåçîíàòîðàõ. Ó÷åáíîå ïîñîáèå. ×àñòü 2 2008
126051 Weiss G.H., Masoliver J., Shuler K.E. On the Asymmetry of a Random Walk in the Presence of a Field 1990
126050 Schulman L.S. Deterministic Quantum Evolution through Modification of the Hypotheses of Statistical Mechanics 1986
126049 Aizenman M., Grimmett G. Strict Monotonicity for Critical Points in Percolation and Ferromagnetic Models 1991
126048 Lebowitz J.L. (ed.) Preface 2001
126047 Ledrappier F., Shub M., Simo C. Random Versus Deterministic Exponents in a Rich Family of Diffeomorphisms 2003
126046 Future Contributions to Journal of Statistical Physics 1993
126045 Qian Y.H., Orszag S.A. Scalings in Diffusion-Driven Reaction A + B -> C: Numerical Simulations by Lattice BGK Models 1995
126044 Smith W. A Smaller Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geography n/a
126043 Chandrasekhar S. Some Recent Studies of Liquid Crystals: A Review 1984
126042 Óèòòåêåð Ý. Àíàëèòè÷åñêàÿ äèíàìèêà.Òîì 9 1999
126041 Sengupta A. A Discretized Spectral Approximation in Neutron Transport Theory. Some Numerical Considerations 1988
126040 Myshlyavtsev A.V., Dongak M.D. Statistics of Adsorption on Top and Bridge Sites of a Square Lattice: Transfer-Matrix Approach 1997
126039 Landau L. D., Lifshitz E. M. Course of Theoretical Physics, Quantum Mechanics non-relativistic theory 1991
126038 Wu F.Y. Exact Results for a Dilute Potts Model 1980
126037 Chowdhury D., Kumar S. Domain Growth in the Three-Dimensional Dilute Ising Model 1987
126036 Igloi F. Quantum Ashkin-Teller Model Near the Decoupling Limit 1989
126035 Äåìîíñòðàöèîííûé âàðèàíò ÅÃÝ 2006 ã. Ìàòåìàòèêà 2006
126033 Andrews G.E., Baxter R.J., Forrester P.J. Eight-Vertex SOS Model and Generalized Rogers-Ramanujan-Type Identities 1984
126032 Ziff R.M. Kinetics of Polymerization 1980
126031 Kurzynski M., Chełminiak P. Mean First-Passage Time in the Stochastic Theory of Biochemical Processes. Application to Actomyosin Molecular Motor 2003
126030 Towner R. Improvisation and Performance Techniques for Classical and Acoustic Guitar n/a
126029 Clisby N., McCoy B.M. Negative Virial Coefficients and the Dominance of Loose Packed Diagrams for D-Dimensional Hard Spheres 2004
126028 Pearce L.E. Cuneiform cryptography: numerical substitutions for syllabic and logographic signs: Ph.D. Dissertation. 1982
126027 Segel L.A., Perelson A.S. Exploiting the Diversity of Time Scales in the Immune System: A B-Cell Antibody Model 1991
126026 Bertini L., Cirillo E.N.M., Olivieri E. A Combinatorial Proof of Tree Decay of Semi-Invariants 2004
126025 Dorfman J.R. Book Review: An Introduction to Chaos in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics Cambridge 2001
126024 Posters 1984
126023 Michael Coopersmith On the Nature of the Nearest Singularities of the Free Energy in the Neighborhood of a Critical Point 1983
126022 Miller D.H. Energy at the Surface of the Earth: An Introduction to the Energetics of Ecosystems (International Geophysics) 1981
126021 Murphy T.J., Cohen E.G.D. Maximum Number of Collisions among Identical Hard Spheres 1993
126020 Per E. Rosenqvist, Gabor Vattay, Andreas Wirzba Application of the Diffraction Trace Formula to the Three-Disk Scattering System 1995
126019 Book Review: Scaling Phenomena in Disordered Systems 1988
126018 Bao J.-D. Alternative Simulating Technique for Periodic Motion in the Presence of Multiplicative White Noise 2001
126017 Willaime H., Cardoso O., Tabeling P. Regimes of Oscillation in a Linear Array of Vortices 1991
126016 Forrest B.M., Tang L.-H. Hypercube Stacking: A Potts-Spin Model for Surface Growth 1990
126015 Book Review: SelectedPapersofN.G.vanKampen 2002
126014 Nagaoka H., Yamazaki M., Kubota N. Relations between load and settlement of circular foundations on or in a dense sand expressed by a function of diameter and depth 2005
126013 Norman H. Packard, Stephen Wolfram Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata 1984
126012 Garcia A., Penland C. Fluctuating Hydrodynamics and Principal Oscillation Pattern Analysis 1991
126011 Hideki Takayasu, Misako Takayasu, Astero Provata Statistical Properties of Aggregation with Injection 1991
126010 George H. Weiss, Moshe Gitterman Motion in a Periodic Potential Driven by Rectangular Pulses 1993
126009 Brower R.C., Moriarty K.J.M., Orland P. Gauge-Invariant Lattice Gas for the Microcanonical Ising Model 1990
126008 Visscher P. B. Renormalization-Group Derivation of Navier-Stokes Equation 1984
126007 Schwabl F. Propagation of Sound at Continuous Structural Phase Transitions 1985

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