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Goebel A., Ritthaler D. — SAP Enterprise Portal: Technology and Programming |
Предметный указатель |
.NET iView 158
.NET runtime 228
ABAP 269
Access Control List 19 224 238 239 243
Access to systems 125
Administration layer 77 100
Administration, delegated 288
Administrator workbench 61 100
Agate 226
Aggregation with key figures 64
Analysis layer 71 77
Application layer 225
Attribute 64
Authentication 36 39 223 226 229 231 233 264
Authentication scheme 287
authentication server 46
Authentication with user ID and password 229
Authentication, flow 230
Authentication, Methods 234
authorizations 247
Availability of BW Web applications, Direct integration 93
Availability of BW Web applications, Indirect integration 96
AWB, Business content (BC) 67
AWB, Documents 67
AWB, InfoObjects 63
AWB, Infoprovider, InfoCubes and ODS objects 62
AWB, InfoSources 64
AWB, Metadata repository 69
AWB, Monitoring 65
AWB, PSA (Persistent staging area) 65
AWB, Reporting agent 66
AWB, Source systems 65
AWB, Translation 68
AWB, Transport connection 66
Back-end engine 126
Back-end system 143
BAPI 222
BEx analyzer 74
BEx browser 100
BEx information broadcasting 97
BEx map 110
BEx query designer, Conditions 74
BEx query designer, define cells 74
BEx query designer, Exceptions 74
BEx query designer, structures 74
BEx query designer, tabular display 74
BEx query designer, variables 73
BEx Web application designer 84 97
Bidirectional mapping 83
Breadcrumb 287
Business content (BC) 67
Business content (BC), Content within SAP BW 68
Business content (BC), Content within the source system 68
Business content (BC), Technical content 68
Business content (BC), Versioning 68
Business object repository 102
Business package 145 147 151 287
Business Process Management 273
BW Certificate 81
BW Web Applications in Portal 83
campaign management 110
Categorization 287
Central data warehouse system 69
Certificate 254
Certificate request 245
Certificate, public 237
Certification 152
Certification Authority 230 253
Channel 94 149
Child object 287
Class loader 157
Class loading policy 196
Classification 287
classpath 31
Client eventing 287
Client-side eventing 106
Closed loop marketing 109
Cluster 22
cluster server 27
cm 38
Collaboration 20 270 287
Collaboration rooms 270
Collaboration tools 151
Common tools 44
Communications structure 64
Component Inspector 195
Component Manager 195
components 143
Components, overview 17
Computer telephony integration 109
Configuration 21
Configuration of user management 45
Configuration, Portal server 237
Connectivity 215
Connector for database applications via JDBC 48
Connector to SAP R/3 48
container 287
Content 287
content area 287
content management 20 21 22 48 287
Corporate LDAP directory 247 248 249 287
Correlator wizard 130
CRM architecture 113
Cross-system correlation matrix 102
Customer interaction software 110
customer orientation 107
Customer Relationship Management 107
Customer relationship management, analytical CRM 108
Customer relationship management, collaborative CRM 109
Customer relationship management, functional areas 107
Customer relationship management, functional subareas 111
Customer relationship management, operative CRM 108
Customer service system 110
data binding 84
Data cleansing 63
Data exchange 125
data mart 69
data source 288
Database 21 28 34
database applications 126
Database marketing 110
database server 27 28 49
Database unifier 130
DataProvider object tag, Template object tag 88
DCOM connector 19 128
Delta Link 288
Deployment 194 196
Deployment descriptor 195 199 214 281
Deployment descriptor, Properties 196
Deployment policy 196
Detailed navigation 288
Detailed navigation iView 288
Development cycle 198
Development language 145
dimension table 62
Directory Server 27 35
Discussion 288
Display 51
Documents 67
Documents, InfoProvider data 67
Documents, master data 67
Documents, Metadata 67
Domain restriction 244
Drag&Relate 18 101 144 288
Drag&Relate and multidimensionality of the RRI 106
Drag&Relate links 102
Drag&Relate Target 288
Drag&Relate, Customizing 102
Drag&Relate, Data transfer 128
| Drag&Relate, Scenarios 103
Drag&Relate, technical requirements 102
Dyn Pages 202 203 204
dynamic link library 81
Eclipse 191
eDirectory 35
Employee self-services 151
Encryption code 39
Enterprise applications 126
Enterprise portal client framework 106
Enterprise portal client manager 106
Enterprise Resource Planning 108
Enterprise Services Architecture 267
Entry points 149
ERP system 143
error messages 42
Errors during installation 53
event handling 202 218
Eventing 288
Example-based classification 288
Example-based taxonomy 288
Exit processing 73
External service 148 157 250 295
Extraction layer 60 77 101
fact table 62
Feature extraction 288
Feedback chain 109
FireWall 223 265
Flat List View 288
Folders 147 149
Forms-based publishing 288
frontend 143
FrontPage Server Extensions 130
Full-page application 289
Full-tree view 288
Geographical information systems 110
GUI 143
hardware components 21
hardware requirements 21 22
Harmonization of object 18
header area 289
heap size 52
Heterogeneous applications 59
hierarchies 64
HTMLB service 157
HTMLB taglib 204
HTTP Basic authentication 232
Hub-and-spoke architecture 70
Hyperrelational navigation functionality 101
IDOCS 222 275
iisreset 42
Indexing and Retrieval 289
InfoCubes 62
InfoCubes and ODS objects 62
InfoObjects 63
InfoProvider 62
InfoProvider, InfoCubes and ODS objects 62
Information Broadcasting 92
Information, structured and unstructured 18
InfoSources 64
Installation for SAP EP 5.0 27
Installation for SAP EP 6.0 48
Installation under UNIX 51
Integration broker 273
Integration directory 274
Integration of applications, jcoDestination.xml 79
Integration of applications, systems.xml 78
Integration of data 125
Integration Repository 274
Interaction of applications 125
Interaction of systems 125
Interactive selling system 110
Internal and external services 84
Internet Component 139
Internet Information Server 28 33
Internet Services Manager 228
iPanel 19 104 144
iPanel, Assignment 135 138
iPlanet 35
Irj 44
ITS service parameters 240
iView 84 93 289 295
iView catcher 144 145 152
iView Editor 289
iView ID 100
iView runtime for Java 244
iView template 295
iView-Plug-In 277
iViews 143 202
iViews, .NET iView 152 154 158
iViews, Graphical depection 204
iViews, Java iViews 152 157
iViews, Master iViews 157
iViews, ready-made 145 151
iViews, Runtime for Java 154
iViews, self-created 145 152
iViewStudio 145 289
iViewStudio, Industry solutions 152
iViewStudio, searching by industries 152
iViewStudio, searching by partner products 152
J2EE 269 276
J2EE engine 31 32 40 43 228 284
J2EE engine, configtool 32
J2EE engine, configuration 228
JAAS 232
Java 161
Java applets 165 166
Java Application Server 27 31 289
Java applications 165
Java beans 181 203 207 212 219 279
Java beans, Data exchange 210
Java beans, Implementation 208
Java Connector 215
Java connector architecture 275
Java Connector, Generating a client object 220
Java cryptographic toolkit 51
Java Development Kit 27 30 50
Java iView runtime 156
Java iView runtime, architecture 157
Java iViews 157 222 250
Java iViews, development 161
Java iViews, self-created 182
Java runtime environment 50
Java Server Pages 177 179 202 203 211
Java Server Pages, language elements 180
Java servlets 174 182 199
Java virtual engine 52
Java, Basic class packages 168
Java, Class hierarchy 163
Java, Class libraries 168
Java, Classes and objects 162
Java, Client 169
Java, Encapsulation 164
Java, Environment variables 194
Java, History 162
Java, Information hiding 164 181
Java, inheritance 163
Java, Java Beans 145
Java, Java server pages 145 177
Java, Java servlets 145
Java, Language elements 187
Java, methods 167
Java, Network programming 168
Java, object-oriented programming 162
Java, Platform independence 161
Java, polymorphism 164
Java, Predefined variables 179
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