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Kraitchik M. — Mathematical Recreations |
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"Liber Abaci" 26—27
Aamouli, al 28
Addition tables, magic squares 182
Ages, problems on 42
Alfil 278
Algebraic magic series 183
Algebraic magic squares 183 187—192
Ancient problems 22—43
Angles, arithmetical 102—103
Anthology, problems from 23—26
Arabian problems 27—28
Arbus 14
Aristodicus 24
Arithmetic, geometry and 95—108
Aubry 177 214
Augeas 24
Automorphic numbers 77—79
Baccara 129
Bachet de Meziriac 52—55 84 149
Ballot-box problem 132
Baskerville, chess innovations 277
Battle of numbers 83—86
Becq de Fouquiere 279
Beha Eddin Mohammed ben al Hosain al Aamouli 28
Bernoulli, Daniel 137—138
Bernoulli, Nicholas 137
Bertrand, J. 129 130 136 138
Betting, systems 131
Bicolored pieces 313 315
Bimagic square 176—177
Bimagic, defined 143
Binary notation 52 56—58
Binomial expansion, checkers and 269
Boije af Gennas 44
Border squares 166—170
Bosnins 14
Bridge, hands 119—121
Bridge, tournaments 230—237
Brooks 198
Buffon 138
Caesar, Julius 109—110
Caius 28—29
calendar 109—116
Caligula 94
Capablanca, chess innovations 277
Cards, Euler squares 181
Cards, guessing 60 313—323
Cards, problems on 316—323
Cayley 295
Cazalas 177
Centaur 278—279
Central magic square 189
Chancellor 278
Charisius 24
Checkerboard, algebra 271
Checkers 284—287 315
Checkers, French 285—286
Checkers, Japanese 280
Checkers, Polish 287
Checkers, problems on 269—271 315—316
Checkers, Turkish 287
Chess 280
Chess, cylindrical 277
Chess, fairy 276—279
Chess, marked-pawn 278
Chess, number of games 275—276
Chess, problems on 13 238—256 257—268 272—279
Chess, supernumerary pieces 278
Chessboard, domination of 253—256
Chicandard 312—313
China, games 279—280
Chinese Rings 58 89—91
Chuquet 22—23 29
Claus see "Lucas"
Clavius 22—23
Cole 70
Colors, eleven, square array 252
Composite Magic Squares 170—174
Condorcet 136
Congruences 41 62—63 77
Constellation 175
Convergent 100
Courser 279
Coxeter, H.M.S. 208
Craps 123—126
Crossings, problems of 214—222
Cryptarithmetic 79—83
cuboid 107—108
Cunningham 70 74
Curious problems 22—43
Cyclic numbers 74—76
Cylindrical chess 277
D'Alembert 135
Dabbaba 278
Daily promenade 226
Dawson, chess innovations 278
de la Loubere 148—149
de Mere, Chevalier 117 119
Decanting, reapportionment by 29—31
Deductive reasoning 13—21
Delannoy 302 304
Devedec 150—152
Diagonal, magic squares 143 189
Dice, problems on 118—119 123—127
Difficult crossings 214—222
Digits, location of 48—50
Digits, negative 51
Diophantus 25 44 66 69
Dissections 193—197
Distances, shortest 18—21
Distributions 226—230
Dodecagon 206 207
Dogs and wolf 310
Domain 260
Dominoes 298—304
Draughts see "Checkers"
Duke Mathematical Journal 198
Earth, girdling 39
Error curve 121—123
Euler 28—29 70 73 74 78 209
Euler squares 179—182
Fairy chess 276—280
Fathers and sons 37
Fermat 28 70 74 92 117 119 211
Fermat numbers 73—75
Fers 278
Fibonacci, Leonardo 26—27
Fifteen puzzle 302—308
Figurate numbers 66—69
Flanders, Donald A. 7
Fleisher 182
Fool's mate 267
Four-story towers 311—312
Fourth dimension, figurate numbers in 68
Fractions, ancient problems 22—43
Freak problems 44
Frederick II, emperor 26
Frenicle 191
Frogs and toads 313—314
Frolow 169
Fry, T.C. 139
Gambler's ruin 140
Gambling, systems 131
Games, arithmetical 83—93
Games, permutational 302—323
Games, positional 267—302
Games, problems on 267—323
Games, unfinished 117
Gauss 74 110
genealogy 16
| Geodesic 18
Geometric recreations 193—213
Geometry, arithmetic and 95—108
Gergonne 318
Go, game 279
Go-bang 280
Goormaghtigh 318
Graces 24
Graeco-latin squares 179—182
Grasshopper, chess piece 279
Grasshopper, game 310—311
Great bishop 279
Greek Anthology, problems from 23—26
Gregorian calendar 109—116
Gros 90—91
Guiser 86
Half-bishop 279
Halma 311
Halton 122 123
Hanoi, Tower of 91—93
Heath, R.V. 57 72 171 177 209
Heawood 211
Heineman, D. 7
Heracles 24
Heronian triangles 104—108
Hexagonal numbers 67
hilbert 193
Hindu problems 32—33
Hopscotch 290—292
Horses, betting on 134—135
Huber — Stockar 266
Husbands and wives 37
icosahedron 208
Inheritance, problems of 29 31
Japan, games 279—280
Jealous husbands 214—221
Jinx 281
John of Palermo 26—27
Johnson, Alvin 7
Joining points 296
Josephus 94
Josephus' problem 93—94
Julian calendar 109—116
King, algebra of moves 273—274
Kirkman 230
Klein, Felix 209
Knights, domination of board by 256
Knights, moves 273—277
Knights, problem of the 257—266
Koenigsberg bridges 209—211
Kowalewsky, G. 311
Kraitchik 8 74
Lagrange 135
Landry 70 74 78
Lasca 287—290
Lasker 287
Latin squares 178 246
Latruncules 279
Lattices 152—157
Le Lasseur 70
Leaper 279
Legal chess 278
Lehmann 182
Lehmer 70 78
Leibnitz 298
Leonardo of Pisa 26—27
les Pendus 291
Ling 281
Loyd, Sam 267—268
Lucas 78 92
Lucas, quadrille 302—303
MacMahon 53
Magic constant 143
Magic series 143 176 183—186
Magic squares 142—192
Magic squares, composite 170—174
Magic squares, composite order m 162—167
Magic squares, domino 302
Magic squares, elementary construction methods 148
Magic squares, literal 186—187 192
Magic squares, order 4 182—192
Magic squares, prime order p 157—161
Magic squares, third order 146—148
Map-coloring problem 211
Marceil 321
Marked squares 296
Marseille chess 278
Martin 317
Matador 300
Matches 230—237
Mathematics, nature of 13
mersenne 70—72
Mersenne numbers 70—73
Meuris 33
MINOS 79—80
Miscellaneous Problems 44—51
Moebius 277
Moebius band 212—213 277
Monge's shuffle 321—323
Monmort 298
Morehead 74
Mosaics 199—209
Mouse trap 295
Muggins 300
Multigrade 79
Multimagic squares 176—178
Multimagic, defined 144
Muses 23 24 230
Naval battle 283
Neckties, paradox 133—134
Needle problem 132
Negative digits 51
Neuter 279
New School for Social Research 7
NIM 86—88
Nomogram 110
Normal case, magic squares 143
Norton, W.W. 8
Notation, Scales of 49—58
Numa, calendar 109
Numbers, battle of 83—86
Numbers, guessing 56—66
Numbers, mathematics without 13—21
Numerical pastimes 44—94
Octagon 204
One-sided surfaces 212—213
Order, magic squares 143
Orthogonal, magic squares 143 189
Over ten, game 126—127
Ozanam 34
Paillot 302
Pallas 24
Pandects, problem of 28
Panmagic squares 170—176
Panmagic, defined 143
Parallelograms, Heronian 107—108
Parker 8
Partner changes 226—230
Pascal 66 117 119
Pascal's triangle, checkers and 269
Peg Solitaire 297
Pell's equation 100
Pentagonal numbers 67
Perelman 57
Perfect numbers 70—73
Permutational games 302—323
Permutational problems 214—238
Permutations, linear, of n things 230—240
Perpetual calendars 109—116
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