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Поиск книг, содержащих: Glueballs
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Hughes I.S. — Elementary Particles | see "gluonium" | Close F.E. — An introduction to quarks and partons | 426—428 | O'Raifeartaigh L. — Group Structure of Gauge Theories | 103 | Collins P.D., Squires E.J., Martin A.D. — Particle Physics and Cosmology | 16 | Martin B.R., Shaw G. — Particle Physics | 151 | Collins P.D.B., Martin A.D., Squires E.J. — Particle Physics and Cosmology | 16 | Leader E., Predazzi E. — An introduction to gauge theories and modern particle physics | 1.264 | Forschaw J.R., Ross D.A. — Quantum chromodynamics and the pomeron | 17, 20 | Meyer-Ortmanns H., Reisz T. — Principles of phase structures in particle physics | 634 | Collins P.D.B., Martin A.D., Squires E.J. — Particle Physics and Cosmology | 16 | Blin-Stoyle R.J. — Eureka! Physics of particles, matter and the universe | 156 |