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Поиск книг, содержащих: Zeeman effect, normal
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Bates L.F. — Modern Magnetism | 34 | Galindo A., Pascual P. — Quantum Mechanics Two | II 225 | Born M. — Atomic Physics | 111, 111, 140, 142, 144—148, 155, 312 | Englert B.G. (Ed) — Quantum Mechanics | 323 | Gautreau R., Savin W. — Schaum's Outline of Modern Physics | 119, 120, 128 | Margenau H., Murphy G.M. — The mathematics of physics and chemistry | 392 | Nouredine Z. — Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications | 349—351 | Wigner E.P. — Group Theory and Its Applicaion to the Quantum Mechanics of Atomic Spectra | 204 | Harnwell G.P., Livingood J.J. — Experimental Atomic Physics | 246 | Atkins P. — Molecular Quantum Mechanics | 233 | Bransden B., Joachain C. — Physics of Atoms and Molecules | 211 | Atkins P.W., Friedman R.S. — Molecular Quantum Mechanics | 233 | Leighton R.B. — Principles of Modern Physics | 59 | Biedenharn L.C., Louck J.D. — Angular momentum in quantum physics | 327 | Ashby N., Miller S.C. — Principles of modern physics | 239 |