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Поиск книг, содержащих: Keesom, W.H.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Wilson A.H. — Thermodynam Mechanics | 170, 205, 223, 272, 273, 274, 276, 351, 354 | Kerker M. — The scattering of light | 563, 630 | James R.W. — Optical Principles of the Diffraction of X-Rays | 460 | Seitz F. — Modern Theory of Solids | 15ff., 57, 114, 117, 136, 152, 157, 158, 485 | Peiser H.S, (ed.), Rooksby H.P. (ed.), Wilson A.J.C. (ed.) — X-Ray Diffraction by Polycrystalline Materials. Physics in Industry | 270 | Johnson K., Lark-Horovitz V.A. — Methods of Experimental Physics Solid State Physics (Volume 6/PartA) | 378 | Kittel C. — Introduction to solid state physics | 79, 204, 209, 211, 232 | Douglas Clark C.Y. — The Electronic Structure and Properties of Matter: An Introductory Study of Certain Properties of Matter in the Light of Atomic Numbers, Being Volume I of a Comprehensive Treatise | IX, 88, 91 | Whittaker E. — A history of the theories of aether and electricity (Vol 2. The modern theories) | 100 | Shockley W. — Imperfections in Nearly Perfect Crystals: Symposium held at Pocono Manor | 18 | Mendelsohn K. — Cryophysics | 128, 130, 158 | Marder M.P. — Condensed matter physics | 389 | Hoyer U. — Work on Atomic Physics (1912 - 1917) | 618 | Seitz F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 3 | 182 | Seitz F. — Solid State Physics. Volume 7 | 65 | Gorter C. — Progress in Low Temperature Physics.Volume 6. | 407, 410, 416, 423, 424 | Reichl L.E. — Modern Course in Statistical Physics | 124, 166 | Seitz F., Turnbull D. — Solid State Physics. Volume 2 | 116(78, 86, 88), 117 | Corciovei A., Costache G., Dederichs P.H. — Solid State Physics | 68 |