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James R.W. — Optical Principles of the Diffraction of X-Rays |
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Abbe's theory of image formation 390
Abbe, E. 390 391 555
Absorption in medium containing dipole oscillators 137 139
Absorption, allowance for in powder method 48 333 337
Absorption, atomic, variation of with frequency 147
Absorption, calculation of dispersion terms from 148
Absorption, effect of on measurements of critical angle 168 173
Absorption, effect of on reflection by perfect crystals 64 429
Absorption, effect of on wave-field in perfect crystals 428
Absorption, elimination of by method of mixed powders 185 337
Absorption, line, width of in relation to damping 138
Absorption, relation of to complex refractive index 62 138 168
Absorption, relation of to photo-electric effect 140
Absorption, treatment of by means of complex amplitudes 62 138
Acoustic waves in lattices 203 226
Allison, S.K. 64 306 307 322 330
Aluminium, atomic scattering factor of 303
Aluminium, integrated reflection from 281 286 303
Aluminium, mean-square amplitude in 238
Aluminium, state of ionisation in 303
Aluminium, zero-point energy in 303
Amaldi, E. 497
Andrade, E.N. da C. 455
Andress, K. 572
Anomalous dispersion of X-rays see "Dispersion"
Anomalous scattering 180 181 182 184 187 188
Anomalous scattering in Heusler alloys 185
Anomalous scattering of tungsten for L edge 187
Argon, scattering by 472 473
Armstrong, A.H. 182
Astbury, W.T. 572 578 585
Atomic scattering factor see "Scattering factor atomic"
Backhurst, I. 232
Baltzer, O.J. 240 246 258
Barrett, C.S. 405 472
Basis, of lattice structure 27
Baxter, A. 128 187 188 190 339
Bearden, J.A. 49 160 177 178 180 304 333 409
Beevers, C.A. 356 357 371
Benzil, diffuse scattering from 241 243
Berg, O. 25
Bernal, J.D. 231 500 584
Bethe, H. 143 456
Bewilogua, L. 125 462 486 487
Bilinsky, S. 220 225 234 235
Black, M. 161
Blackman, M. 225
Bloch, F. 491
Boblin, H. 335
Boersch, H. 457
Booth, A.D. 356
Born, M. 193 194 195 225 226 240 257 258
Borrmann, G. 439 446 447 448
Bosanquet, C.H. 34 50 101 270 287 295 299 306 327 332 333 409
Bothe, W. 146
Boundary conditions for vibrations of a finite lattice 197
Boundary conditions in dynamical theory of reflection 83 427
Boundary waves 68
Boundary waves in semi-infinite crystal 80 84
Bradley, A.J. 48 184 189 339 569
Bragg's reflection law, deviations from 52 54 168 426 436
Bragg's reflection law, deviations from, measurement of refractive index from 168
Bragg, W.H. 50 93 232 241 270 280 299 305 318 321 335 343 370
Bragg, W.L. 6 19 34 50 54 91 93 101 130 270 287 294 295 299 305 306 327 332 333 343 352 355 371 386 401 403 409 547 631
Breit — Dirac correction factor 260 463
Breit, G. 462
Brentano, J.C.M. 185 190 335 336 337 338 339
Brill, R. 302 322 541
Brillouin, L. 194
Brindiey, G.W. 61 130 184 185 186 187 190 228 233 238 257 262 263 281 286 302 303 320 334 338 485
Bruce, W.A. 264
Burwell, J.T. 507
Bush, V. 124
Calcite, refractive index of for X-rays 170 179
Calcite, test of Prins's formula for 330
Calcite, width of reflection curves from 306 332
Caldwell, S.H. 124
Cameron, G.H. 541
Carbon tetrachloride, amplitude of thermal motion in 492
Carbon tetrachloride, Cerussite, refractive index of 171
Carbon tetrachloride, scattering by 486
Carbon tetrachloride, temperature correction for 491
Chao, S.H. 568
Characteristic temperature 218
Characteristic temperature as a function of the crystal temperature 225 235
Characteristic temperature, calculated from the elastic constants 222
Characteristic temperature, determined from specific heats 220
Characteristic temperature, relation of to compressibility 223
Characteristic temperature, table of 221
Characteristic temperature, value appropriate to temperature factor 219 220 222
Charge-density in crystals, determination of by Fourier series 342
Charge-density, Schroedinger 102
Charge-density, Schroedinger, in many-electron atom 113
Charge-distribution, atomic, contribution of to different parts of f-curve 125
Charge-distribution, atomic, Hartree's calculation of 117
Charge-distribution, atomic, Pauling — Sherman 123
Charge-distribution, atomic, Thomas — Fermi 123
Charlesby, A. 516
Claasen, A. 339
Clark, G.L. 239 438
Claus, W.D. 264
Close packing, irregular, in liquids 476
Cochran, W. 620 624
Coherent scattering by assemblages of atoms 463
Coherent scattering, Compton — Raman theory of 98 100
Coherent scattering, Wentzel — Waller theory of 103
Collins, E.H. 232
Composite lattice in perfect crystals 65 325
Composite lattice, diffraction by 27
Compton — Raman theory of scattering 99 100
Compton, A.H. 34 93 99 101 171 259 287 305 306 332 343 370 405 408 409 462 473
Cooper, E.R. 26
Cork, J.M. 370
Coster, D. 33 154 182
Cox, E.G. 380 382
Crick, F.H.C. 624
Critical angle see "Total reflection"
Crossed spectra, application of method of to X-rays 174 176
Crowther, J.A. 261
Crystal-form factor 548
Crystal-form factor as a line integral 552
Crystal-form factor as a surface integral 550
Crystal-form factor, symmetry properties of 551
Cybotaxis 460 481
Damping due to radiation 136
Damping due to radiation, influence of on scattering factor 154
Daniel, V. 566 568 569
Darbyshire, J.A. 26
Darwin — Prins formula, derivation of 55 62 428
Darwin — Prins formula, test of for calcite 330
Darwin — Prins formula, test of for rock salt 322 325
Darwin, C.G. 34 36 50 52 55 57 59 60 62 66 93 168 270 272 275 282 304 305 323 328 332
Davis, B. 90 169 170 180 306 322
de Smedt, J. 460
Debye temperature see "Characteristic temperature"
Debye — Scherrer rings, Laue's treatment of 529 537
Debye — Scherrer rings, widths of, in terms of reciprocal lattice 529
Debye — Scherrer rings, widths of, integrated line breadth of (q.v.)
Debye — Scherrer rings, widths of, Stokes — Wilson formula for 531 534
Debye — Waller temperature factor 24 210
Debye — Waller temperature factor, effect of expansion of crystal on 225 234
Debye — Waller temperature factor, experimental tests of, for aluminium 232 233
Debye — Waller temperature factor, experimental tests of, for diamond 232
Debye — Waller temperature factor, experimental tests of, for rock salt and sylvine 232 233
Debye — Waller temperature factor, for crystals with non-cubic symmetry 227
Debye — Waller temperature factor, formal representation of for complex crystals 226
Debye — Waller temperature factor, influence of variation of characteristic temperature on 234
Debye — Waller temperature factor, limitations of 225
Debye — Waller temperature factor, measurement of at low temperatures 233
Debye — Waller temperature factor, numerical evaluation of for cubic crystals 215
| Debye — Waller temperature factor, relation of to elastic constants 238
Debye, P. 21 22 47 93 99 193 215 217 218 219 231 259 262 339 343 458 459 460 470 477 478 480 481 485 487 494
Deficiency lines in divergent beam photography 453
Diamond as perfect crystal 318
Diamond, characteristic temperature of 224 232
Diamond, extra reflections from 240 252
Diamond, forbidden reflections from 253 321
Diamond, integrated reflection from 320
Diamond, scattering factor of carbon in 322
Diamond, temperature factor for 232
Diamond, types of 252
Diamond, widths of reflections from 305 318
Diffraction effects in Fourier projections 396
Diffraction of electrons by gas molecules 493
Diffraction of electrons by small crystals 545 547
Diffraction of X-rays by distorted lattices 560
Diffraction of X-rays by fibrous materials 459 571
Diffraction of X-rays by linear crystallites 518 573
Diffraction of X-rays by parallel chains of atoms 572
Diffraction of X-rays by parallel elongated crystallites 578 580
Diffraction of X-rays by parallelepipedal lattices 1 4
Diffraction of X-rays by periodically distorted lattices 563
Diffraction of X-rays by regular lattices with non-identical cells 555
Diffraction of X-rays by space-lattices, dynamical theory of 66 413
Diffraction of X-rays by space-lattices, geometrical theory of 1
Diffraction of X-rays, when source lies inside crystal 438
Diffuse maxima, bridges between 244 256
Diffuse maxima, contribution of different elastic waves to 209
Diffuse maxima, dependence of shape of on crystal structure 248
Diffuse maxima, distribution of intensity in 207 210
Diffuse maxima, intensities of 257
Diffuse reflections, considered as optical ghosts 205
Diffuse reflections, dependence of on elastic type of crystal 214 250
Diffuse reflections, effect of temperature on 247
Diffuse reflections, experimental study of 239
Diffuse reflections, Faxen — Waller theory of 195 201 207
Diffuse reflections, from aluminium 241
Diffuse reflections, from benzil 241 243
Diffuse reflections, from rock salt 246
Diffuse reflections, from sodium 250 251
Diffuse reflections, from sorbic acid 247 250
Diffuse reflections, from sylvine 242
Diffuse reflections, from tungsten 251
Diffuse reflections, from urea nitrate 247 249
Diffuse reflections, radial streaks in 239 244
Diffuse reflections, relation of to Bragg and Laue spectra 246
Diffuse reflections, relation of to elastic waves in crystal 208
Diffuse reflections, shape of, for chain structures 250
Diffuse reflections, shape of, for layer lattices 248
Diffuse reflections, study of on Laue photographs 241
Diffuse scattering, dependence of on temperature 257
Diffuse scattering, from sodium fluoride 263
Diffuse scattering, from sylvine 261
Diffuse scattering, from zinc 264
Diffuse scattering, investigation of with ionisation spectrometer 253
Diffuse scattering, Jauncey's theory of 258
Diffusion, dependence of form of on elastic type 213
Diffusion, dependence of form of on order of spectrum 214
Diffusion, for cubic crystals 210 213
Diffusion, surfaces of equal 210
Dipole oscillator, scattering by 135
Dipole oscillator, scattering factor for 137
Dipole oscillator, virtual, in dispersion theory 140 143
Dipole terms in scattering factor 163
Dipole-waves in dynamical theory 66
Dipole-waves in dynamical theory in semi-infinite crystal 80
Dipole-waves in dynamical theory, amplitude of accompanying wave 69
Dipole-waves in dynamical theory, description of in terms of reciprocal lattice 70
Dipole-waves in dynamical theory, electromagnetic field due to 67
Dipole-waves in dynamical theory, relation of to interference wave-field 72
Dipole-waves in dynamical theory, resonance error of 70
Dirac, P.A.M. 102 261 463
Dispersion equation 75
Dispersion formula, experimental verification of 167
Dispersion formula, experimental verification of, from refractive indices 167
Dispersion formula, experimental verification of, from scattering factors 180
Dispersion formula, for many-electron atom 143
Dispersion formula, Kramers — Heisenberg 143
Dispersion formula, oscillator strengths in (q.v.)
Dispersion of X-rays 135
Dispersion of X-rays, calculated from absorption coefficients 148
Dispersion of X-rays, calculated from atomic wave-functions 157
Dispersion surface for two waves 76 419
Dispersion surface in dynamical theory 75
Dispersion surface, relation between phases on different sheets of 422
Dispersion surface, significance of 421
Dispersion surface, transition from one to two waves 79
Dispersion terms in scattering formulae, for bound electrons 112 140
Dispersion terms in scattering formulae, for many-electron atom 143
Displacements, root-mean-square, of atoms in crystals 236 238
Distortion of crystals, effect of on scattering 560
Divergent-beam photography 452
Divergent-beam photography with gamma rays 455
Double-crystal spectrometer, (1,1) setting for 314
Double-crystal spectrometer, effect of polarisation in 315
Double-crystal spectrometer, integrated reflection from 316
Double-crystal spectrometer, parallel setting for 308
Double-crystal spectrometer, parallel setting for, absence of dispersion in 312
Double-crystal spectrometer, parallel setting for, reflection curve for 310 312
Double-crystal spectrometer, principle of 306
Double-crystal spectrometer, reflection curves from diamond 318
Double-crystal spectrometer, test of Darwin — Prins formula with 322
Double-crystal spectrometer, use of in measuring refractive indices 180
Double-crystal spectrometer, widths of double and single reflection curves 317
Duane, W. 168 239 343 344 438
Dyer, H.B. 620
Dynamical theory of reflection 66 413
Dynamical theory of reflection in terms of continuous charge-distribution 413
Dynamical theory of reflection, boundary conditions in 83 427
Dynamical theory of reflection, dipole wave in 66
Dynamical theory of reflection, dispersion surface in 75
Dynamical theory of reflection, interchange solution in 86
Dynamical theory of reflection, Laue's form of 413
Dynamical theory of reflection, solution of for two waves in finite crystal 422
Dynamical theory of reflection, symmetrical reflection in 86
Dynamical theory of reflection, unsymmetrical reflection in 88
Dynamical theory of reflection, wave-field in (q.v.)
Edwards, O. 556 558
Ehrenberg, W. 232 305 306 318 319
Ehrenfest, P.S. 343 344 459
Ehrhardt, F. 487
Elastic spectrum of lattice, contribution of different frequency ranges to 223
Elastic spectrum of lattice, dependence of on temperature 224
Elastic spectrum of lattice, discontinuities in for real crystals 226
Electron density, radial from scattering factors 404
Electron density, radial, false detail in 408
Electron density, radial, Fourier series for 408
Electron density, radial, in atoms 97
Electron density, radial, numerical determination of 117 123 125
Electron spin, effect of on exchange terms 116
Electrons, diffraction of, by gas molecules 493
Electrons, diffraction of, by small crystals 545 547
Electrons, scattering by, on classical theory 29
Electrons, scattering by, on quantum theory 101
Epstein, P. 343 344
Ewald's construction 8 9
Ewald's construction, use of in dynamical theory 72
Ewald's dynamical theory 66
Ewald, P.P. 8 9 14 44 52 53 55 66 67 68 70 73 74 76 78 83 84 87 89 90 168 169 170 232 304 305 318 319 321 343 348 413 424 516
Exchange, effect of on f-factor for 122
Exchange, in incoherent scattering 116
Exclusion principle 114 117
Extinction, primary 60 268
Extinction, primary and secondary, simultaneous existence of 294
Extinction, primary, calculation of in range of total reflection 430
Extinction, primary, correction for 270
Extinction, primary, dependence of on wave-length 330
Extinction, primary, effect of in divergent beam photography 454
Extinction, primary, effect of on measurement of temperature factor 232
Extinction, primary, estimate of for rock salt and diamond 61
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