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Whittaker E. — A history of the theories of aether and electricity (Vol 2. The modern theories) |
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Aberration, relativist theory of 40
Abraham, M. 68 153 247
Actinium, discovered 3
Adam, M.G. 181
Adams, J.C. 147
Adams, N.I. 249
Adams, W.S. 228
Adiabatic invariants 122
Aepinus, F.U.T. 150
Aether, Cunningham's moving 248
Alexandrow, W. 183
Allen, H.S. 97
Allison, S.K. 210
Alpha particles, are helium nuclei 6—8
Alpha particles, discovered 2
Alpha particles, produce disintegration of atomic nuclei 25—26
Alpha particles, scattering by matter 20
Alpha particles, their charge and mass 3
Andrade, E.N. da C. 20
Anomalous Zeeman effect 135
Anomalous Zeeman effect, explanation of 136
Anomalous Zeeman effect, quantum-mechanical theory of 301—302
Aperiodic phenomena 267
Armstrong, A.H. 210
Arvidsson, G. 244
Aston, F.W. 13
Atom, Lenard's model 22
Atom, Rutherford's model 22—24
Atom, Thomson's model 21
Auger, P. 90
Average value of a variable in matrix-mechanics 259
Avogadro number 8 9 18
Avogadro number, calculated by Planck 84
Azimuthal quantum number 120 131 132
Back, E. 135
Backlund, O. 149
Baecklin, E. 139
Bailey, V.A. 218
Ballistic theory of light 38
Balmer spectrum, Bohr's derivation of 110
Balmer, discussed by Dirac and Pauli 266
Band, W. 175
Barajas, A. 192
Bargmann, V. 192
Barkla, C.G. 14—16 23 207
Barnett, L.J.H. 244
Barnett, S.J. 243 244 246
Bateman, H. 8 64 76 94 154—156 195
Bates, L.F. 244
Batho, H.F. 94
Bay, Z. 211
Beams, J.W. 96
Bearden, J.A. 210
Beatty, R.T. 17
Beck, E. 244
Beck, G. 304
Becker, J.A. 210 236
Becker, R. 198 211
Becquerel, E. 1
Becquerel, H. 1—3
Bergmann, A. 112
Bernoulli, Johann 144
Bessel, F.W. 228
Bessel-Hagen, E. 195
Beta-particle, discovered 2
Beta-particle, its charge and mass 3
Bethe, H. 219 234
Bevan, P.V. 106 202
Bhatnagar, P.L. 123
Birge, R.T. 112
Birkhoff, G.D. 175
Bishop, F.N. 116
Bjerrum, N. 108 109
Black-body radiation, energy-density of 83
Blackett, P.M.S. 26
Blake, F.C. 93
Block, F. 230
Blom, C.E. 97
Body alpha 28
Bohr, N. 25 109—112 114 118 120 130—132 140 141 211 242
Boltwood, B.B. 8 10 11 13
Boltzmann constant k, introduced 82
Boltzmann constant, calculated 84
Boltzmann, L. 82 85 96 122
Bonnor, W.B. 192
Born, M. 100 103 130 138 204 217 254 255 258—260 263 267 272 291 292 294—296 306
Bortolotti, E. 192
Bose statistics 219
Bose, S.N. 87 219—224
Bothe, W. 102 103 199 210 212 213 229
Brace, D.B. 29
Brackett, F. 112
Bragg law for reflection of X-rays at crystals 20
Bragg, Sir W.H. 7 17—20 93
Bragg, Sir W.L. 19 20 305
Branching in radio-active series 14
Brdicka, M. 183
Breit, G. 304 305
Bridge, L.A. du 233 235 236
Bridgman, P.W. 231 232
Brillouin, L. 160 230 280 282 305
Brinsmade, J.B. 108
Brittain, W.H. 236
Brouwer, D. 149
Brown, R. 9
Brownian motion 9
Bucherer, A.H. 15 53 111
Budde, E. 43
Burger, H.C. 137 199
Burgers, J.M. 126
Burmeister, W. 108
Cabras, A. 160
Cabrera, B. 242
Campbell, N.R. 94
Canonical distribution, Gibbs' 86 197
Canonical transformations in matrix mechanics 263
Capon, R.S. 38
Caratheodory, C. 43
Cartan, E. 190 192
Cassini, G.D. 144
Castelnuovo, G. 184
Catalan, M.A. 136
Cayley, A. 34 256
Chadwick, Sir J. 25 26
Chase, C.T. 29
Chattock, A.P. 244
Chaudhuri, R.M. 218
Chazy, J. 184
Cherwell, F.A. Lindemann, Baron 13 97
Christoffel symbols 160 161
Christoffel, E.B. 160 161 166
Cilliers, A.C. 242
Clark, George L. 210
Clark, Gordon L. 54
Clausius, R. 122
Clemence, G.M. 179 180
Clifford, W.K. 156
Clocks, relativist theory of rate of 42
Coefficients of emission and absorption, Einstein's theory of 197
Coherence of light 94 95
Collier, V. 16
Collisions, classical and quantum-mechanical theory of 291—295
Combridge, J.T. 194
Commutation-rule in matrix mechanics 260
Complexions 81
Compton effect 208
Compton effect, quantum-mechanical theory of 267 304—305
Compton wave-length 210
Compton, A.H. 134 142 207—212 304 305
Compton, K.T. 89 90
| Comstock, D.F. 52
Conduction in metals 230
Conformal transformations in four-dimensional space 195
Contact potential-difference between two metals 90 235
Contracted curvature tensor 167
Contraction of tensors 62
Contraction, FitzGerald, explained by relativity theory 37
Contravariant vector or tensor 58
Conway, A.W. 106 128 246 247
Copson, E.T. 158
Correspondence theorem for frequencies 128
Coster, D. 140 141
Covariance of laws of physics 159
Covariant differentiation 161 189
Covariant vector or tensor 59
Cowell, P.H. 147 149
Coxeter, H.S. 184
Crommelin, A.C.D. 149
Crookes, Sir W. 3 5 12
Crowther, J.A. 15
Croxson, C. 121
Crystals, diffraction of X-rays by 18
Cunningham's stress in a moving aether 248
Cunningham, E. 195 248
Curie's law of variation of paramagnetic susceptibility with temperature 239 241
Curie, M. 2 3
Curie, P. 2 3 239 241 242
Current, electric, representation in wave-mechanics 294
Curvature, scalar 167
Curzon, H.E.J. 182
Darrieus, G. 191
Darwin, K. 302
Darwin, Sir C.G. 19 20 23 25 87 211 219 301
Dauvillier, A. 140 141
Davisson, C.J. 217—219
de Broglie waves associated with a moving particle 214
de Broglie's wave-function satisfies a partial differential equation 268
de Broglie, M., Due 89 209
de Broglie, Prince L.V.P.R. 102 103 141 143 191 214 216—219 268 269 271
de Bruyne, N.A. 236 237
de Jans, C. 178
de Laplace, P.S., Marquis 47 145—147 151
de Sitter world 184—5 187
de Sitter, W. 38 151 178 183 184
Debierne, A. 3
Debye, P. 87 98 99 105 126 128 209 235 290
Degeneracy 277
Demarcay, E.A. 2
Dempster, A.J. 94
Diagonal matrices 259 264
Diamagnetism, explanation of 238—242
Differentiation, covariant 161 189
Diffraction, of reflected electrons 218
Diffraction, of streams of material particles 219
Dirac's q-numbers 266
Dirac, P.A.M. 113 224 265—267 272 280 304 306
Directed processes, emission and absorption are 199
Discontinuous jumps, not essential to quantum theory 206—207
Disintegration of atomic nuclei 25—6
Dispersion, scattering, and refraction of light, quantum theory of 200—6
Dispersion-electron 200
Displacement of spectral line emitted at a place of high gravitational potential 152 180
Displacement-laws for radio-active disintegrations 13
Distance, spatial, between two particles 186
Ditchburn, R.W. 215
Divergence of a tensor 162 163
Dobronrawov, N. 17
Doppler effect, relativist theory of 40 92
Doppler effect, transverse Doppler effect 42
Dorgels, H.B. 137
Dorn, F.E. 4
Droste, J. 175
Du Val, P. 184
Dual six-vectors 164
Duane, W. 16 93 142 207 210 216 217
Dulong, P.L. 96 97
Dunoyer, L. 9
Dushman, S. 232 233
Dwarf stars, white 181 228
Dymond, E.G. 218
Dynamics, relativist 44 70
Earhart, R.F. 236
Eckart, C. 230 234 285 290
Eclipse values for deflection of light from a star 180
Eddington's fusion of electromagnetism with gravitation 189
Eddington, Sir A.S. 54 87 150 151 183 188—191 197
Ehrenfest, P. 38 103 109 122 123 128 143 183 198 231
Einstein Universe 183
Einstein's laws of motion, relation to Newton's 168
Einstein, A. 8—10 40 42 52 87—89 91 93 94 96—98 101—104 118 152 153 156—160 166—168 170 175 179 180 182—184 188—192 197—199 215 219 222—224 244 245 263
Einsteinian theory of gravitation, its characteristics 158
Eisenhart, L.P. 188 191
Electric density and current, relativist transformation of 39
Electrochemical potential 231
Electromagnetic field, equations of, in general space-time 160—164 174
Electromagnetic theory, classical, connection with quantum theory of emission 284—285
Electromagnetic theory, deduced from electrostatics 247
Electromagnetism, fusion with gravitation 188—192
Electromagnetism, independent of metric geometry 195
Electromagnetism, Page's emission theory of 249
Electromotive force produced by altering the velocity of a conductor 243
Electron, energy radiated by 247
Electron, field due to a moving 246
Electron-inertia, effects of 243
Electronic charge, calculated by Planck 85
Electrons, diffraction of 218
Electrons, extracted from cold metals by electric fields 236—237
Electrons, in metals 230
Electrons, thermal equilibrium with radiation 213
Elsasser, W. 217
Elster, J. 3
Emission and absorption, Einstein's theory of coefficients of 197
Emission and absorption, they are directed processes 199
Emission theory of electromagnetism, Page's 249
Encke's comet, anomalous acceleration of 148
Encke, J.F. 148
Energy and temperature of a star, relation between 229
Energy of moving system 73
Energy, as observed by a particular observer 74
Energy, connection of mass with 51 53
Energy, conservation of 68
Energy, conservation of, in impact 51
Energy, kinetic, relativist formula for 46 48
Energy-momentum vector 69
Energy-momentum vector, connection with energy-tensor 72
Energy-tensor 66 67
Energy-tensor, connection with energy-momentum vector 72
Energy-tensor, expressed in terms of Lagrangean function 76
Energy-tensor, Minkowski's, derived from Hilbert's world-function 172
Entropy, connected by the Boltzmann — Planck law with probability 82
Epstein, P.S. 55 121 143 298 299 301
Equivalence, Einstein's principle of 152
Esclangon, E. 43
Essen, L. 43
Estermann, I. 219
Eucken, A. 100
Eulcr, L. 145 146
Evans, E.J. 114 121
Ewald, P.P. 18 19
Ewing, Sir J.A. 238
exchange interaction 307
Exchanges of energy between matter and radiation 198
Exchanges, of momentum in emission and absorption 199
Exclusion-principle 142
Expanding Universe 188
Eyraud, H. 190
Eyring, C.F. 236
Fajans, K. 13 14
Faraday, M. 245
Fermi statistics 224
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