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Whittaker E. — A history of the theories of aether and electricity (Vol 2. The modern theories) |
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Momentum, of moving system 74
Momentum, Planck's definition of 54
Momentum, relativist 47 48
Moon, secular acceleration of 146—148
Morgan, H.R. 179
Morley, E.W. 38
Morley, F. 178
Morton, W.B. 123
Moseley, H.G.J. 19 20 24 25
Mossotti, O.F. 150
Motion, relation of Einstein's to Newton's laws 168
Mott-Smith, L.M. 243
Mueller, C. 111
Mueller, D.W. 236
Multiplets 137
Multiply-periodic systems 127
Murnaghan, F.D. 180 195
Nagaoka, H. 22
Narliker, V.V. 43
Needle radiation, J.J. Thomson's introduction of 94
Nernst, W. 96 97 100 104 108 224
Neumann, C. 27
Neumann, G. 53
Newcomb, S. 148
Newlands, J.A.R. 11
Newton, Sir I. 144
Newtonian doctrine of gravitation, difficulties in 144
Newtonian law of attraction, derived from Schwarzschild's solution 179
Newtonian laws of motion, relation to Einstein's 168
Newtonian mechanics, relativity of 27
Nicholson, J.W. 107
Nicol, J. 16
Nishina, Y. 211
Niven, C. 57
Noble, H.R. 29
Noerdstrom, G. 153 182
Nordheim, L.W. 229 230 233 237
Normalisation of wave-function 275
Nuclei, disintegration of atomic 25—26
Null cone 65 165
Null geodesics are tracks of rays of light 165
Nyquist, H. 10 117
Ogura, K. 178
Olpin, A.R. 236
Onnes, H. Kamerlingh 100 242
Operator corresponding to any physical quantity 267
Oppenheim, S. 148
Oppenheimer, J.R. 237
Orchestra, virtual 204 253
Ornstein, L.S. 137 199 229
Orthogonal vectors 64
Orthogonality defined 64 159
Orthogonality of wave-functions 276
Oseen, C.W. 175
Ostwald, W. 9
Outer product of tensors 61
Owens, R.B. 4
Page, L. 247 249
Palatini, A. 170 175
Papapetrou, A. 175 192
Parallel-transport 189
Paramagnetism, explanation of 238 242
Pars, L.A. 43
Particle, free motion of, in gravitational field 156
Particle, single massive, field of 175—177
Paschen, F. 81 112 115 121 134 135
Pauli, W. 134 135 142 188 191 192 213 224 226 230 240 266 267 300
Pegram, G.B. 246
Peierls, R. 230
Peltier effect 231
Periodic table 11
Perrin, J.B. 9
Perry, J. 244
Persico, E. 282
Perturbations, matrix theory of 264
Perturbations, wave-mechanical theory of 296
Petit, A.T. 96 97
Pforte, W.S. 237
Phase, of photons 95
Phase-surfaces of de Broglie waves 270—271
Photo-chemical decomposition 91
Photo-electric compound photo-electric effect 90
Photo-electric Einstein's theory of 89
Photo-electric phenomena 234—236
Photo-electric photo-electric effect for gases 90
Photo-molecules in radiation, numbers of 89 103 199
Photons introduced 88
Photons, momentum of 91
Pickering, E.C. 113
Planck's law of pure temperature radiation, discovery of 81 83
Planck's second theory 103
Planck's third theory 104
Planck, M. 44 48 51—54 68 69 78—86 88 103 104 118 151 152 201 263
Pluecker, J. 34
Plummer, H.G. 38
Pohl, R. 18
Poincare, H. 23 30 31 33 36 37 39 48 51 64 104 151 246
Poisson, S.D. 265
Poisson-bracket, quantum analogue of 266
Polonium, discovered 2
Ponderomotive force in electrodynamics 71
Pons, J.L. 148
Porter, H.L. 17
Positive-ray analysis 12
Potential of electromagnetic field 164
Potential, electrochemical 231
Potential, Gibbs's thermodynamical 226
Potential, gravitational 157
Potential, scalar and vector, Hargreaves' expressions for 252
Potential-vector, electric 75—76
Poynting, J.H. 67 247 248
Precession of earth's axis, relativist 182
Pressure due to electromagnetic field 251
Priestley, J. 247
Principal function, connection with Schroedinger's equation 270—272 279—280
Pringsheim, E. 78 81 84
Probability of value of energy found by a measurement 284
Probability, that an electron is in a given volume-element 275
Probability, Thermodynamic 82
Proper-mass 51
Proper-time 68
Proper-values 272
Proton, named 23
Ptolemy, Claudius 144 146
q-numbers 266
Quantum condition, expressed in terms of de Broglie waves 216—217
Quantum mechanics, introduction of term 204
Quantum of action, calculated 84
Quantum of action, introduced 83
Radiation, discovery of Planck's law 81 83
Radio-activity 1—8 10—14 20
Radium, discovered 2
Rainich, G.Y. 180
Raman effect 205
Raman, Sir C.V. 205
Ramsauer, C. 218
Ramsay, Sir W. 6 11
Rankine, W.J.M. 57
Ray, B.B. 141
Rayleigh's law of radiation, derived from Planck's 83
Rayleigh, J.W. Strutt, third Baron 29 78 97 108 200 296
Rayleigh, R.J. Strutt, fourth Baron 3 116
Reaction on moving mass due to its radiation 247
Reaction, kinetics of 229
Rectilinear orbits in field of a single particle 178
Refraction, scattering, and dispersion of light, quantum theory of 200—206
Refractive index of a metal for electron-waves 234
Reiche, F. 86 100 200 201
Reichenbacher, E. 192
Reid, A. 218
| Reissner, H. 182
Relativity, principle of 30
Ricci-Curbastro, G. 58 155 159 161 194
Ricci-tensor 167
Ricci-tensor, identical relations of 173
Richardson, Sir O.W. 89 90 218 232 233 235—237 244
Richmond, D.E. 43
Richtmyer, F.K. 207
Riemann tensor 166
Riemann, B. 166
Righi, A. 43
Ritz, W. 38 106 109
Robertson, F.S. 235
Robertson, H.P. 43 74 182 184
Rod, rotating, longitudinal vibrations of 43
Roentgen, W.K. 1
Rosanes, J. 255
Rosen, N. 175 183 192 272
Rosenfeld, L. 234
Ross, P.A. 209 210
Rossi, B. 44
Rossi, R. 11
Rotation of coil produced by starting current 243
Rothe, H. 43 234
Royds, T. 8
Ruark, A.E. 301
Rubens, H. 78 81
Rubinowicz, A. 87 131
Rupp, E. 218 219
Ruse, H.S. 194
Russell, A.S. 11
Russell, H.N. 137
Rutgens, A.J. 231
Rutherford, E., Baron 2—8 10 11 13—15 20 22—26 106 134 207 291 292
Rydberg constant 111
Sadler, C.A. 16 207
Sagnac, G. 43
Saunders, F.A. 137
scalar 57
Scalar-curvature 167
Scattering of charged particles by a charged centre 295
Scattering, refraction and dispersion, quantum theory of 200—206
Scattering, wave-mechanical derivation of the Kramers — Heisenberg formula 302—304
Schaefer, C. 53
Schaposchnikow, K. 218
Schechter, A. 188
Scheel, K. 100
Schimizu, T. 16
Schlapp, R. 300
Schmidt, G.C. 2
Schoenberg, M. 175
Schott, G.A. 246
Schottky, W. 10 232 234—236
Schouten, J.A. 58 182 190—192 195
Schroedinger's partial differential equation for the wave-function 270 272
Schroedinger, E. 76 77 99 192 268 270—273 275 278 283 285 287 290 294 296—300 302 305
Schuster, Sir A. 244
Schwarzs child's solution for a single massive particle 175—177
Schwarzschild, K. 121 175 177 184 246
Schwers, F. 100
Seddig, M. 9
Seeliger, H. 148
Selection-principles 131 132
Sen, N.R. 43 184
Severi, F. 43
Sexl, T. 30
Shankland, R.S. 213
Sharpe, F.R. 246
Sharpless, B.P. 148
Shells in atoms 137—139 141 142
Shimizu, T. 180 207
Siegbahn, M. 141
Silberstein, L. 54 168 184
Simon, A.W. 209 212
Simultaneity 36
Six-vectors 35 60
Skew fundamental tensor of Ricci and Levi — Civita 194
Skew tensor 59
Skobelzyn, D. 209
Slater, J.C. 211
Smekal — Raman effect 205
Smekal, A. 205
Smith, E.R. 13
Smith, J.D. Main 141
Soddy, F. 5 6 10 12 13
Soldner, J. 180
Solomon, J. 103
Solutions of equations of general relativity, particular 182
Sommerfeld, A.J.W. 18 55 68 104 105 118—120 126 128 132—134 137 139 141 160 211 217 230 231 233 237 246 282
Space quantification 130
Space-time, as a Cayley — Klein manifold 65
Space-time, four-dimensional 64
Spatial directions 65
Spatial directions, spatial distance between two particles 186
Specific heats of solids 96
Specific heats, Debye's formula for 99
Specific heats, Einstein's formula for 97
Spectra, Bjerrum's theory of molecular 108
Spectra, Bohr's explanation of Balmer lines 110
Spectra, Conway's discovery regarding 106
Spectra, Nicholson proposes a quantum theory of 107
Spin of electron 134
St John, C.E. 181
Staeckel, P. 126 127
Stark effect, discovered 117
Stark effect, discussed by matrix mechanics 267
Stark effect, Schwarzschild and Epstein's theory 121
Stark effect, wave-mechanical theory of 297
Stark, J. 42 53 90 91 93 95 117 267
Statistics, Bose 219
Statistics, Fermi 224
Staude, O. 127
Stefan — Boltzman law 86
Stefan, J. 85
Stem, T.E. 237
Stern — Gerlach effect 130
Stern, O. 87 104 130 219 242
Steubing, W. 91
Stewart, J.Q. 244
Stewart, T.D. 243
Stifler, W.W. 210
Stillwell, G.R. 42 43
Stimulated emission 198
Stomholm, D. 12
Stoner, E.C. 96 141 227
Struik, D.J. 192
Strutt, J.W. see "Rayleigh Lord"
Strutt, R.J. see "Rayleigh Lord"
Sucksmith, W. 244
Superposition of states 283
Sutherland, W. 97
Svedberg, T. 9 12
Swann, W.F.G. 246
Sylvester, J.J. 256
Symmetric tensor 59
Synge, J.L. 43 174 175 194 215
Szepesi, Z. 211
Szily, C. 122
Tait, P.G. 28
Tate, J.T. 246
Taylor, J.B. 242
Taylor, N.W. 241
Taylor, Sir G.I. 94
Temperature and energy of a star, relation between 229
Temple, G. 43 175 194
Temporal directions 65
Tensors 57
Thermionic work-function 90
Thermionics 232
Thermodynamic potential, Gibbs's 226
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