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Whittaker E. — A history of the theories of aether and electricity (Vol 2. The modern theories) |
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Fermi, E. 51 54 206 224—230 233 237 284
Ferromagnetism, explanation of 241—242
Filiform disturbances 165
Filiform solutions of partial differential equations 269
Fine-structure constant 120
Fine-structure of hydrogen lines 120 134
Finlay-Freundlich, E. 180
Fisher, J.W. 191
Fitzgerald Contraction 37
Fitzgerald, G.F. 28 37 157 158
Five-dimensional relativity 191
Flat space, relativity in 175
Fleck, A. 12
Flint, H.T. 191
Florance, D.C.H. 207
Fluctuations in radiation 101
Fluegge, S. 229
Fock, V. 300
Fokker, A.D. 104 153 170 182 213
Force in relativity 69
Forsyth, A.R. 178
Foster, J.S. 299
Fotheringham, J.K. 148
Fowler, A. 113 115 136
Fowler, Sir R.H. 87 228 233 235—237
Franck, J. 104 115 116 217
Frandsen, M. 13
Frank, P. 43 87
Franklin, B. 150
Freedericksz, V. 188
Fresnel, A. 217
Freundlich, E. see "Finlay-Freundlich E."
Friedman, A. 188
Friedrich, W. 18 19
Frisch, R. 91
Fuchs, K. 103
Fuerth, R. 9
Fues, E. 277
Fundamental tensor 62 63
Gamma - rays discovered 3
Gamma - rays, wave-lengths of 20
Gans, R. 242
Gehrcke, E. 94
Geiger counter 7
Geiger, H. 7 8 15 20 22—25 212
Geitel, W. 3
Geometry, attempts to make physics independent of 193—196
Gerber, P. 148
Gerlach, W. 90 96 130 242
Germer, L.H. 218 219
Gibbs's canonical distribution 86
Gibbs's thermodynamical potential 226
Gibbs, J. Willard 8 57 86 123 226 237
Giesel, F.O. 3
Gilloch, J.M. 54
Giorgi, G. 28 160
Gmelin, P. 111
Gomes, L.R. 43
Gonseth, F. 191
Gordon, W. 268 294 295 304 305
Gossling, B.S. 237
Goudsmit, S. 134 137 267
Graef, C. 192
Grant, K. 207
Grant, R. 147
Grating, quantum theory of diffraction by 142—143
Gravitation, relation between Einsteinian and Newtonian constants 170
Gravitational field, Einstein's equations of 166—168 173
Gravitational potentials 157
Gravitational properties essentially the same as inertial properties 152
Gravitational waves 183
Gray, J.A. 20 207
Grier, A.G. 5
Gronwall, T.H. 273
Grossmann, M. 156
Grueneisen, E. 97
Guernsey, E.W. 243
Guye, C. 53
gyromagnetic ratio 244
Haantjes, J. 195
Haas, A.E. 111
Haas, W.J. de 244
Hafnium 140
Haga, H. 18
Hagenow, C.F. 207
Hagihara, Y. 178
Hahn, O. 11
Hall, D.B. 44
Halley's comet, anomalous motion of 149
Halley, E. 146 149
Halpern, O. 208 301
Halsted, G.B. 30
Hamilton's Principal Function, connection with Schrodinger's equation 270—272 279—280
Hamilton's principle, connection with quantum theory 104
Hamilton, Sir W.R. 256 264 270 271 278—280
Hamiltonian form in relativity 47
Hapke, E. 111
Hardtke, O. 117
Hargreaves, R. 64 250—252
Harmonic oscillator, solved by matrix mechanics 261—263
Harmonic oscillator, solved by wave mechanics 288—290
Hasenohrl, F. 51 54
Heaviside, O. 67 247
Hector, L.G. 241
Heisenberg, W. 103 137 206 253—255 258 259 263 265 267 272 279 285 296 301 302 304 306 307
Helium, ionised, spectrum of 114
Helium, nucleus 6—8
Helium, spectrum of 306
Herglotz, G. 246
Hertz, G. 13 104 115
Hertz, P. 123
Herzfeld, K.F. 22 232
Hessenberg, G. 190
Heuse, W. 100
Hevesy, G. 140
Hewlett, C.W. 207
Hilbert, D. 76 159 170 173 175
Hoenl, H. 137
Hoffman, B. 182 191
Holm, E. 242
Houston, W.V. 230 237
Hubbard, J.C. 210
Hughes, A.L. 89 236
Hughes, J.V. 219
Hund, F. 137 241
Hunt, F.L. 93
Huntington, E.V. 43
Huygens' principle in optics 271
Huygens, C. 144 271
Hydrogen atom, discussed by Dirac and Pauli 266
Hydrogen atom, discussed by wave-mechanics 273—275
Hyperfine structure of spectral lines 142
Identical particles, quantum-mechanical theory of a system containing 306
Imes, E.S. 108
Inequalities 144
Inequalities, secular, of Jupiter and Saturn 145
Inertial systems of reference 27 35
Infeld, L. 182
Instantaneous three - dimensional space of observer 159
Integral form of electromagnetic equations 250
Interference and diffraction are essentially quantum effects 216
interval 65
Ionisation-potential of a gas 91
Ionised helium, Spectrum of 114
Ionium, parent of radium 11
Ironside, R. 218
Ishiwara, J. 118
Isotopes 11—13
Ives, H.E. 40 42 43 52 236
Jackson, J. 180
| Jacobsohn, S. 103
Jaffe, g. 272
Jahnke, E. 78
Jauncey, G.E.M. 209
Jeans, Sir J. 38 78 120 148
Jeffery, G.B. 182
Jeffreys, Sir H. 280
Joffe, A. 17
Johnson, J.B. 10
Johnson, T.H. 219
Jones, Sir H. Spencer 148
Joos, G. 241
Jordan, P. 103 206 214 229 259 260 263 267 272 280 296 301
Juettner, F. 192
Juvet, G. 191
Kaluza, Th. 190
Karrer, S. 243
Kaufmann, W. 3 53
Kaye, G.W.C. 16
Keesom, W.H. 100
Kelvin, W. Thomson, Baron 21 28 57 66 91 235
Kemble, E.C. 108 109
Kennard, E.H. 43 94 246 272
Kennedy, R.J. 43
Kikuchi, S. 218 229
Kinetics of reactions 229
Kirschbaum, H. 117
Kleeman, R. 7
Klein, F. 56 76 170 184
Klein, O. 130 191 211 267 268 302 304
Knauer, F. 219
Knipping, P. 18 19
Koch, P.P. 18
Kohl, E. 43
Kohlrausch, K.W.F. 206
Kopfermann, H. 205
Kossel, W. 132
Kothari, D.S. 123
Kottler, F. 192—195
Kowalewski, G. 195
Kramers, H.A. 122 132 182 203 206 211 229 253 260 265 280 282 302 304 306
Kretschmann, E. 159 230
Krishnan, K.S. 205
Kronig, R. de L. 134 137
Kroo, J.N. 242
Kuehn, W. 259
Kuerth, E.H. 16
Kunsman, C.H. 217
Kurlbaum, F. 78 81 84
Ladenburg, E.R. 89
Ladenburg, R. 138 200 202 205 253
Lagrange, J.L. 145 146
Lagrangean form in relativity 47
Lalen, V. 43
Lambda-term in the gravitational equations 183
Lanczos, C. 174 184 300
Lande splitting-factor 135
Lande, A. 96 135 138 141 204 267 302 306
Landsberg, G. 205
Langer, R.H. 272 280
Langevin, P. 9 29 239 240—242 246
Langmuir, I. 137 138 218 232
Laporte, O. 137
Larmor, Sir J. 28 31 32 37 87 128 247 249
Laub, J. 207 245
Lauritsen, C.C. 236 237
Lavanchy, C. 53
Lawrence, E.O. 96 236
Le Sage, G.L. 149
Lead, end-product of radio-active series 13
Leathern effect 249—250
Leathern, J.G. 249
Ledermann, W. 180
Lehmann-Filhes, R. 149
Leibnitz, G.W. 144
Leithauser, G. 111
Lemaitre, G. 188
Lenard, P. 22 235
Lenz, W. 130 267
Lever, Lewis and Tolman's bent 55
Levi-Civita, T. 58 155 159 178 182 190 194
Lewis, G.N. 13 48 52 53 55 88 137 241
Lichnerowicz, A. 194
Liebert, G. 117
Light, deflection of a ray by a gravitating body 180
Light, rays are null geodesies 165
Light, velocity of, with respect to an inertial frame of reference 159
Light-darts 211
Lilienfeld, J.E. 236
Lindemann, F.A. see "Cherwell"
Linford, L.B. 236
Lo Surdo, A. 117
Lohuizen, T. van 128
Longo, C. 182
Lorentz transformations 33
Lorentz's suggested explanation of gravity 149—151
Lorentz, H.A. 30—33 36 39 53 86 93 102 106 149—151 170 213 242 246 301
Loughridge, D.H. 211
Lummer, O. 78 81 84 94
Lyman, T. 112 116
Macdonald, R.T. 13
Mach's principle 167
Mack, E. 150 151 167 168
Madelung, E. 97 138
Magnetic moment of electron 134
magnetic quantum number 129
Magnetisation, mechanical effect produced by 244
Magnetisation, produced by spinning rods about their axes 244
Magneton, the Weiss and Bohr 242
Mandel, H. 191
Mandelstam, L. 205
Marsden, E. 20 22—25
Mass, connection with energy 51 53
Mass, proper 51
Mathisson, M. 74
Matrices, diagonal 259 264
Matrix-elements, physical meaning of 288
Matrix-mechanics, connection with wave-mechanics 285—287
Matrix-theory 255—258
Maxwell, J. Clerk 67 243 247
Mayer, A.M. 21 137
Mayer, W. 192
McCrea, W.H. 54
McVittie, G.C. 188
Mendeleev, D.I. 11
Mercury, motion of perihelion of 148 179 180
Mesham, P. 207
Mesons, rate of disintegration 44
Metals, electrons in 230
Metric 62
Metric, general, introduced by Bateman 154
Metz, A. 43
Meurers, J. 43
Meyer, E. 90
Meyer, O.E. 85
Meyer, S. 3
Michaud, F. 38
Michelson — Morley experiment, theory of 43
Michelson, A.A. 38 39
Mie, G. 153 154
Miller, D.C. 175
Millikan, R.A. 89 111 235—237
Milne, E.A. 148
Mineur, H. 183
Minkowski, H. 35 64—68 70 71 77 151 172
Mirror, light reflected from a moving 39
Mixed tensor 59
Molecular heats of gases 100
Momentum, conservation of 68
Momentum, of a photon 91
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