Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Basis, unconditional
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Nikolskii N.K. — Treatise on the Shift Operator: Spectral Function Theory | 136, 138 | Singer I. — Bases in Banach spaces I | 396 | Young R.M. — An Introduction to Non-Harmonic Fourier Series, Revised Edition | 3, 13, 204 | Young R.M. — An Introduction to Nonharmonic Fourier Series | 3, 13, 204 | Fabian M.J., Hajek P., Pelant J. — Functional Analysis and Infinite-Dimensional Geometry | 180, 181, 196, 197 | Harmand P., Werner D., Werner W. — M-Ideals in Banach Spaces and Banach Algebras | 303 | Vilenkin N.Y., Gel'fand I.M. — Generalized Functions. Volume 4. Applications of Harmonic Analysis | 42 | Przeworska-Rolewicz D., Rolewicz S. — Equations in linear spaces | 221 | Abramovich Y.A., Aliprantis C.D. — An Invitation to Operator Theory | 32, 500 | Van Neerven J. — The Adjoint Of A Semigroup Of Linear Operators | 1.6, 8.4 | Dineen S. — Complex Analysis of Infinite Dimensional Spaces | 68, 121, 124, 176, 249, 287, 290, 304, 309, 311, 387, 460, 471, 476 | Abramovich Y., Aliprantis C. — An Invitation to Operator Theory (Graduate Studies in Mathematics, V. 50) | 32, 500 |