Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Dineen S. — Complex Analysis of Infinite Dimensional Spaces |
Предметный указатель |
-property 32 37 40 78 101 442
-property 32 242 275 286 331
space 79
-barrelled space 464
-topology 31 187
-product 77 102
space 452
-nuclear space 240
-domain of holomorphy 337 388
-envelope of holomorphy 337 388
-extension 337
algebra 51 79 417
space 164 382 395 458 463 483
space 27 37 68 78 98 132 155 159 172 179 186 214 222 236 354 357 376 402 458 463
space 71 97 100 174 291 294 314 357 390 407 410 443 453
space 78 137 154 175 214 234 314 386 390 421 439 449 458 472
-holomorphic function 74 144 229 439 460
-absolute decomposition 190 197 199 204 214 215 225 240 245 271 279 295 436 445 465 469 483
-nuclear space 240
-Schauder decomposition 314
-stable collection 195
-space 443
operator 366 395
problem 76 174 241 319 323 366
-tensor product 77 102 470
( )-property 410 443
( )-property 241 389 422 472
(BB)-property 33 35 38 71 78 175 316 453
(DN)-property 241 265 302 313 319 389 411 470 472 474
A-nuclear space 206 227 241 290 310 466
Abel's theorem 232
Absolute basis 28 201 205 209 228 241 287 290 291 302 307 308 310 321 439 454 457 462 466 472
Absolute decomposition 189 245 259
Absolutely summing series 458
Absorbing set 27
Adjoint 5 70 424 451
Algebra, 51 79 417
Algebra, commutative 416
Algebra, Frechet 241 340 370
Algebra, locally m-convex 223 237 340 370 386 424 457
Algebra, Stein 241
Algebra, structure 416
Algebra, symmetric 77 457
Algebraic basis 146 247 402 447 460
Algebraic dual 2
Almost uniform copy 54
Ambiguity, point of 326
Ambiguity, set of 326
Analytic continuation 168 231 234 340 349 359 389 392
Analytic functional 166 287 292 316 450 462
Analytic set 441 482
Approximable polynomial 85 427
Approximation number 320
Approximation property 89 93 94 112 124 129 131 134 135 228 254 271 274 298 313 314 376 382 388 396 427 430 436 441 455.
Approximation property, 89
Approximation property, bounded 89 270 271 286 300 314 318 323 354 360 373 379 380 383 389 395 407 409 424 437 439 469 471 474 478
Approximation property, compact 134 459 466
Approximation property, metric 80 90 134 239 467
Approximation property, strict 90 94 102 296
Arens regular 415 417 424
Aron — Berner extension 55 58 79 80 125 134 283 412 415 426 428 431 434 440 443 451 456 480
Ascoli's theorem 183
Asplund holomorphic mapping 481
Asplund space 108
Associated barrelled topology 192 199
Associated bornological topology 25 32 171 192 240 452
Associated infrabarrelled topology 199 240
Associated topology 227 240 316
Auerbach basis 461
Averaging techniques 450
B-continuous function 448
Baire category theorem 153 374 449
Baire first class, function of 154 448
Baire space 221 448 452
Banach disc 194
Banach — Dieudonne theorem 448 465
Banach — Mackey theorem 194
Banach — Mazur distance 45 320
Banach — Steinhaus theorem 449
Barrelled space 27 71 97 170 172 188 192 209 222 224 271 289 354 384
Basic sequence 118 123 251 273 309
Basis constant 251 255
Basis, absolute 28 201 205 209 228 241 287 290 291 302 307 308 310 321 439 454 457 462 466 472
Basis, algebraic 146 247 402 447 460
Basis, Auerbach 461
Basis, boundedly complete 214 465
Basis, countable algebraic 402 441
Basis, equicontinuous 304
Basis, generalized 219 460
Basis, Hamel 146 247 447
Basis, monomial 205 208 249 253 304
Basis, monotone 124 251
Basis, Schauder 42 139 189 201 205 246 249 252 254 271 287 311 318 360 366 395 459 465 471 478
Basis, shrinking 124 247 252 310 314 315
Basis, unconditional 68 121 124 176 249 287 290 304 309 311 387 460 471 476
Baxtle integral 455
Bernoulli random variable 8
Bernstein's inequality 51
Bessaga — Pelczyriski selection principle 118 272
Bidual 55 79 125 129 136 412 419 425 435 444 458 482
Bidual, holomorphic 434
Bidual, natural 58
Biholomorphic mapping 50
Bilinear form 5 75 134 307 321 416 440
Bilinear mapping 2 32 443
Binomial theorem 12
Bipolar 58
Blaschke product 478
Bohr inequality 321
Borel measure 104 132
Borel transform 93 104 287 295 312 317
Bornological DF space 32 40 98 222 234 295 330 463
Bornological space 25 35 38 71 97 170 172 183 256 277 290
Bounded approximation property 89 270 271 286 300 314 318 323 354 360 373 379 380 383 389 395 407 409 424 437 439 469 471 474 478
Bounded nuclear type 295 472
Bounded open topology 22 77
Bounded set 18 21 31 33
Bounded sets, lifting of 131 456
Boundedly complete basis 214 465
Boundedly complete decomposition 214
Bounding holomorphic mapping 481
Bounding set 141 157 166 172 234 298 309 311 373 380 400 403 412 419 443 461 462 468 471 479
Boyd index 139
Calculus of variations 230
Canonical mapping 70 80 97 126 425
Carleman inequality 10
Cartan — Thullen theorem 167 323 357 358 476
Cauchy inequalities 50 149 230 264 298 344 399 401 418 423
Cauchy integral formula 145 230
Cauchy — Riemann equations 144 232
Chart 333
Commutative algebra 416
Compact approximation property 134 459 466
Compact holomorphic mapping 138 481
Compact linear mapping 83 88 90 450
Compact non-polar set 405 409
Compact open topology 21 77 166 336 393
Compact polydisc 202 204 288 292
Compact polynomial 68 84 88 118 137
Complemented subspace 35 38 69 90 174 176 237 270 300 318 420 470 473
Completion, holomorphic 389 399 400 442 478
Completion, pseudo-convex 443
Complex norm 69 450
Conditionally compact set 234
Continuum Hypothesis 447
Contractive projection 50 55
Control function 404
Control set 404 443
Convolution 434 444
Convolution operator 135 297 441 445
| Coordinate functional 145 147
CoType 56 61 320
Countable algebraic basis 402 441
Countable inductive limit 25 27 277
Countable neighbourhood property 281 317
Countable open cover 169 173 208 341 370
Countably barrelled space 225 464
Decomposition 196
Decomposition, absolute 189 245 259
Decomposition, basic 188
Decomposition, boundedly complete 214
Decomposition, equi-Schauder 188 252
Decomposition, finite dimensional 241 249 252 255 259 267 271 310 314 459 470 471
Decomposition, monotone 189 256 259
Decomposition, S-absolute 190 197 199 204 214 215 225 240 245 271 279 295 436 445 465 469 483
Decomposition, Schauder 188 224 239 245 250 257 262
Decomposition, shrinking 196 255 273 311 465
Decomposition, T.S.-complete 213
Decomposition, unconditional 189 259 274
Decomposition, unordered 189
Density condition 40 58 101 286
Desirable norm 450
Determining set 180 225 312 439 461 465
DF space 26 35 78 98 175 222 277 295 309 357 462
Diagonal mapping 4 55 206
Diagonal operator 84
Dirac delta function 29 72 167 184 431
Dirichlet series 231 322
Dispersed set 133
Distinguished space 27 40 387 390 441 452 482
Domain of Existence 354 358 373 376 381 385 399 404 405 439 475 477
Domain of holomorphy 76 233 337 354 385 386 389 394 475
Domain, holomorphically convex 168. 186 324 340 353 355 358 373 389 394 403
Domain, holomorphically separated 346 354 381
Domain, metrically holomorphically convex 478
Domain, polynomially convex 235 316 384 386 388 394
Domain, pseudo-convex 168 233 319 324 340 353 356 366 376 381 383 387 392 403 404 439
Domain, PSH( )-convex 355
Domain, PSH-convex 353 395
Domain, Reinhardt 387 476
Domain, Riemann 237 323 333 343 391 398 430 434 444
Dual nuclear space 94 136 240 301 318
Dual space 2 31 274
Dual, algebraic 2
Dual, fourth 426
Dual, inductive 23 30 183 216
Dual, strong 18 22 207
Dunford — Pettis property 114 117 138 256 314 451 480
Dunford — Pettis Property, polynomial 451 472
Dunford — Pettis Property, reciprocal 141
Dvoretzky Spherical Sections Theorem 46 56 61 320
Envelope of bounded holomorphy 428
Envelope of holomorphy 168 236 316 337 338 384 385 388 396 398 463 477
Envelope of linearity 434
Equi-Schauder decomposition 188 252
Equicontinuous basis 304
Equicontinuous set 15 18 27 30 183 288 296
Euler's identity 76
Even monomials 268
Expected value 8 321
Exponential law 473
Exponential type 298 318 462
Extendible polynomial 439 480
Extension 411
Extension, Aron — Berner 55 58 79 80 125 134 283 412 415 426 428 431 434 440 443 451 456 480
Extension, holomorphic 337 350 385 388 393 400 419 442
Extremal constant 41 79
Extremal polynomial 45 48 450
Extreme point 70 128 451
Factorization lemma 16 58 77 101 161 482
Finite dimensional decomposition 241 249 252 255 259 267 271 310 314 459 470 471
Finite intersection property 327
Finite open topology 144 161 287 296 447
Finitely generated ideal 483
Finitely represented 46
First non-trivial superproperty 56
Frechet algebra 241 340 370
Frechet differentiable function 229
Frechet holomorphic function 74 152
Frechet nuclear space 174 241 257 265 286 291 294 302 312 318 390 407 408 444 462 463 468 474
Frechet space 16 27 101
Frechet space, T-decomposable 317
Frechet — Montel space 27 37 41 130 212 236 247 257 275 286 309 316 331 391 469
Frechet — Schwartz space 286 310 316 323 332 384 386 389 467 469 474 476
Fully nuclear space 74 97 136 202 231 241 247 287 293 294 296 300 309 316 386 405
Function of nuclear type 295
Function, -holomorphic 74 144 229 439 460
Function, control 404
Function, Dirac delta 29 72 167 184 431
Function, exponential type 298 318 462
Function, Frechet differentiable 229
Function, Frechet holomorphic 74 152
Function, generalized Rademacher 63 80 449
Function, Grothendieck integrable 108
Function, holomorphic 74 144 152
Function, holomorphic of bounded type 112 135 164 286 295 412 421 431 441 445 469 473 476
Function, hypoanalytic 159 204 221 294
Function, locally weakly uniformly continuous 255
Function, lower semi-continuous 335
Function, Lusin measurable 108
Function, multiplicative 415 418
Function, Pietsch integrable 108
Function, plurisubharmonic 352 403 438 447 468
Function, Rademacher 116 139
Function, real analytic 450
Function, separately holomorphic 144 154 165 221 233 461
Function, Silva holomorphic 136 467
Function, subharmonic 352
Function, uniformly bounded type 165 228 422
Function, universally measurable 108 460
Function, upper semi-continuous 385
Function, weakly holomorphic 160 173
Functional calculus 421
Functional, analytic 166 287 292 316 450 462
Functional, coordinate 145 147
Functional, multiplicative 168 340 343 379 381 415 424 427
Fundamental neighbourhood system 25 28 39 58 203 211 260 281 294 295 308 344
Fundamental sequence 122
Fundamental system of bounded sets 25 26 330
Fundamental system of compact sets 28 203 260 308 330 358 390 408
Gantmacher's Theorem 451
Gateaux derivative 75
Gateaux differentiable function 149 448
Gateaux holomorphic extension 477
Gateaux holomorphic function 74 144 229 439 460
Gaussian measure 319 442 483
gDF space 282 311 317 462
Generalized basis 219 460
Generalized Rademacher functions 63 80 449
Goldstine's Theorem 104 126 482
Grothendieck integrable function 108
Grothendieck property 141
Grothendieck space 131
Grothendieck — Pietsch criterion 201 205 208 257 266 309 332 422 468
Grothendieck's conjecture 320
Grothendieck's Completeness Theorem 145 185
Hadamard three circles theorem 404
Hamel basis 146 247 447
Hardy — Littlewood inequality 308
Hartogs' theorem 144 154 233 461
Hemi-compact space 163
Hereditary Lindeloef space 228
Hermitian form 5 73
Hilbert space 52 56 61 68 71 72 79 130 395 420 452
Holomorphic bidual 434
Holomorphic completion 389 399 400 442 478
Holomorphic extension 337 350 385 388 393 400 419
Holomorphic factorization 162
Holomorphic function 74 144 152
Holomorphic function of bounded type 112 135 164 286 295 412 421 431 441 445 469 473 476
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