Авторизация |
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Singer I. — Bases in Banach spaces I |
Предметный указатель |
sequence 198
-neighbourhood 106
(M)-convergent 147
A.s.c.f. = associated sequence of coefficient functionals 17 151
Akutowicz, E. 201
Alaoglu, L. 625
Albinus, G. 633
Altman, M.S. 206 629 630 633
Antilinear 9
Approximation property 171
Arsove, M.G. 202 204 206 209 210
Arzela, C. 248 376
Ascoli, G. 623
Auerbach, H. 623
Automorphism 4
Averaging projection 589
Babenko, K.I. 205 629 633 634
Baire, R. 33 34 438 439
Banach — Mazur theorem 2 499
Banach — Steinhaus theorem 348
Banach, S. 2 19 20 24 29 32 116 200 201 202 203 204 207 208 209 349 469 623
Bari, N.K. 208 629 630 633 640
Baric, L.W. 207 209
Base of a cone 320
Basic sequence 27
Basic sequence of type 369
Basic sequence, block 66
Basic sequence, unconditional 505
Basis 1 144
Basis -Schauder 153
Basis -Besselian 354
Basis -Hilbertian 354
Basis -uniform 645
Basis (weakly closed)* 301
Basis of type 315
Basis of type 315
Basis of type 292
Basis of type 292
Basis of type 315
Basis of type 308
Basis of type 308
Basis of type 292
Basis of type 629
Basis of type 292
Basis of type 626
Basis of type 315
Basis of type 626
Basis of type aP 308
Basis of type P 308
Basis problem 2
Basis with a discontinuity of the unconditionally 636
Basis with a simple discontinuity of the unconditionality 636
Basis with respect to 147
Basis, -Besselian 354
Basis, -Hilbertian 354
Basis, -Schauder 153
Basis, -uniform 645
Basis, ( ) 145
Basis, (b)-Schauder 158
Basis, (e)-Schauder 158
Basis, absolute 625
Basis, absolutely convergent 621
Basis, Besselian 337
Basis, block-universal 388
Basis, bounded 21
Basis, bounded ( ) 145
Basis, bounded weak ( = bw-) 145
Basis, boundedly complete 284
Basis, bw-Schauder 153
Basis, complementably universal 374
Basis, conditional 396
Basis, Haar, of ([0,l]) 16
Basis, Hilbertian 338
Basis, hyperorthogonal 558
Basis, k-boundedly complete 284
Basis, k-shrinking 268
Basis, monotone 214
Basis, natural, of , 11
Basis, non-absolute 632
Basis, non-monotone 213
Basis, normal 252
Basis, normalized 21
Basis, orthogonal 555
Basis, p-Besselian 354
Basis, p-Hilbertian 354
Basis, perfectly homogeneous 609
Basis, permutatively homogeneous 641
Basis, polynomial 184
Basis, positive 261
Basis, retro-basis 279
Basis, Schauder 152
Basis, Schauder, of C([0,1]) 13
Basis, semi-shrinking 625
Basis, shrinking 268
Basis, strict polynomial 184
Basis, strictly co-orthogonal 641
Basis, strictly hyperorthogonal 558
Basis, strictly monotone 214
Basis, strictly orthogonal 555
Basis, subsymmetric 563
Basis, symmetric 574
Basis, T-uniform 644
Basis, unconditional 396
Basis, uniform 622
Basis, unit vector, of , 11
Basis, universal 373
Basis, w-Schauder 153
Basis, w-uniform 645
Basis, weak (w-) 145
Basis, weakly closed 300
Berkson, E. 208
Bessaga, C. 202 203 204 205 206 207 209 210 623 625 637 638 640 641
Biorthogonal system 23
Biorthogonal system, E-complete 24
Biorthogonal system, irregular 25
Biorthogonal system, regular 25
Biorthogonal system, total 472
Block basic sequence 66
Block perturbation 30
Block subspace 506
Boas, R.P. 205
Bohnenblust, H.F. 208 220 623 644
Bounded topology (= -topology) 145
Bounded weak topology ( = bw-topology) 145
Bourbaki, N. 200
Byckov, B.M. 637
Canonical mapping of E into , where 114
Canonical mapping of E into E** 113
Canturija, Z.A. 629 630
Cartesian product of an infinity of bases 82
Cartesian product of two bases 29
Cartesian product of two equivalence classes 82
Ceitlin, Ya.M. 638
Characteristic (of a subspace of a conjugate space) 115
Ciesielski, Z. 201
Circled 22
Coefficient functionals 17
Coefficient functionals, associated sequence of 17 151
Compact, conditionally 297
Compact, countably 297
Compact, sequentially 297
Complemented subsequence 373
Complete (sequence) 24
Complete (sequence) of order p 78
Complete (sequence), -complete 78
Complex structure 4
Complexification 5
Condition (A) 217
Cone 320
Cone associated to a basis 320
| Cone associated to a biorthogonal system 472
Cone solid 321
Cone, generating 327
Cone, minihedral 473
Cone, normal 328
Cone, regular 479
Conjugate function 344
Coordinate space 131
Darboux, F. 245
Davies, R.O. 212
Davis, P. 205
Davis, W.J. 206 624 642 644
Day, M.M. 200 209 622 623 638 642
Dean, D.W. 644
Dieudonne, J. 200
Disjoint support condition 264
Distance between two basic sequences 207
Distance between two classes of related bases 207
Dixmier, J. 118 149
Domination 68
Domination, affine 79
Domination, permutative 79
Domination, strict 68
Dual (of a sequence space), -dual 526
Dual norm 280
Dual, -dual 135
Dual, -dual 131
Dual, -dual 596
Duality properties 112
Duality properties, strong 112
Duality properties, weak 112 151
Duffin, R.J. 206
Dunford, N. 625
Dvoretzky, A. 303 306
Eachus, J.J. 206
Eberlein — Smulian theorem 297
Edelstein, I. 642 643
Edwards, R.E. 204 209 210
Element of best approximation 175
Ellis, H.W. 201
Endomorphism 54
Equivalent bases 68
Equivalent bases, affinely 79
Equivalent bases, permutatively 79
Equivalent sequences 68
Equivalent sequences, fully 69
Equivalent sequences, strictly 68
Equivalent spaces 2
Existence problem 213
Existence problem, restricted 213
Extremal point 321
Extremal subset 321
Ezrohi, I.A. 211
Fan, Ky 205
Fichtengolz, G. 245
Field of scalars 1
Field of scalars, extension of 5
Field of scalars, restriction of 2
Foguel, S.R. 202
Foias, C. 629
Formal expansion 25
Fubini, G. 426
Fullerton, R.E. 628 629 632 638
Fundamental parallelotope of Hilbert 475
Gaposhkin, V.F. 208 624 629 630 633 641
Garling, D. J.H. 643
Gelbaum, B.R. 202 209 210 211 624 629 632 633 640
Gelfand, I.M. 208 211 637 638 640
Gil de Lamadrid, J. 211 640
Goffman, C. 210
Gohberg, I.C. 623 629 630
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization procedure 24 212 428 431
Gram, J.P. 212 428 431
Grinblium, M.M. 202 203 205 207 208 623 624 638 640
Grober, V.M. 637
Grothendieck, A. 151 170 171 641
Gurarii, V.I. 203 622 623 630 643
Gurevich, L.A. 204 205 208 211 624 638 640
Haar functions 13
Haar system with respect to a basis 598
Hahn — Banach theorem 55 229 272 280 293 297 310 330 440 445 448
Halperin, I. 201
Hardy, G.H. 414
Harsiladze, F.I. 194 195 212
Helly, E. 127 309
Helson, H. 634
Hildebrandt, T.H. 638
Hilding, S.H. 206 208
Holub, J.R. 204 625 626 627 631 636 638 640
Hyperbase of a cone 329
Hyperoctahedron 255
Hyperparallelepiped 255
Inclination 63
Index of a sequence 63
Index of a space 63
Index, unconditional, of a sequence 504
Infinite power (of an equivalence class) 82
Involution 9
Ishii, J. 201
Isomorphic 2
Isomorphically universal space 389
Istraetescu, V. 212
James, R.C. 203 211 622 624 625 628 640 641
Joiner, H. 627
Kaczmarz, S. 203
Kadec, M.I. 203 208 212 623 637 639 640 642 643
Kaplansky, I. 200
Karlin, S. 208 209 623 624 625 629 632 633 637 642 644
KB-lineal 559
Khinchin inequality 425 644
Klee, V. 639
KMR property 157
KMR property for bases 157
KMR property for Schauder bases 157
Koethe, G. 200
Kottman, C. 624
Kozlov, V.Ya. 207 622
Krasnoselskii, M.A. 201 479 623
Krein — Milman — Rutman theorem 98 157 212 249
Krein, M.G. 206 208 623 639
Kwapien, S. 640
Landau, E. 426
Lebesgue, H. 295 301 425 440
length function 16
Levelling length function 16
Levin, A.Yu. 623
Lichnerowicz, A. 200
Limit point 297
Lindenstrauss, J. 625 631 634 638 641 643 644
Linear manifold 329
Linearly independent 50
Linearly independent, -linearly independent 356
Linearly independent, -linearly independent 347
Linearly independent, -linearly independent 356
Linearly independent, -linearly independent 50
Linearly independent, finitely 50
Linearly independent, strongly 57
Linearly independent, unconditionally -linearly independent 470
Linearly independent, -linearly independent 356
Littlewood, J. 414
Liusternik, L.A. 206 208 211
Locally isomorphic 323
Lorentz, G.G. 630
Lovaglia, A.R. 625
Lozinski, S.M. 194 195 212
Luzin, N. 436
Marcinkiewicz, J. 633
Markus, A.S. 623 629 630
Markushevich, A.I. 57 202 203 205
Matrix norm 507
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