Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Singer I. — Bases in Banach spaces I |
Предметный указатель |
Matrix which preserves bases 135
Matrix, orthogonal 402
Matrix, symmetric 402
Maximal theorem 414
Mazur, S. 2 207 209 281 318 447
McArthur, C.W. 206 210 638 644 645
McCarthy, C.A. 634
McGivney, R.J. 203 209 639
McWilliams, R.D. 209
Milman, D.P. 207 210 623 628
Milman, V.D. 205 208 628 630
Minimal (sequence) 50
Minkowski functional 22 377
Minkowski — Weyl theorem 482
Mityagin, B.S. 202 639
Monotonize 250
Monotonize, strictly 250
Morse, A.P. 625
Muentz, C. 50
Multiplier 40
Multiplier algebra for a basis 142
Multiplier of a space 40
Multiplier of an element 40
n-independent (system) 221
n-subsystem 221
n-th main triangle projection 509
Nagy, B.Sz. 206 208 639
Naimark, M.A. 201
NEAR 84 106
Near, -near 355
Near, -near 355
Near, KL-near 106
Near, N-near 106
Near, p-near 355
Near, PH-near 106
Near, PW-near 106
Near, quadratically 346
Near, strictly 106
Near, strongly KL-near 107
Near, weakly 106
Near, weakly -near 355
Near, weakly -near 355
Near, weakly p-near 355
Near, weakly quadratically 346
Neubauer, G. 208
Newns, F. 202
Nguen, Van Khue 638
Nikolskii, S.M. 624
Nikolskii, V.N. 202 203 211 212
Norm 375
Norm of a sequence 63
Norm of a sequence, symmetric (of a basis) 582
Norm of a sequence, unconditional 504
Norm of a space with a basis, symmetric (with respect to the basis) 582
Norm with respect to a basis, K-norm 175
Norm with respect to a basis, NK- norm 551
Norm with respect to a basis, NT- norm 550
Norm with respect to a basis, NTK- norm 551
Norm with respect to a basis, T- norm 175
Norm with respect to a basis, TK- norm 176
Norm with respect to a basis, weak K- norm 183
Norm with respect to a basis, weak NT- norm = weak NK- norm = weak NTK- norm 554
Norm with respect to a basis, weak T- norm 182
Norm with respect to a basis, weak TK- norm 183
Norm, semi-monotone 328
Opening 224
Operator of finite rank 170
Order of a polynomial 185
Orlicz, W. 201 203 207 318 633 637 638
Orthogonal (elements, subspaces) 215
Orthogonal strictly 215
Oskolkov, K.I. 643
Paley — Wiener theorem 84
Paley, R.E.A.C. 205 208 633
Part of a permutation 637
Partial order relation induced by a cone 328
Partial sum operators 25 158
Partial sum operators, associated sequence of partial sum operators 25 158
Pelczynski, A. 202 204 205 206 207 209 210 624 625 626 629 630 632 634 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644
Permutation 361
Petunin, Yu.I. 623
Pluecker — Grassman coordinates 225
Pollard, H. 206 208
Polynomial 175
Polynomial complement 175
Pontryagin, L.S. 623
Property (p) 435
Property (u) 442
Ptak, V. 626
Rademacher functions 396
Rademacher sytem with respect to a basis 598
Ray 321
Ray, extremal 321
Real Banach space associated to a complex Banach space 3
Real-linear 4
Related bases 207
| Retherford, J.R. 206 208 209 210 211 212 624 629 630 631 636 638 640 641 642 644 645
Riesz convexity theorem 409
Riesz convexity theorem for vector-valued functions 413
Riesz, F. 622
Riesz, M. 342
Rolle, M. 246
Ruckle, W. 203 208 209 211 625 626 627 630 639 640 643
Ruston, A.F. 623
Rutickii, Ya.B. 201
Rutman, M.A. 207 210 639
Schaefer, H.H. 628 638
Schaefke, F.W. 205
Schatten, R. 172
Schauder, J. 200 201
Schmidt, E. 24 431
Schonefeld, S. 201
Schwartz, J. 634
Semadeni, Z. 211
Semi-monotone (norm) 328
Separable 1 144
Separable, sequentially w*-separable 210
Sequence space 131
Sequence space associated to a basis 131
Sequence space, -perfect 526
Sequence space, -perfect 131
Sequence space, -perfect 596
Sequence space, normal 527
Sequence space, symmetric 596
Sequentially w*-separable 210
Shimogaki, T. 201
Sobczyk, A. 642
Sobolev, V.I. 211
Solomiak, M.Z. 203 623
Stability theorems 84
Stable property 84 107
Stable property ,strictly 107
Stable property, KL-stable property 107
Stable property, N-stable property 107
Stable property, PH-stable property 107
Stable property, PW-stable property 107
Stable property, strictly KL-stable property 107
Stable property, strongly 107
Stable property, weakly 107
Stable sequence 108
Stable sequence, -stable sequence 356
Stable sequence, -stable sequence 356
Stable sequence, p-stable sequence 356
Stable sequence, quadratically 349
Stable sequence, weakly 108
Stable sequence, weakly -stable sequence 356
Stable sequence, weakly p-stable sequence 356
Stable sequence, weakly quadratically 349
Stationary point 244
Steckin, S.B. 212
Steinhaus, H. 203
Sternbach, L. 639
Strictly positive functional 329
subspace 2
Support 264
Symmetric constant of a basis 582
Symmetric gauge function 630
Symmetric space 582
System 194
System 194
System sub- 193
System, Lozinsky — Harsiladze 194
System, sub- 193
Szegoe,G. 634
Szlenk, W. 625 630
Taylor, A.E. 623
Tensor product of two bases 173
Timan, A.F. 623
Total subspace of E* 114
Total system of linear manifolds in 223
Total, sequence of functionals 32
Tychonov, A. 452
U-stable E-complete biorthogonal system 470
Ulam, S. 207
Unconditionally Cauchy series, -unconditionally Cauchy series 432
Unconditionally Cauchy series, -unconditionally Cauchy series 432
Unconditionally convergent series 458
Vaher, F.S. 201
Veic, B.E. 206 629 630 633 638 639
Vinokurov, V.G. 202 636
Walsh functions 398
Waterman, D. 210
Weak basis theorem 209
Weierstrass, K. 24 249 345
Wiener, N. 205 208
Wilansky, A. 208 209 624
Williams, J.P. 625
Yamazaki, S. 203 639 640
Yano, S. 633
Yudin, A. 639
Zippin, M. 203 204 641 643 644
Zygmund, A. 414
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