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Nikolskii N.K. — Treatise on the Shift Operator: Spectral Function Theory |
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-algebra 342
-function, strong 20
-spectrality (generalized) 213 231
Abelianization 339
Adamyan, V. M. 204 207 209 304 310 365—369 372 399 425—426 433 438 455
Agmon, S. 114 455
Ahern, P. R. 78 129 455
Ahieser.N. I. 148 191 265 364 412 455
Airapetyan, G. M. 189 455
Aleksandrov, A. B. 365 374
Alexander, H. 455
alg 339
Algebra, (super) logarithmic 345 387
Algebra, Dirichlet 24 346
Algebra, Douglas 347 383 384 386
Algebra, logmodular 345 387
Algebra, Sarason 347 351 386
Algebra, symmetric 342 387
Algebras generated by Toeplitz operators 339 385
Angle, between subspaces 149 197 209 214
Angle, between subspaces (domain), Stolz 74 259
Annihilator, minimal 71
Apostol, K. 233
Arocena, R. 443 455
Arov, D. Z. 204 207—209 304 310 365—369 372 399 425—426 433 438 455
Arsene, Gr. 368 455
Arveson, V. M. 75 297 395 455
Asymptotic orthogonality (of a series) 164
Avdonin, S. A. 266 399 455
Axler, S. 355 356 360 368 372 383 390 456
Banach, S. 150 217 456
Barbey, K. 24 456
Bari, N. K. 132 150 326 456
Barria, J. 389 390 456
Basis, Abel 195
Basis, Cesaro 194
Basis, of subspaces 137 142 148
Basis, Riesz (a basis equivalent to an orthonormal one) 132 140
Basis, summation 193
Basis, unconditional 136 138
Basor, E. 398 456
Bercovici, H. 276 456
Berg, I. D. 368 456
Bergh, J. 358 435—454 456
Bernard, A. 382 456
Beurling, A. 8 10 11 22 58—59 267 456
Beurling, P. 189 456
Birman, M. S. 369 456
Bishop, E. 113 457
Blaschke condition 159 256 280
Blaschke Condition, product 33 257 278 280—281
Bochner, S. 58 412 457
Bohnenblust, H. F. 58 457
Bohr, H. 325
Bonsall, F. F. 207 369 394 457
Bottcher, B. 364 397 457
Brodskii, M. S. 78 96 99 112—115 127—128 175 268 276 457
Brown, A. 369 390 457
Brown, S. 29 457
Budyanu, M. S. 386—387 457
Bunce, J. 389 457
Butz, J. R. 364—365 394 457
Bykova, I. V. VII
Calculus, functional 39 64 174—175 185—186 206—207
Calculus, functional, of Riesz — Dunford 84 174
Calculus, functional, of Sz.-Nagy and Foias ( -calculus) 64 69 78—79
Calculus, functional, symbolic 339
Calkin, J. W. 342
Cambern, M. 26 457
Capacity 441
Capacity of a rational function 36
Capacity, spectral 233
Caratheodory, C. 59 364 458
Carleman, T. 58 150 364 368 458
Carleson Condition (C) 134 150 156 173 200 257 337
Carleson Condition, vectorial 146 175
Carleson constant 1.14
Carleson constant, measure 151 258 291 302
Carleson constant, series 162 163 174 175
Carleson constant, set 155
Carleson constant, set, Newman Condition (CN) 134—135 258
Carleson constant, set, Vasyunin Condition (CV) 217
Carleson, L. 66 150 170 171 178 189 207 208 296 425 426 436 438 456 458
Carleson’s Corona Theorem 66 288 297
Carleson’s Corona Theorem, Imbedding Theorem 151 170 172
Cayley transform 96
Center 361 362 392
Chain of invariant subspaces 116 127—128
Chalmers, B. L. 173 455
Chang, S.-Y. A. 347 349 355—356 360 383 384 386—390 465 455
Characteristic function 5 18 75
Characteristic function, admitting a scalar multiple 49 73 93
Characteristic function, diagonal 269
Chow, K.-N. 298 458
Clancey, K. 394 458
Clark, D. N. 78 129 208 364 366 368—370 396 455 458
Class AP, 325 327 378
Class AP, , 71 93 100 269
Class AP, , 19 43 75
Class AP, , 183 320 371
Class AP, , Besov 400 453
Class AP, , Carleman 436
Class AP, , Cartwright 266
Class AP, , Hardy 2 253 277
Class AP, , Holder 452
Class AP, , Nevanlinna Nev 285
Class AP, , PC 318
Class AP, , QC 322—323 375
Class AP, , Schatten — von Neumann (trace class) Sp 208 311 400
Class AP, , Sobolev 454
Class AP, , VMO, BM0 376 388
Class AP, , Zygmund 453
Coburn, L. A. 209 318 350 369—370 378 385 389 392 458—59
Cohen, P. 378
Coifman, R. 450 459
Coinvariant subspace 6
Collingwood, E. F. 59 173 459
Colojoara, I. 101 113 206 233 459
Commutant 177 178 191 276 361
Complementing to an isomorphism 288 292
Completeness Criterion I 95;
Completeness Criterion II 97
Compression (of the shift) 62 81
Condition, Blaschke 159 256 280
Condition, Frostman’s (F) 158 173
Condition, Levinson — Sjoberg 113
Condition, Muckenhoupt 209 450
Condition, Newman (N) 157 173
Condition, Stolz (S) 157 173
Condition, weak Newman (wN) 157
Continuation, harmonic 151 321 372
Contraction, completely non-unitary 7
Cotlar, M. 443 455
Cyclic (generating) vector 1
Cyclic (generating) vector, (generating) subspace 20
Cyclic (generating) vector, operator 41
Davidson, K. R. 362 390 459
Davis, Ch. 368 459
Decomposition, polar 409
Deformation (of an operator) 269
Degree of cyclicity 44
Determinant of a characteristic function 73 97
Determinant of a characteristic function, Szego 397
Deterministic 417
Devinatz, A. 209 316 319 370—371 392 395 398 459
Dilation, minimal 6
Dilation, unitary 6
Director, angular 162 175
Distance, local 328
Distribution of finite energy 440
| Divisibility (of inner functions) 13 19
Divisor of a function 38 223 278
Divisor of a function, left inner 19
Dixmier, J. 130 342 459
do-Lemma 45
Domar, Y. 58 459
Donoghue, W. F. 114 459
Douglas, R. G 9 27 59 78 130 208 209 286 320—321 325 329 339 342—343 347 362—364 370—373 375—379 381—386 389 390 392 395 397 458—460
Dovbys, L. N. VII—VIII 100 460
Dragiliev, M. M. 148 460
Dunford, N. 84 101 113 174 206 232 460
Duren, P. L. 188 207 264—265 287 460
Dym, H. 8 208 264—265 267 385 410 422 460
Dyn’kin, E. M. 80 460
Dzrbasyan, M. M. 130 172 265—266 298 460
Eigenvalue 32
Eigenvector 32
Equation(s), dual 393
Equation, Wiener — Hopf 392
Ergodic 416
Eryhova, E. B. VII
Evgrafov, M. A. 148 460
Example, Douglas’s 373
Example, Foias — Williams 109 115
Expansion, biorthogonal 147
Expansion, spectral 212
Expansion, Wold — Kolmogorov 14 16
Extension, one step 367
Factorization, inner-outer (canonical) 11 20 24—25
Factorization, method Wiener — Hopf 378
Family, biorthogonal 131 137
Family, complete (total) 137
Family, complete, hereditarily 100
Family, Gaussian 410
Family, minimal (topologically free) 131 137 214
Family, uniformly minimal 131 214
Fatou, P. 279
Fefferman, C. 441 442 450 458 461
Fejer, L. 179 387
Fel’dman, I. A. 364 378 381 386 394 395 398 462 467
Figiel, T. 100 461
Fihtengol’c (Fichtenholz) G. M. 60 460
Fillmore, P. A. 377 461
Foias.C. 8 18 25 59 61 69 75 101 111 115 129 191 193 206 231 233 250—251 268 276 395 459 461 476
Form, Hilbert 171 369
Formula, Adamyan — Arov — Krein (AAK) 366
Formula, Green’s 288
Formula, Jensen’s 280
Formula, Peller — Hruscev 321 372
Frobenius, G. 364
Frolov, V. D. 382 461
Frostman, O. 59 173 461
Fuhrmann, P. A. 75 293 297 369 461
Function, characteristic 5 18 75
Function, characteristic, diagonal 269
Function, characteristic, possessing a scalar multiple 93
Function, conjugate harmonic 198
Function, inner 11 255 284
Function, inner, operator 19
Function, left inner 18
Function, Malmquist 130
Function, of bounded type (characteristic) 30 285
Function, outer 11 24 255 284
Function, outer operator 20
Function, quasicontinuous 322—323 375
Function, sectorial 314 370
Function, singular (inner) 33 284
Function, unimodular 400
Gabriel, R. M. 264 461
Gahov, F. D. 364 371 461
Gamelin, T. W. 24 265 296 345 350 377 431 461
Gantmaher, F. P. 68 104 176 294 461
Garnett, J. B. 196 287 296 347 350 376—377 386 389 461
GCD (of a family of inner functions) 13 19 26
Gellar, R. 25 461
Gel’fand, I. M. 90 114 150 342 442 462
Germ of an analytic function 223
Gheondea, A. 368 455
Ginzburg, Yu. P. 78 99 113 462
Girsanov, I. V. 417 462
Glazman, I. M. 104 148 191 250 412 455 462
Gohberg, I. C. 98 113—115 128—129 150 174 209 250 268 304 354 364 370 371 378 381—382 386—387 389 390 392 394—395 398 401 457 462 463
Golinskii, L. B. 130
Goluzin, G M. 463
Goluzina, M. G 160 173 478
Goncar, A. A. 399 427 463
Gorin, E. A. 189 327 378 463 475
Gram (matrix) operator 132 139 148 163
Grenander, N. 207 364 388 397 463
Gribov, M.B. 39 59—60 463
Grinblyum, M. M. 150 178 207 463
Guillori, C. J. 383 463
Gurarii, V. I. 266 463
Hadamard, J. 164 176 463
Halmos, P. R. 9 17 22 27 60 79 264 358 364 369 372 389 390 409 413 456—457 463
Hanin, L. G. VII
Hankel matrix 180—181 303
Hankel matrix, operator 180 191 207 301 364
Hankel, H. 364
Hartman, P. 182 207 209 .111 114 165 169 370 396 464
Havin, V. P. VII VIII 112 149 156 171 207 208 164 414 464 478
Havinson. S Ya 428 464
Helson, H. 8 10 22 24 26 29 59 209 265 442—444 449 464
Helton, J. W. 398 456
Hereditarily total (complete) 100
Herglotz, G 283 412
Hermite, S. 364
Hilbert form (matrix) 171 369
Hilbert, D. 175 299 364 365
Hilden, H. M. 60 464
Hirshman, I. I., Jr. 398 464
Hoffman, K. 22 24 27 59 78 172 264
Hoffman, M. J. 392 464
Hopf, E. 364
Hruscev, S. V. VII—VIII, 112, 174, 189, 208, 209, 266—267, 323, 337 338 364—365 372 377 383—385 399 426 434 441 464—465 472 478
Hunt, R. 450 465
Hvedelidze, B. V. 371
Hypercyclic vector 61
Ibragimov, I. A. 410 418 421 423 425 438 442—443 465
Ideal, commutator 339 344 348 389
Ideal, space ( = Banach lattice (of functions)= Kothe space) 27 140 142 147
Ideals of the algebra 288 298
Index of an operator 317—318
Individual theorems 4 14 22 30
Inequality of von Neumann 174 207
Inequality, Jensen’s 282
Ingham, A. E. 266 337
Integration, operator of indefinite 90 114 126—127 130
Interpolation constant 133
Interpolation constant of germs of analytic functions 223
Interpolation constant of multipliers 177
Interpolation constant, free 147—149 178 190 223—224
Interpolation constant, multiple 171 215 226 227
Interpolation constant, non-classical 214
Interpolation constant, operator 142 177
Interpolation constant, problem 133 147—148 194 201 261
Interpolation constant, problem of Caratheodory-Fejer 179
Interpolation constant, problem of Nevanlinna — Pick 180 309 429
Interpolation constant, problem of Pick — Ahieser 309
Interpolation constant, problem of Schur — Takagi 309
Invariant subspace 4
Invariant subspace, chain of 116 128
Invariant subspace, completely non-reducing 14
Invariant subspace, reducing 14
Iohvidov, I. S. 364 397 465
Ismagilov, R. S. 396 465
Ivanov, S. L. 175 465
Jacobi, C. G J. 364
Jacobs, S. 208 425—426 436 438 458
Jensen, M. 280 282
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