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Nikolskii N.K. — Treatise on the Shift Operator: Spectral Function Theory |
Предметный указатель |
Spectrum of a function 62
Spectrum of Hankel operators 368
Spectrum, absolutely continuous 69
Spectrum, essential 304 313
Spectrum, Fredholm 125 304
Spectrum, left (right) 316
Spectrum, point 32
Spectrum, point, of a Toeplitz operator 314—315 370
Spectrum, simplicity of 1 95 104 269
Spectrum, singular atomic, continuous 118
Spectrum, singular atomic, discrete 122 247
Spigel’, E. M. 382 411
Spitkovskii, I. M. 382 394 476
Srinivasan, T. P. 22 29
Stein, E. M. 441—442 454 460 476
Stephenson, K. 379 476
Stieltjes, T. J. 364 388
Stoltz angle 74 259
Stoltz angle, Condition (S) 157 173
Stone, M.H. 175
Stray, A. 367 476
Strichartz, R. S. 435 476
Subspace, absolutely continuous 17
Subspace, defect 97
Subspace, Gaussian 411
Subspace, generalized spectral (pseudo-spectral) 213 233
Subspace, quasi-root 213
Subspace, root 38 81
Subspace, singular 17
Subspace, spectral 86 113
Suciu, I. 25 476
Sudakov, V. N. 100 460
Summation method, finite-rowed 193
Sunonenko. I. B. '\329 331 370 371 380—382 394 475
Svedenko, S. V. 196 476
Svensson, E. 407 472
Symbols , 334 383
Synthesis, spectral 83 95 96 99 112
Sz.-Nagy, B. 8 18 25 59 61 69 75 112—115 129 191 193 207 250—251 264 268 270 276 288 292 297 368 395 412 473 476
Szasz, O. 265 476
Szego, G. 10 23 197 207 209 364 370 388 397 443 449 463—464
Szucz, J. 276 477
T-capacity 38
Taylor, B. A. 196 455 477
Taylor, J. L. 393 460
Tensor product, symmetric 412
Test, Schur 172
Test, Vinogradov — Senickin 151 170
Theorem of a Banach Lattice 27
Theorem of the Riesz Brothers (on Analytic Measures) 17 27
Theorem of the Scalar Multiple 73
Theorem on 81; II 92
Theorem on -Spectrality 231
Theorem on Angles 216; II 234—235 239 250
Theorem on Bases and Interpolation 135 150 155 172—173
Theorem on Close Subspaces 201—202
Theorem on Cyclic Vectors 30 58
Theorem on Exponentials 261 265
Theorem on Exponentials in 262 266 267
Theorem on Finite Dimensional Approximation 37 59
Theorem on Invariant Subspaces 15
Theorem on Lower Limits 34 59
Theorem on Multiple Interpolation 226 232; 232
Theorem on Noncyclic Vectors 49 61
Theorem on Operator Interpolation (a corollary!) 142
Theorem on Outer Functions 21
Theorem on Riesz Bases 140; II 145 175
Theorem on Spectral Subspaces 87
Theorem on Spectral Synthesis 84
Theorem on Summation Bases 193
Theorem on the Jordan Model 270 275
Theorem on the Scalar Multiple 73
Theorem on the Simplicity of the Spectrum 95 113
Theorem on the Spectrum of a -Operator 72
Theorem on the Spectrum of a Function 63
Theorem on Unconditional Bases 138 150;
Theorem on Unicellular -Operators 103 115
Theorem, Adamyan — Arov — Krein (AAK) 204 210 304 365 408
Theorem, Ahern — Clark 78
Theorem, Arveson — Sz.-Nagy — Foias — Schubert 395
Theorem, Axler 372
Theorem, Axler — Chang — Sarason — Vol’berg (AChSV) 355—356 359 390
Theorem, Axler — Chang — Sarason — Vol’berg, children’s version (baby AChSV) 360—361
Theorem, Bari’s 132 150
Theorem, Beurling — Helson (BH) 10 22 26
Theorem, Blocking 229
Theorem, Bohr’s 325
Theorem, Carleson’s 178 207
Theorem, Carleson’s, Corona 66 288 297
Theorem, Carleson’s, Imbedding 151 170—172
Theorem, Cayley — Hamilton 71
Theorem, Chang — Marshall 208 347
Theorem, Chang’s 388
Theorem, Coburn 350
Theorem, Commutant 191 207
Theorem, completeness 83
Theorem, Conditional Imbedding 171
Theorem, Cyclicity 68
Theorem, Cyclicity, for 41 60
Theorem, Dilation 6 9
Theorem, Douglas — Rudin 208 286
Theorem, Douglas’s 320—321 343 362 363 372
Theorem, Factorization 11 20 85
Theorem, Fatou 279
Theorem, Foias’s 101 231
| Theorem, Frostman’s 59
Theorem, Fuhrmann — Vasyunin 293
Theorem, Gohberg — Krupnik 354 389 390
Theorem, Hartman 207 311 369
Theorem, Hartman — Sarason 182 184 207
Theorem, Hartman — Wintner 314 370
Theorem, Helson — Lowdenslager 22
Theorem, Helson — Sarason 443
Theorem, Helson — Szego 197—198 209
Theorem, Herglotz’s 283
Theorem, Hruscev’s 337
Theorem, Ibragimov’s 446 448
Theorem, Ingham-Kadec 337
Theorem, interpolation 224 232
Theorem, Jones — Vinogradov 189
Theorem, Kadec’s 14 264 267
Theorem, Kober 184
Theorem, Koetlic — Toeplitz 136 149 150
Theorem, Kolmogorov — Rozanov 419
Theorem, Lax — Halmos 17—18
Theorem, Lax’s 255 264 265
Theorem, Livsic — Moeller(LM) 62 64 78
Theorem, Loreh — Grinblyum 178 207
Theorem, Marcinkiewicz’s 404
Theorem, Maruyama’s 416
Theorem, Model 4 9;
Theorem, Nehari’s 181 207
Theorem, Nevanlinna’s 204 210 366
Theorem, Nordgren — Moore 270 276
Theorem, Page’s 191 207
Theorem, Paley — Wiener 254 265
Theorem, Peller’s 208 311 369 401 407 408
Theorem, Phragmen — Lindelof 24
Theorem, Piranian’s 99
Theorem, Rajchman’s 440
Theorem, Riesz — Nevanlinna 284
Theorem, Sarason’s 178 207
Theorem, Schur’s 36 59 204
Theorem, Series 163 168 175 176
Theorem, Simonenko’s 329 331 381
Theorem, Spectral 1 129
Theorem, Spectral Inclusion 334 346 348 385—386
Theorem, Spectral Mapping 66 73—75
Theorem, Spectral Mapping for the -Calculus 80 126
Theorem, Spectral Mapping, Fredholm 125 (corollary 1!)
Theorem, Spectral Mapping, Rough 79
Theorem, Splitting 230
Theorem, Sz.-Nagy and Foias 69
Theorem, SzegoTheorem, Spectral MappingKolmogorov 23
Theorem, Tichmarsh’s Convolution 91 114
Theorem, Tolokonnikov’s 373
Theorem, Triangularization I 117; II 120; III 120; 123
Theorem, Tumarkin’s 60
Theorem, Unicellularity 89 113—114
Theorem, Vasyunin’s 217 223
Theorem, Wermer’s 149
Theorem, Wermer— Sarason 99
Theorem, Widom 302
Theorem, Widom — Devinatz 316 319 370 410
Theorem, Wolff’s 375
Titchmarsh, E. C. 91 114
Toeplitz matrix 303 312
Toeplitz operator 45 61 203 297 301—303
Toeplitz, O. 136 150 364 466 477
Tolokonnikov, V. A. VIII 61 79 293 296—298 373 386 477 478
Trace 401
Treil, S. R. 209 477
Triangular form (representation) of an operator 116 127
Triangularizing operator 118 129
Triebel, H. 435 454 477
Tumarkin, G. C. 58—60 477
Uchiyama, A. 79 296—297 356 477
Unicellularity Criterion 104 108 113
Uniform minimality, constant of 131 148 156 166
Urbanik, K. 24 477
V-basis 193
Valusescu, I. 25 476
Varopoulos, N. 296
Vasyunin, V. I. VII—VIII 61 166 171 174 176 208 217 232 248—249 293 296 471 478
Vekua, I. N. 371
Versik. A. M. 416 478
Vinogradov, S. A. VII, VIII, 148 149.151 156 160 161.170 171 189 190 195 207 211 266 267 470 478
Vinogradova, I. P. VII
Voiculescu, D. 276 456
Vol’berg, A. L. VIII 355—357 360 385 386 390 465 478
Wallen, L. J. 60 464
Walsh, J. L. 111 116 130 148—149 210 478
Wermer, J. 27 99 149 185 212 479
Weyl, H. 364
Wheeden, R. 209 450 465
Widom, H.. 209 302 316 319 364 369 370 375 378 381—382 398 460 479
Wiener, N. 10 22 25 58 150 196 299 254 265—266 364 378 380 394 399 410 469 479
Williams, D. L. 109 115 196 455 461 477
Williams, J. P. 109 115 461
Winding number 318 319 371
Wintner, A. 209 370 372 396 464 479
Wogen.W. R. 61 479
Wold — Kolmogorov expansion 14 16
Wold, H. 14 27 479
Wolff, T. VIII 79 296 372 375 386 394 479
Yaglom, A. M. 410 442 462 479
Yamazaki, S. 206 479
Zaharyuta, V. P. 148 460
Zal’cman, L. 208 372
Zippin, M. 148 468
Zygmund, A. 405 406 435 479
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