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Young R.M. — An Introduction to Non-Harmonic Fourier Series, Revised Edition |
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-independent 40 46
Absolute basis 3
Absolutely convergent series 2 204
Ahlfors, L.V. 60 225
Akhiezer, N.I. 3 84 213 219 225
Alexander, W.O., Jr. 217 225
Almost periodic exponential sum 84
Almost periodic function 14 206
Amerio, L. 220 225
Anderson, J.M. 213 225
Approximation property 26 205 207
Aronszajn, N. 206 225
Arsove, M.G. 208 225
Arutjunjan, F.G. 204 225
Avdonin, C.A. 221 223 225
Babenko, K.I. 36 208 225
Bade, W.G. 222 225
Banach space 1
Banach — Steinhaus theorem 30
Banach, S. 2 203 207 225
Bari basis 46 51
Bari's theorem 45 210
Bari, N.K. 146 208—210 220 225
Basis 1 203
Basis problem 2
Basis, absolute 3
Basis, Bari 46 51
Basis, Bessel 36 153
Basis, bounded 31
Basis, conditional 204 208
Basis, equivalent bases 30 208
Basis, for 11
Basis, for 10
Basis, for 2
Basis, for 203
Basis, for 203
Basis, for C[a, b] 3 204
Basis, for the dual space 27—29 207
Basis, Hamel 1
Basis, Hilbert 37 153 167
Basis, normal 26 207
Basis, of eigenfunctions 47
Basis, orthonormal see “Orthonormal basis”
Basis, orthonormal for P 106
Basis, perturbation of see “Stability”
Basis, Riesz see “Riesz basis”
Basis, Schauder 1 207
Basis, stability of see “Stability”
Basis, unconditional 3 13 204
Basis, uniqueness of 208
Bellman, R. 221 225
Berberian, S.K. 206 225
Bergman kernel 18 207
Bergman, S. 206 207 225
Bernstein polynomials 3 5 205
Bernstein's inequality 84 86 104 141 212
Bernstein, S.N. 3 84 205 212 213 226
Besicovitch, A.S. 14 206 226
Bessaga, C 203 208 226
Bessel basis 36 153
Bessel functions 68
Bessel sequence 146 153—161 180 220
Bessel sequence, of complex exponentials 162
Bessel sequence, of powers 157
Bessel's inequality 7
Beurling, A. 142 218 226
Billard, P. 204 226
Binmore, K.G. 220 222 226
Biorthogonal sequences 28 29 31 32 36 37 41 51 148 224
Birkhoff — Rota theorem 46 210
Birkhoff, G. 206 210 226
Boas — Pollard theorem 22 207
Boas, R.P., Jr. 101 204 207 209 210 212—215 219 220 226
Bochner, S. 220 226
Bockarev, S.V. 204 226
Bohr, H. 14 206 226
Borel — Caratheodory inequality 75
Borel's theorem 69 211
Borel, E. 54 210 211 226
Boundary function 174
Boundary-value problem 46
Bounded basis 31
Bounded from below 36 157 186
Bounded variation, function of 111
Bounds for a Bessel sequence 154
Bounds for a frame 185
Bounds for a Riesz — Fischer sequence 154
Bourgin, D.G. 209 226
Bratiscev, A.V. 226
Brauer, F. 210 226
Byrnes, J.S. 227
Canonical factorization 65
Canonical product 56 69—74
Canonical product, lower bound for 73 211
Canonical product, of genus zero 70 71
Cardinal series 107 109 151 215
Carleman's formula 87—93 115 117 213
Carleman's theorem 114
Carleman, T. 114 213 227
Carleson, L. 9 160 197 201 220 227
Cartwright, M.L. 210 212 227
Ciesielski, Z. 204 208 227
Clarkson, J.A. 213 227
Closed graph theorem 35 169
Closed linear span 27
Closed sequence see “Complete sequence”
Coefficient functionals 22—28 40 207
Compact operator 40 41 45
Complete interpolating sequence 171 175
Complete orthonormal sequence see “Orthonormal basis”
Complete sequence 6 13 19—22 207
Complete sequence, of complex exponentials 111—143 215—219
Complete sequence, of powers 21
Completeness radius 137—143 166
Conditional basis 204 208
Cook, T.A. 207 227
Corona theorem 160
Cossar, J. 221 227
Curtis, P.C, Jr. 222 225
Dalzell's theorem 15 206
Dalzell, D.P. 206 227
Davie, A.M. 205 227
Davis, P.J. 207 227
Davis, W.J. 209 227
de Branges, L. 214 215 227
Deficiency 113 116 122 143 215
density 138 139 143
Density zero 139
Density, of zeros 90 213
Density, Polya maximum density 138
Density, upper 138
Derivative, of an entire function, inequalities for 84 86 99 104
Derivative, of an entire function, order and exponential type of 67 74
Derivative, of an entire function, zeros of 79
Deutsch, F. 205 227
Diestel, J. 207 227
Dimension, linear 2
Dimension, orthogonal 13
Dirichlet kernel 199
Disk algebra 26 204
Domsta, J. 204 227
Dragilev, M.M. 222 227
Dual space 20 27—29
Dual space, basis for 27—29 207
Duffin — Eachus theorem 44 50 210
Duffin — Schaeffer theorem 190 222
Duffin, R.J. 44 210 212—214 222—224 227
Dunford, N. 206 219 220 227
Duren, P.L. 160 174 204 206 220 227 228
Dvoretzky — Rogers theorem 204
| Dvoretzky, A. 204 228
Eachus, J.J. 44 210 227
Earl, J.P. 220 228
Eigenfunction expansion 46 47
Eisner, J. 218 228
Enflo, P. 2 205 228
Entire function, factorization theorems 54—58 74—79
Entire function, interpolation by 58 106 107 151
Entire function, of exponential type see “Exponential type function
Entire function, of finite order 62—68
Entire function, uniqueness of see “Uniqueness of
Entire function, zeros of see “Zeros of
Equiconvergent 197 223 224
Equisummable 201
Equivalent bases 30 208
Equivalent inner products 32
Equivalent sequences 167—170
Erdos, P. 213 227
Exact frame 186 188 196
Exact sequence 112 126 149 215
Excess 113 137 143 215—218
Exponent of convergence 66
Exponent of convergence, connection with order 66
Exponent of convergence, in terms of n(r) 67
Exponential type 71
Exponential type, function of 53 61
Exponential type, function of, on the real axis 100—109
Exponential type, function of, almost periodic 84
Exponential type, function of, bounded on a line 80—90 212—214
Exponential type, function of, bounded on a sequence 212
Exponential type, function of, density of zeros 90 213
Exponential type, function of, inequalities for 82 84 94 99 104 107 108 212 213
Exponential type, function of, interpolation by 106—108 151 see
Exponential type, function of, representation by Fourier integrals 101 103
Exponential type, function of, U on the real axis 93—100 104 214
Exponential type, function of, uniqueness of 90—92 105 107 108 111 216
Exponential type, in terms of Taylor coefficients 74
Exponential type, of a derivative 74
Factorization theorems, Hadamard's 74 211
Factorization theorems, Weierstrass's 54 55 211
Fejer — Riesz inequality 161 220
Fejer, L. 220 228
Feller, W. 5 213 225
Finite interpolation 147
Finite moment problem 147
Finite order 63
Finite rank operator 26 205
Fourier coefficients 6 9
Fourier inversion formula 101 150
Fourier series expansion 6 9 197
Fourier series expansion, mean convergence 9
Fourier series expansion, pointwise convergence 9
Fourier transform 9 101 127 142
Fourier transform, inverse 150
Fourier — Stieltjes integral 83 172
Fourier — Stieltjes transform 53
Frame 184—196 222 223
Frame, bounds for 185
Frame, stability of 191—196
Franklin system 204
Fredholm alternative 40 45
free see “Minimal”
Functional Hilbert space 16—19
Functional Hilbert space, interpolation in 158
Fundamental sequence see “Complete sequence”
Gamma function 76
Gap theorem, for an entire function 105
Gelbaum, B.R. 208 228
Gelfand, I.M. 208 228
Genus zero 71
Genus, of a canonical product 56
Giroux, A. 213 228
Gohberg, I.C 46 228
Golovin, V.D. 221 225
Gosselin, R.P. 209 228
Gram determinant 147
Gram determinant, generalized 152
Gram matrix 32 157
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization procedure 15 204
Graves, L.M. 228
Grinblium, M.M. 221 228
Grothendieck, A. 26 205 207 228
Gurarii — Gurarii theorem 209
Gurarii — Meletidi theorem 209
Gurarii, N.L 209 228
Gurarii, V.I. 209 228
Gurevich, L.A. 221 228
Haar system 203
Hadamard's factorization theorem 74 211
Hadamard's inequality 66 69
Hadamard, J. 54 66 74 211 228
Hahn — Banach theorem 20
Hahn, H. 220 228
Halmos, P.R. 40 45 48 206 210 228
Hamburger moment problem 219
Hamburger, H. 219 229
Hamel basis 1
Hammersley, J.M. 210 229
Hardy, G.H. 10 220 229
Hausdorff maximal principle 13
Hausdorff moment problem 219
Hausdorff, F. 219 229
Hermitian matrix 159
Hilbert basis 37 153 167
Hilbert matrix 158
Hilbert matrix, norm of 161
Hilbert space 6 206
Hilbert — Schmidt operator 45 51
Hille, E. 206 229
Hoffman, K. 204 206 216 220 229
Holland, A.S.В. 210 212 229
Holub, J.R. 209 210 232
Hruscev, S.V. 223 229
Hubert's inequality 161 220
Hurwitz's theorem 173
Independent see “Minimal”
Infinite deficiency 143 165
Infinite product 54 211
Ingham, A.E. 220 221 229
Integrability on a line 93—100
Interpolating sequence 171 175 180 183 191
Interpolation 145
Interpolation, duality with basis theory 169—171 222
Interpolation, finite 147
Interpolation, in 161
Interpolation, in 178
Interpolation, in 158
Interpolation, in a functional Hilbert space 158
Interpolation, in P 170—184 221
Interpolation, solution of minimum norm 147 152
Interpolation, trigonometric see “Trigonometric moment problem”
James, R.C. 206 207 229
Jensen's formula 59—62 119 124 211
Jensen, J.L.W.V. 211 229
Johnson, W.B. 207 229
Kac, M. 221 229
Kadec's -theorem 42 122 131 196 210
Kadec, M.I. 210 223 229
Kahane, J.P. 139 218 229
Karlin's theorem on biorthogonal bases 29 207
Karlin's theorem on normal bases 26 207
Karlin, S. 203 204 207 229
Karnick, H. 210 233
Katsnelson, V.E. 221 223 229
Kernel function see “Reproducing kernel”
Knopp, K. 211 229
Koosis, P. 139 218 229
KOREVAAR, J. 213 229 231
Korobeinik, Ju.F. 221 222 226 227 229
Kothe, G. 208 229
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