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Поиск книг, содержащих: molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology. An introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience | | Lerner K.L., Lerner B.W. — The gale encyclopedia of science (Vol. 6) | 4:2703 | Wolf E.L. — Nanophysics and nanotechnology: an introduction to modern concepts in nanoscience | 116, 127 | Streetman B.G. — Solid State Electronic Devices | 23, 24 | Riviere J.C. (ed.), Myhra S. (ed.) — Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis | 298 | Zory P.S. — Quantum well lasers | 3, 5, 10, 11, 15, 368, 390, 425—426, 463 | Fox M. — Optical properties of solids | 104, 117 | Morkoc H. — Advanced semiconductor and organic nano-techniques | 24, 53—62, 122, 133, 154, 395 | Borówko M. (ed.) — Computational Methods in Surface and Colloid Science | 855, 880, 884—886, 911 | Authier A., Lagomarsino S., Tanner B. — X-ray and neutron dynamical diffraction | 215, 253 | Zory P.S. (ed.), Kelley P. (ed.), Liao P.F. (ed.) — Quantum Well Lasers | 3, 5, 10, 11, 15, 368, 390, 425—426, 463 | Campbell S.A. — The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication | 370, 381—386 | Plummer J.D., Deal M.D., Griffin P.B. — Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice, and Modeling | 468, 558 |