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Поиск по указателям |
Fox M. — Optical properties of solids |
Предметный указатель |
see Sapphire
see Chromium ion
see Anthracene
see Pyrene
see Tetracene
see Acetylene
see Ethylene
see Cyclobutane
see Benzene
bands 152-153 276
centre 191 199
194-5 197-8
see Ammonia
see Titanium
see Ethylene
point 56 276
bond 167
conjugated materials 13 168
electron 13 89 166-8
orbital 13 167-8 177
transition 168 177 180
bond 167
Absorbance 4
Absorption spectra, 191
Absorption spectra, ammonia 176
Absorption spectra, CdS quantum dot 137
Absorption spectra, GaAs 64 81 83 85 130
Absorption spectra, GaAs quantum well 129 130 132 141
Absorption spectra, GaInAs quantum well 250
Absorption spectra, GaN 96
Absorption spectra, germanium 65
Absorption spectra, InAs 59
Absorption spectra, LiF 88
Absorption spectra, MeLPPP 181
Absorption spectra, NaCl 88
Absorption spectra, polydiacetylene (PDA) 180
Absorption spectra, polyfluorene 14
Absorption spectra, pyrene ( ) 88
Absorption spectra, pyrromethene 567 (P-567) dye 177
Absorption spectra, silica ( ) 37
Absorption spectra, silicon 64 66
Absorption spectra, silicon, n-type 159
Absorption spectra, Ti:sapphire 196
Absorption, apparatus 68
Absorption, aromatic hydrocarbon 177-9
Absorption, atomic 26-8 33-4 50
Absorption, coefficient 3
Absorption, definition of 2 235 263-4
Absorption, dipole 27-37
Absorption, direct 51-63
Absorption, edge 9 50 54-66 127 138 160
Absorption, electronic 36
Absorption, excitonic 79-89 130
Absorption, extinction coefficient, relationship to 5
Absorption, F-centre 190
Absorption, far-infrared 216-17
Absorption, free carrier 10 147 155-7
Absorption, impurity 158-60
Absorption, in electric field 60 82 132
Absorption, in magnetic field 61 83
Absorption, indirect 63-6
Absorption, infrared 9-11 20 28 38 135 157 159
Absorption, interband 18 38 49-73 151-4 247
Absorption, intersubband 135
Absorption, intervalence band 157
Absorption, lattice 9 205 212
Absorption, molecular 169-77
Absorption, nonlinear 85 234-6 249-50
Absorption, optical density, relationship to 4
Absorption, phonon 9 205 212
Absorption, polymer 179-81
Absorption, quantum dot 137
Absorption, quantum theory of 263-70
Absorption, quantum well 124-33
Absorption, rate 264 266 269
Absorption, saturable 236 249-50
Absorption, two-dimensional 127
Absorption, ultraviolet 38 176
Absorption, vibrational 9 36
Absorption, vibronic 170-7 186-9
Ac conductivity 146
Acceptor 105 154 273
Acetylene ( ) 179
Acoustic phonon see Phonon acoustic
Active region 103 109 133 182 280
AG see Silver
AgCl 216-17
Alferov, Zhores 110
AlGaAs 97 104
AlGalnP 104
Alkali halides 87 189-91
Alkali metals, ultraviolet transmission 149
Allowed transition 55 95 126 169-70 178 270
AlSb 221
Aluminium (Al) 149-52 271 276
Ammonia ( ) 176
Amorphous materials 13 18 166 182 207
Ampere’s Law 257
Amplification of light 107
Amplification, nonlinear 238 246
Anharmonic oscillator 223 231-4
Anharmonicity 223 231
Anion dopant 192
Anisotropic materials 10 228-9 242-3 256
Anisotropy, optical 17 42 256
Anode 182
Anomalous dispersion 41 248
Anthracene ( ) 88 177-9
Anti-bonding orbital 55 168
Anti-Stokes scattering 218-19
Anticrossing 214 217
Argon Ion Laser 197
Aromatic hydrocarbon 13 88 166 177-9
Atomic oscillator 26
Attenuation of light 2-7 146
AU see Gold
Back-scattering geometry 219
Band gap 9-11 50 105 217 271-5
Band structure 271-9
Band structure, aluminium 151 276
Band structure, copper 153 276
Band structure, direct gap 50 56
Band structure, four-band (Kane) mode 57 277-8
Band structure, GaAs 56 278
Band structure, germanium 64 277-8
Band structure, III-V semiconductor 57 278
Band structure, indirect gap 50 277
Band structure, silicon 67 276-7
Band theory of solids 18 271-9
Band-filling nonlinearity 249-50
Bands, electronic 18 50 186 271-6
Bands, vibronic 19 186-9
Barrier potential 121
Beer’s law 3-6 27
Benzene ( ) 13 167
Benzene ring 13 167 177
Beryl ( ) 195
Bias voltage 280-1
Biaxial crystal 43
Biexciton 85
Binary logic, optical 252
Birefringence 17 42-5 238 242-3
Birefringent materials 10 43 242
Bistability, optical 251
Black body radiation 265
| Bloch functions 18 52 125 276
Bloch oscillations 135-6
Bloch waves 20
Bloch’s theorem 18 52 275-6
Bohr radius 78
Boltzmannn statistics 100
Boltzmannn’s law 265
Bonding orbital 55 168
Born - Oppenheimer approximation 171-4
Bose - Einstein condensation 86
Bose - Einstein statistics 65 86
Bound electrons 25-38 230-4
Boundary conditions, optical 261
Boundary conditions, quantum well 120-2
Breathing mode 188
Brillouin scattering 218 222
Brillouin zones 273-6
Brillouin, L. 222
Broadening due to damping 30-3
Broadening due to monolayer fluctuations 134
Broadening due to scattering 63 81
Broadening, lifetime 223
Broadening, thermal 178 194
Built-in voltage 72 82 132 280-1
Cadmium selenide (CdSe) 9-11 206 212
Cadmium sulphide (CdS) 137
Calcite 43-4
Carbon 167
Carbon monoxide laser 251
Cathode 182
Cathode ray tube 200
Cation vacancy 189-91
Centrosymmetric crystal 220 239-40
Charge density 256
Chromium ion ( ) 15 187 192 195 196 198
Classical models 20 25-6 143-5 206-9 230-4
Classical statistics see Boltzmann statistics
Classification of optical processes 1-5
Clausius - Mossotti relationship 40
Coefficient, absorption 3
Coefficient, extinction 5
Coefficient, gain 108
Coefficient, reflection 2
Coefficient, transmission 3
Coherence length, nonlinear 241
Collective excitations 19 160 214 216 246
Colour centres 189-91 198-9
Colour glass filters 11 14 138
Complex dielectric constant 5-8 31 144 208
Complex refractive index 5-8 68 260-1
Conducting medium 260-1 271-3
Conduction band 50-7 95-7 271-3 276
Conductivity, electrical 146 260
Configuration coordinates 171-4 188
Configuration diagrams 171-4 188 190
Confinement energy 116 120 136 168
Conjugated materials 13 89 167-9 177-83
Conjugated polymer 13 166 168 179-83
Copolymer 182
Copper (Cu) 12 152-3 276
Copper chloride (CuCl) 85 86
Copper oxide ( ) 86
Correlated photon pair 238
Coulomb gauge 257 267
Covalent bonds 13 55 166-8 206
Covalent crystal 55 206 210
Critical points 68 152
Crystal field effect 15 17 192-6
Crystal symmetry 16-8 43 220 229 239-40
Crystal, anisotropic 10 17 43 228-9 242-3 256
Crystal, biaxial 43
Crystal, centrosymmetric 220 239-40
Crystal, class 16 43 229 239-40
Crystal, nonlinear 229 231-43
Crystal, uniaxial 17 43 229 240 242-3
Cubic crystal 43 105 240 276 278
Cuprite ( ) 278-9
Current density 146 257 260
Cyclic conjugated molecule 168
Cyclobutane ( ) 179
Cyclotron energy 83 216
Cyclotron frequency 61 216
Cyclotron resonance 216-17
Damping 30 145-6 208 211 222 232
Damping rate 30 146 208 222
Damping time 146 223
de Broglie wavelength 86 116 273
Defects, optically active 186 189-91
Degeneracy, atomic 265 269
Degeneracy, electronic 101 106
Degeneracy, lifting of 17 121 131 193
Degeneracy, spin 275
Degenerate four-wave mixing 244-5
Degrees of freedom 116 175
Delayed fluorescence 179 270
Delocalized states 19 77 166-8 186
Density of states 19 51-54 94 99 128 137 152-3 187 266-7
Density of states, 0-D 137
Density of states, 2-D 128 137
depletion region 106 280-1
Detector see Photodetector
Diamagnetism 84
diamond 10 210 271 277
Diamond structure 56 277
Diatomic molecule 171-3
dielectric constant 6 255
Dielectric constant, bound electron 35
Dielectric constant, complex 5-8
Dielectric constant, free carrier 144 146 155
Dielectric constant, high frequency 208
Dielectric constant, lattice 208
Dielectric constant, linear 227
Dielectric constant, nonlinear 228 234
Dielectric constant, relative 6 255-6
Dielectric constant, static 32 208
Dielectric constant, tensor 44
Difference frequency mixing 237-9
Dimer 179
Diode see p-n diode or p-i-n diode
Diode laser 107 134 179 197
Dipole moment 26 52 126 175 255 268
Dipole oscillator model 25-40 143-5 154-6 206-9
Dipole, atomic 26-8
Dipole, electric 26 131
Dipole, Hertzian 27
Dirac notation 52
Direct absorption 51-63
Direct band gap 50 95 98 103-5 277-9
Dispersion, glass 40-2
Dispersion, anomalous 41 248
Dispersion, definition of 3
Dispersion, glass 38 40-2
Dispersion, group velocity 42
Dispersion, microscopic origin 40-2
Dispersion, normal 41 241-3 248
Dispersion, optical fibre 41-2 248
Displacement see Electric displacement
Displacement current 257
Display technology 182
Divalent metal 271
Donor 154 158 272-3
Donor levels 158 272-3
Doped glass 14-5 137-8
Doped insulator 14-5 192-6
Doped semiconductor 29 80 143 154-62 272-3
Double refraction 43
Double spectrometer 221
Down conversion 238-9
Drude - Lorentz model 29 143
Drude model 143 148
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