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Fox M. — Optical properties of solids |
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Drude, Paul 29 147
Dye 13 176-7
Dye p-i-n diode 69 82 132 280-1
Dynamic crystal field effect 192-3
Effective charge 207
effective mass 58 149 154 159 216-17 275 277-8
Effective mass anisotropy 159 277
Einstein and coefficients 93 234-6 263-6 269
Einstein - Podolsky - Rosen experiment 238
Elastic light scattering 2 28 218
Electric dipole, approximation 268
Electric dipole, definition of 26
Electric dipole, interaction 52 125 268
Electric dipole, matrix element 268
Electric dipole, moment 26 52 126 131 175 255 268
Electric dipole, selection rules 269-70
Electric dipole, transition 52 54 125-6 169-70 175 194 268-70
Electric displacement 31 144 209 255-8
Electric field strength 255-8 281
Electric permittivity 255
Electric quadrupole transition 270
Electric susceptibility 31 39 208 227 233 255-6
Electric susceptibility tensor 42
Electrical conductivity 146 271-3
Electrical confinement 109
Electrical injection 103 134 182
Electro-optic effect 61 131-3 238-9 246
Electroluminescence 92 103-10 133-4 179
Electroluminescent devices 103 134 179 182
Electromagnetic induction 257
Electromagnetic momentum 267
Electromagnetic waves 258-62
Electromagnetism 255-62
Electron bound 25-36 143 209 230-1
Electron core 38
Electron density of states 54 99 128
Electron effective mass 277-8
Electron injection 98 103 134 182
Electron valence 55 148 154 167 271-6
Electron, 13
Electron, 167
Electron, d 152-3 192-3 195-6 198 276
Electron, f 192-4 198 200
Electron, free 29 143-64
Electron, p 55 57 167 276
Electron, s 55 152-3 167 276
Electron-hole droplet 85
Electron-hole overlap 126 132 137
Electron-hole pair 50 76 80 95 182
Electron-hole plasma 85
Electron-hole recombination 95 101 106 133
Electron-phonon coupling 98 101 136 186-7 191 193 194
Electron-phonon coupling constant 216
Electronic bands 18 56-7 271-9
Electronic states in quantum wells 119-24
Electronic transition 36
Electroreflectance 61
Electrostatic potential 256-8
Electrostatics 256-8
Emerald ( :beryl) 195
Emission of light see Luminescence
Emission, spontaneous 2 4 92 107 246 263-5
Emission, stimulated 107 264-5
Energy density of light wave 259 264
Energy independent relaxation time approximation 156
Energy loss spectroscopy 161
envelope function 52 126 276
Epitaxial growth 103-5 117 138
Epitaxy 104
Equation of motion, quantum mechanical 268
Equipartition of energy 116
Esaki, L. 115 118 135
Ethylene ( ) 167 179
Excitations, elementary 20 161 214 216 218 246
Exciton 76-91
Exciton data, alkali halides 87
Exciton data, CdS quantum dot 137
Exciton data, GaAs 81 85
Exciton data, GaAs quantum well 129 130 132
Exciton data, GaInAs quantum well 250
Exciton data, II-VI semiconductors 78
Exciton data, III-V semiconductors 78
Exciton data, LiF 88
Exciton data, NaCl 88
Exciton data, polydiacetylene (PDA) 180
Exciton data, pyrene ( ) 88
Exciton data, rare gas crystals 87
Exciton, absorption 59 79-82 130 250
Exciton, binding energy 77
Exciton, Bose - Einstein condensation 86
Exciton, collective excitation 20
Exciton, diamagnetic shift 84
Exciton, field ionization 82
Exciton, free 76-86
Exciton, Frenkel 76 86-9 181
Exciton, high densities 84-6
Exciton, impurity screening 80
Exciton, in electric field 82
Exciton, in magnetic field 83
Exciton, indirect 80 85
Exciton, interactions 84
Exciton, luminescence 100
Exciton, molecular 88 180
Exciton, nonlinear absorption 85 249-50
Exciton, phonon collisions 81
Exciton, quantum confined Stark effect 131
Exciton, quantum dot 138
Exciton, quantum well 130-3
Exciton, radius 77
Exciton, Rydberg 78
Exciton, saturation 249-50
Exciton, self-trapped 87 218
Exciton, stability 80
Exciton, tightly bound 76 86-9 180
Exciton, Wannier - Mott 76
Experimental techniques 68 102 220-1
Extinction coefficient 5
Extraordinary ray 43 242-3
Extrinsic semiconductor 272-3
F-band 190
F-centres 189-91
F8 see Polyfluorene
Fabry - Perot etalon 251
Fabry - Perot interferometer 222
Face-centred cubic crystal 56 276-7
Far-infrared absorption 216-7
Faraday’s law 257
Fermi energy 99 101 106 151-3 156-7 271-3 280-1
Fermi surface 151
Fermi-Dirac statistics 99 236
Fermi’s Golden Rule 51 94 125 152 175 234
Feynman diagrams 21 220 237 243-4
Fibre amplifier, erbium-doped 198-9
Fibre laser 198
Fibre optics 11 42 104-5 134 198-9 248
Field ionization of excitons 82 132
Filter, colour glass 11 14 138
Finesse 251
Finite potential well 121
Flash lamp pumping 197
Fluorescence 169 178-9 200 270
Fluorescence, delayed 179 270
Fluorescence, prompt 179 270
fluorescent lighting 200
Forbidden transition 132 169 194 196 200 270
forward bias 280-1
Four-wave mixing 244-5
Fourier transform spectrometer 68
Fourth harmonic generation 237-8
Franck - Condon factor 175 189
| Franck - Condon principle 173-6 189
Franz - Keldysh effect 61 83
Franz - Keldysh oscillations 62
Free carrier see Free electron
Free electron 143-64
Free electron, absorption 10 155-7
Free electron, band dispersion 274
Free electron, conductivity 145-7
Free electron, Drude model 148
Free electron, oscillator 25 29 143-5
Free electron, plasma 143
Free electron, reflectivity 12 143-5 154-6
Free exciton 76-86 130-3 250
Frenkel exciton 76 86-9 180-1 218
Frequency doubling 2 237-9 241
Frequency mixing, nonlinear 237-9 243
Frequency tripling 238 244
Fresnel’s equations 261
Fundamental absorption edge 9 54-66 80 160
Gain coefficient 108
Gallium antimonide (GaSb) 278
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), absorption 64 81 83 85 129 130 132
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), absorption in electric field 83 132
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), absorption in magnetic field 83
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), band gap 63 278
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), band structure 56 278-8
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), crystal structure 278
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), effective mass 217 278
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), electroluminescence 104 107 134
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), electron-phonon coupling 216
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), electronic configuration 55
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), exciton 59 79-85 130-1
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), Franz - Keldysh effect 83
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), infrared reflectivity 211
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), laser 109-10 134 197
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), light-emitting diode 107 134
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), n-type 161
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), p-i-n diode 82 107 281
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), phonon 211 220-1
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), phonon lifetime 224
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), photodiode 71
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), photoluminescence 100
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), plasmon 161
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), polaron 216-7
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), quantum well 117 123 129-32 135 141
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), Raman active modes 220
Gallium arsenide (GaAs), Raman spectrum 162 221
Gallium indium arsenide (GaInAs) 101 134 250
Gallium nitride (GaN) 96 105 201
Gallium phosphide (GAP) 103 214-15 221
Gauge, electromagnetic 257
Gauss’s law 256-7
Gemstones 9
Germanium (Ge), absorption 65
Germanium (Ge), absorption in magnetic field 62
Germanium (Ge), band gap 65 277-8
Germanium (Ge), band structure 64 277-8
Germanium (Ge), crystal structure 64 277
Germanium (Ge), effective mass 277
Germanium (Ge), electronic configuration 55
Germanium (Ge), exciton 85
Germanium (Ge), luminescence 97
Germanium (Ge), melting point 177
Germanium (Ge), n-type 272
Germanium (Ge), phonon energies 65 210
Germanium (Ge), photodiode 70
Germanium (Ge), transmission 62
Glass, doped 14-15 137-8 247
Glass, nonlinear response 247-9
Glass, optical properties 11-12 37-8 41
Glass, refractive index 11 38 41
Glass, silica 11-12 37-8 41
Glass, stained 11 14 138
Glass, types 12
Gold (Au) 12 153 164
Group theory 54 193 195 204 220 276
Group velocity 38 80 274
Group velocity dispersion 42 248
Halophosphate phosphor 200
Heavy hole band 57 157
Heavy hole transition 57 129 132
Heisenberg uncertainty principle 115
Hertz, Henrick 26
Hertzian dipole 27
Heterojunction laser 109-10
heterostructure 110 117
Hexagonal crystal 43 105 279
hole 50 57 154 180 190 272-3 275
Hole effective mass 277-8
Hole injection 105 182
HOMO level 168 181
Hopping 86 182 217
Hot carrier effect 101
Hund’s rules 194
Huygens point source 28
Hybridization, sp2 167
hydrogen molecule 172
Hysteresis, optical 251
Iceland spar see Calcite
Idler beam 238
Impurities 60 80 94 100 154 158-60 186 192-6 272-3
Impurities, optically active 186 192-6
Impurity level 158 272-3
Impurity scattering 157
Indirect absorption 51 63-6
Indirect band gap 50 63 96 103-5 277-8
Indium antimonide (InSb) 155-6 217 250-1 278
Indium arsenide (InAs) 59 138 211 278
Indium phosphide (InP) 221 278
Indium-tin oxide (ITO) 182
Inelastic light scattering 2 218-22
Infinite potential well 119 128
Infrared absorption 9-11 20 28 38 135 157 159 212 216-17
Infrared active phonon 204
Infrared emission 135 136
Infrared reflectivity 155 206-11 219 225
Infrared resonance 29 35 38 204
Injection current 108
Injection of carriers 93 95 98 107 133 182
InSb see Indium antimonide
Insulator, band structure 271-3
Insulator, doped 14-15
Insulator, excitons 86-88
Insulator, optical properties 8-11
Insulator, refractive index 10
Intensity, optical 3 259-60
Interaction picture 268
Interband absorption 49-73 95-7 124-31 151-4 236
Interband luminescence 49 95-111 133-4
Interband matrix element 51-6 95 126
Interface, optical 261
Intersubband transition 135
Intersystem crossing 178-9
Intervalence band absorption 157
Intrinsic region 82 107 132 280-1
Intrinsic semiconductor 272-3
Inversion symmetry 121 123 220 239-40 243
Ionic crystal 28 189-91 206
Ionization field 82 132
Ionosphere 145
Isotropic materials 31 43 125 243 247-9 256
Ito see Indiumtin oxide
Joint density of states 53 128 266
K point 276
Kane four-band model 57
KDP ( ) 229 240 242-3
Kerr constant 246
Kerr effect, DC 246
Kerr effect, optical 244-7
KF: 191 199
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