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Fox M. — Optical properties of solids |
Предметный указатель |
Kleinman symmetry 247
Kramers - Kronig relationship 40 61 68
Kroemer, Herbert 110
L point 56 276
LA phonon see Phonon LA
Ladder polymer 181
Landau levels 61
Large polaron 217
Laser diode 103 107-10 134 179
Laser, cavity 107
Laser, colour centre 198-9
Laser, erbium-doped fibre 198-9
Laser, frequency doubling 237-9
Laser, infrared 217
Laser, modes 108
Laser, Nd:YAG 194 197-9 237-8
Laser, organic 179
Laser, principle of operation 107-9 265
Laser, pumping mechanisms 197-9
Laser, quantum cascade 135
Laser, quantum well 134
Laser, Raman 246-7
Laser, ruby 196 246
Laser, semiconductor 107 134
Laser, short pulse 195 199 224 248
Laser, solid state 15 107-10 134 196-9
Laser, threshold 109
Laser, Ti:sapphire 197-9
Laser, vertical cavity surface emitting 109
Laser, vibronic 197
Laser, wavelengths, table of 198
Lattice absorption see Phonon absorption
Lattice constant 105
Lattice matching 104-5 118 134 138
Lattice vibration see Phonon
LED see Light emitting diode
Lenz’s law 257
Lifetime, non-radiative 94 196
Lifetime, phonon 222-4
Lifetime, radiative 93-4 134 169 178-9 194 196 264 270
Light emitting diode (LED) 10 13-14 103-7 134 179 181-3 200-1 280
Light Emitting Polymer 182
Light hole band 57 157
Light hole transition 57 129 132
Light scattering 2 4 218-22
Line broadening mechanisms 30-3 63; 178 194 223
Linear conjugated molecule 168
Linear electro-optic effect 238-9
Liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) 104
Lithium fluoride (LiF) 87
LO phonon see phonon LO
Local field 39 208
Localized electronic states 77 86 165-6 177 186-7
Localized phonon 165 174 178 187-8
Longitudinal acoustic phonon see Phonon LA
Longitudinal electric field oscillations 161 209
Longitudinal laser modes 108
Longitudinal optic phonon see Phonon LO
Longitudinal phonon see Phonon longitudinal
Lorentz local field correction 39
Lorentz model 29-34 143
Lorentz oscillator 29-34
Lorentz, Henrick Antoon 26
Lorentzian absorption 32
Low-dimensional physics 116
LPE see Liquid phase epitaxy
Luminescence 92-114 133-4 177-83 186-203
Luminescence data, GaAs 100 107
Luminescence data, GaInAs 102
Luminescence data, GaN 96
Luminescence data, KF: 191
Luminescence data, MeLPPP 181
Luminescence data, Nd:YAG 195
Luminescence data, PPV 182
Luminescence data, pyrromethene 567 dye 177
Luminescence data, Ti:sapphire 196
Luminescence data, tricolour lamp 200
Luminescence data, ZnCdSe quantum well 133
Luminescence, apparatus 103
Luminescence, aromatic hydrocarbon 177-9
Luminescence, colour-centre 189-91
Luminescence, definition of 2 92 263-4
Luminescence, direct 95
Luminescence, efficiency 94
Luminescence, electroluminescence 92 103-10 134 179 181-3
Luminescence, fluorescence 169 178 270
Luminescence, indirect 96
Luminescence, interband 95-111 133-4
Luminescence, phosphor 199-201
Luminescence, phosphorescence 169 178-9 200 270
Luminescence, photoluminescence 92 98-103 181
Luminescence, polymer 181-3
Luminescence, quantum well 133
Luminescence, rare earth ions 193-5
Luminescence, rate 264 269-70
Luminescence, semiconductor 10 95-111 133 182
Luminescence, Stokes shift 4 171 181 188 191
Luminescence, time-resolved 101-3
Luminescence, transition metal ions 195-6
Luminescence, vibronic 170-83 186-9
LUMO level 168 181
Lyddane - Sachs - Teller (LST) relationship 209-10
Magnetic dipole transition 270
Magnetic field strength 256-7
Magnetic flux density 257
Magnetic permeability 257
magnetic susceptibility 256-7
magnetization 256-7
Matrix element 51-4 93 95 125 175 234 266-8
Maxwell’s equations 257
MBE see Molecular beam epitaxy
MeLPPP see Poly(paraphenylene)
Mercury discharge 200
Metal-organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) 104 117
Metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) 104 117
Metals 12 147-54
Metals, alkali 149
Metals, aluminium (Al) 149-51
Metals, band structure 151-4 271-2
Metals, colours 12 153-4
Metals, copper (Cu) 152-3
Metals, excitonic effects 80
Metals, free carrier effects 29 143-54
Metals, gold (Au) 153 164
Metals, interband absorption 151-4
Metals, mirrors 12 149 154
Metals, optical properties 12 147-54
Metals, plasma frequency 148
Metals, plasmons 161
Metals, reflectivity 12 147-54
Metals, silver (Ag) 12 153
Metals, ultraviolet transparency 12 149
Metals, valency 148
Microscopic models 20-1 255
Mirror symmetry rule 176 181 189 191 196
MOCVD see Metal-organic chemical vapour deposition
Modulator, optical 133 238 246
molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) 104 117
Molecular configuration 171-3
Molecular materials 13-14 88-9 165-185
Molecular materials, aromatic hydrocarbons 13 88 166 177-9
Molecular materials, conjugated 13 89 166-9 177-83
Molecular materials, crystals 166 177 180
Molecular materials, electroluminescence 179 181-3
Molecular materials, electronic states 167-9
Molecular materials, energy levels 168-9
Molecular materials, exciton 88 180
Molecular materials, laser 179
Molecular materials, light emitting diode 182
Molecular materials, optical properties 13-14 165-85
| Molecular materials, photoluminescence 181
Molecular materials, polaronic effects 87 217
Molecular materials, polymer 89 166-9 179-83
Molecular materials, saturated 13 166 179
Molecular materials, thin film 166 181-3
Molecular Raman scattering 220 246
Molecular spectra 169-177
Molecular vibrations 166 170-6 207 212 246
Molecule, conjugated 167-9
Molecule, diatomic 171-3
Molecule, saturated 168
Momentum conservation, nonlinear 242
Momentum scattering time 146
Momentum, electromagnetic 267
Monoclinic crystal 43
Monolayer fluctuations 134
Monomer 179
Monovalent metal 271-2
Mott density 84
MQW see Multiple quantum well
Multiple quantum well 117-18
Multiple resonance 34-7
Multiplicity, spin 168 195
N-type doping 135 154-61 272-3
NaCl see Sodium chloride
Nakamura, Shuji 105
Natural lifetime see Radiative lifetime
Natural resonant frequency 26-37 208-9 212 230-1
Nd:YAG 194-5 197-9
Nd:YLF 195
Nearly free electron model 273-6
Neon 87
Neumann’s principle 16 239-40
Nitride compounds 103-5 134 201
Nodes, wave function 121 123
Non-radiative lifetime 94
Non-radiative relaxation 94 98 170-1 173-4 187 197-8
Non-resonant dielectric constant 35 155
Non-resonant nonlinear response 230-4
Non-resonant polarization 31 35
Non-resonant susceptibility 208
Nonlinear absorption 234-6 249-50
Nonlinear amplification 238 246
Nonlinear coherence length 241
Nonlinear conversion efficiency 241 244
Nonlinear crystal 237-43
Nonlinear dielectric constant 228 245
Nonlinear frequency mixing 237-39 243-6
Nonlinear optical coefficient tensor 239-40
Nonlinear optics 2 85 227-54 256
Nonlinear optics, excitonic effects 85 249-50
Nonlinear optics, non-resonant 230 234-6
Nonlinear optics, phase matching 230 241-3 244-5
Nonlinear optics, physical origin 230-6
Nonlinear optics, resonant 230-4 249-52
Nonlinear optics, second-order 228 231-4 236-43
Nonlinear optics, semiconductor 249-52
Nonlinear optics, third-order 228 236 243-52
Nonlinear phase shift 247-9
Nonlinear polarization 228-9 231-4 237-40 243
Nonlinear refractive index 245-52
Nonlinear susceptibility 228 234 236-40 243-7
Nonlinear susceptibility tensor 227-30 247
Nonlinear switching device 249-52
Normal dispersion 41
Normal incidence 261
Occupancy factors 93 99 236
Octahedral crystal environment 192-6
One-dimensional materials 116 168
Optic axis 17 43 242-3
Optical amplification 107 198-9 238
Optical amplifier 196-9
Optical anisotropy 17 42-5
Optical bistability 251
Optical coefficients 2-8
Optical confinement 109
Optical density 4 96 118 137 181 191
Optical fibre 41 198-9 248-9
Optical injection 93 133
Optical Kerr effect 244-7
Optical materials 8-15
Optical modulator 133 238 246 280
Optical phonon see Phonon optical
Optical processes, classification of 1-5
Optical pumping 197-8
Optical rectification 238-9
Optoelectronics 10 18 103-10 133 179 181-3
Ordinary ray 43 242-3
Organic materials see Molecular materials
Organic optoelectronics 179 181-3
Orthorhombic crystal 43
Oscillator, anharmonic 230-4
Oscillator, atomic 26-8
Oscillator, bound electron 26-8 35
Oscillator, classical 25-37 143-5 206-9
Oscillator, damped 30 32 146 208 232
Oscillator, dipole 26-34
Oscillator, free electron 29 143-5
Oscillator, harmonic 173 189 223
Oscillator, Lorentz 29
Oscillator, strength 36 269
Oscillator, vibrational 28 206-9
Output coupler 108
Overlap integral 126 175 189
P-567 see Pyrromethene 567
P-n diode 61 69 103 106 134 280-1
p-type doping 105 154 157 160 272-3
Parabolic bands 57-8 127 274-5
Parallel band effect 152
Paramagnetic impurities 192-6
Parametric amplification 238 246
Parametric oscillation 238
Parity 121 123 126 195-6 220
Parity-forbidden transitions 132
Pauli exclusion principle 50 93 236
PDA see Polydiacetylene
Perspex 13
Phase lag due to scattering 28
Phase matching 230 238 241-3 244-5
Phase modulator 238
phase velocity 38
Phonon 204-26
Phonon, absorption 9 206 212
Phonon, acoustic 204-5 218 222-3 246
Phonon, anharmonic process 223
Phonon, Brillouin scattering 218 222 244 246
Phonon, delocalized modes 20
Phonon, dispersion 205 214-15
Phonon, inelastic light scattering 218-22
Phonon, infrared active 204-5 220
Phonon, ionization of excitons 81
Phonon, LA (longitudinal acoustic) 206
Phonon, lifetime 208 212 222-4
Phonon, LO (longitudinal optic) 81 205-6 209-18 221 246
Phonon, localized 165-6 174 178 187-8
Phonon, longitudinal 204-5
Phonon, Lyddane - Sachs – Teller (LST) relationship 209-10
Phonon, optical 204-5 218 223 246
Phonon, oscillator 29 206-9
Phonon, parity 220
Phonon, polariton 214-15
Phonon, polaron 215-18
Phonon, Raman active 220 246
Phonon, Raman scattering 20 161 214-5 218 220-1 244 246
Phonon, reflectivity 206-12 214
Phonon, restrahlen 210-2
Phonon, scattering 81 98 157 223
Phonon, TA (transverse acoustic) 65 206
Phonon, TO (transverse optic) 205-15 220-1 246
Phonon, transverse 204-5
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