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Fox M. — Optical properties of solids |
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Phonon, virtual 216
Phonon-phonon interaction 223
Phosphor 105 199-201
Phosphorescence 169 178-9 200 270
Phosphorous 159
Photoconductivity 71
Photocurrent 69 82 132 180-1
Photodetector 69-72 133 135
PhotoDiode 69 280
Photoexcitation 99
photoluminescence 92-103 133 181
Photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy (PLE) 102 141
Photoluminescence spectroscopy 102
Photoluminescence, time-resolved 101-3
Photomultiplier 103
Photovoltaic device 71
Planck formula 265
plasma 85 143 161
Plasma edge 155
Plasma frequency 12 144 155 161
Plasma oscillations 160
Plasma reflectivity 143-5 155
Plasmon 20 160-2 209 218
PLE see Photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy
Plexiglas see Perspex
Pockels effect 238-9 246
Point group symmetry 16
Poisson’s equation 256 280-1
Polar bond 28 206
Polar molecule 28
Polar solid 206-13
Polariton 214-15 220
Polarization, dielectric 30 144 227 255-6
Polarization, nonlinear 228-9 231-4 237-40 243
Polarization, optical 125 135 259-60
Polaron 87 215-18
Polaron effective mass 216-17
Polaron radius 217
Poly(paraphenylene) 181
Poly-phenylenevinylene (PPV) 182
Polyacetylene 179-80
Polydiacetylene (PDA) 89 166 180-1 217
Polyethylene see Polythene
Polyfluorene 13-14 181
Polymer 13 89 166 168 179-83
Polymer, luminescent 181-3
Polythene 13 179
Population inversion 107 197
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate see KDP
Potential well 119-24
Potential, electrostatic 256-8
Potential, vector 257
Poynting vector 259
PPV see Poly-phenylenevinylene
prism 41
Prompt fluorescence 179 270
Propagation of light 1 25-46
Pulse broadening 41 248
Pulsed laser 199
Pyrene ( ) 88
Pyrromethene 567 dye 176-7
Quadratic electro-optic effect 246
Quantization energy 120
Quantum box see Quantum dot
Quantum cascade laser 135
Quantum confined Stark effect 131
Quantum confinement 115-17 168 176
Quantum dot 116 136-8
Quantum efficiency 69 94 109
Quantum optics 21 238
quantum size effect 14 116 137 168
Quantum theory of radiative transitions 263-70
Quantum well 115-42
Quantum well, absorption 124-31 135 250
Quantum well, definition 116
Quantum well, density of states 128
Quantum well, electroluminescence 106 133-4
Quantum well, electronic states 119-24
Quantum well, exciton 130-3 250
Quantum well, laser 134 197
Quantum well, non-lattice matched 118 134
Quantum well, nonlinear optics 250
Quantum well, photoluminescence 133
Quantum well, quantum confined Stark effect 131
Quantum well, radiative efficiency 134
Quantum well, structure 117
quantum wire 116
Quartz 44
Quasi-equilibrium 99
Quaternary alloy 104-5
Rabi oscillations 266
Radiative efficiency 94 196
Radiative lifetime 93-6 134 169 178-9 194 196 264 270
Radiative transition 93 263-70
Raman scattering 161 218 220-1 246
Raman scattering, AlSb 221
Raman scattering, anti-Stokes 218-19
Raman scattering, apparatus 220-1
Raman scattering, frequency shift 161 218
Raman scattering, GaAs 221
Raman scattering, GaP 215 221
Raman scattering, InP 221
Raman scattering, lifetime broadening 223
Raman scattering, molecular 220
Raman scattering, n-type GaAs 161-2
Raman scattering, optical phonons 20 161 220-1
Raman scattering, plasmon 161-2
Raman scattering, polariton 214-15
Raman scattering, selection rules 220
Raman scattering, spin-flip 246
Raman scattering, spontaneous 246
Raman scattering, stimulated 244 246
Raman scattering, Stokes 218-19 221
Raman, C.V. 220
Rare earth ion 192-6 200
Rare gas crystals 87
Rayleigh scattering 4
Reciprocal lattice vector 273-4
Recombination, electron-hole 95 101 106 133
Rectification, optical 238
Reduced mass 26 58 78 127 173 208
Reduced zone scheme 274-5
Reflection 1 261
Reflection coefficient 2 262
Reflectivity spectra, AlSb 225
Reflectivity spectra, aluminium 149
Reflectivity spectra, copper 153
Reflectivity spectra, GaAs 211
Reflectivity spectra, gold 164
Reflectivity spectra, InAs 211
Reflectivity spectra, InSb, n-type 156
Reflectivity spectra, silver 12
Reflectivity, definition of 2 262
Reflectivity, free carrier 12 143-56
Reflectivity, infrared 155 206-11
Reflectivity, lattice 206-14
Reflectivity, plasma 143-5
Reflectivity, relationship to refractive index 7 68 262
Reflectivity, restrahlen 210-12
Refraction 2
Refractive index data, fused silica 11 37 41
Refractive index data, insulators 10
Refractive index data, NaCl 47
Refractive index data, semiconductors 11
Refractive index data, uniaxial crystals 43
Refractive index, complex 4-8 260-1
Refractive index, definition of 3 259
Refractive index, dipole oscillator 29-37
Refractive index, dispersion 40-2
Refractive index, frequency dependence 36
| Refractive index, microscopic origin 28
Refractive index, nonlinear 245-52
Refractive index, relation to dielectric constant 6 259
Relative dielectric constant 6 256
Relative magnetic permeability 257
Relaxation mechanisms 93 98 173^4 187
Residual ray 211
Resonance enhancement 234 246
resonant frequency 26-37 208 230-1 247
Resonant nonlinear response 230 234-6 246 249-52
Resonant polarization 31
Responsivity 69
Restrahlen 210-12 214
Reverse bias 280-1
Rhombohedral crystal 43
Rigid lattice model 216
Ruby ( : ) 2 15 186 192 196
Rule of mutual exclusion 220
Russell - Saunders coupling 193
Russell, John Scott 248
Rutherford, Ernest 26
Rydberg constant 78
S bands 152-3 276
Sapphire ( ) 8-10 15 105 195-6 206 212
Saturable absorber 236 249-50
Saturated bond 13 168 179
Saturation intensity 236
Scattering cross-section 4
Scattering of light 2-4 28 161 218-22
Second harmonic generation 2 231-2 237-9 241-3
Second-order nonlinear optics 228-34 236-43
Second-order nonlinear susceptibility 228 234 236-40
Second-order nonlinear susceptibility tensor 229
Selection rules, electric dipole 269-70
Selection rules, electric quadrupole 270
Selection rules, infrared activity 220
Selection rules, Landau level 62
Selection rules, magnetic dipole 270
Selection rules, parity 126 270
Selection rules, quantum well 125 135
Selection rules, Raman scattering 220
Selection rules, spin 169 178 270
Selection rules, wave vector 53
Self-organized quantum dots 138
Self-phase modulation 244 247-9
Self-trapping 87 217
Semiclassical model 20 52
Semiconductor band gaps, tables of 277-8
Semiconductor band structure 56-8 271-3 277-9
Semiconductor conductivity 272
Semiconductor crystallites 14
Semiconductor, doped 29 135 143 154-62 246 272-3
Semiconductor, doped glass 14 115 137
Semiconductor, effective mass 277-8
Semiconductor, extrinsic 272-3
Semiconductor, GaAs see Gallium arsenide
Semiconductor, Ge see Germanium
Semiconductor, heterojunction 110 117
Semiconductor, II-VI 78 105 137 154 216-17 272 278
Semiconductor, III-V 55-57 78 105 138 154 157 206 210 216-17 221 272 278
Semiconductor, intrinsic 272-3
Semiconductor, laser 107-10 134 135
Semiconductor, light-emitting diode 106 134 200
Semiconductor, n-type 135 143 154-61 272-3
Semiconductor, nonlinear effects 85 249-52
Semiconductor, optical properties, summary of 8-11
Semiconductor, organic 181-3
Semiconductor, p-i-n diode 82 280-1
Semiconductor, p-n junction 106 280
Semiconductor, p-type 143 154 157 160 272-3
Semiconductor, photodetectors 69
Semiconductor, quantum dot 116 136-38
Semiconductor, quantum well 106 115-42
Semiconductor, quantum wire 116
Semiconductor, Si see Silicon
Semiconductor, superlattice 116-18 135
Semimetal 278
Signal beam 238
Signal velocity 38
Silica ( ) 11-12 37 41-2 207 248
Silicon (Si), absorption 64 66
Silicon (Si), band gap 63 277
Silicon (Si), band structure 67 271 276-7
Silicon (Si), effective mass 277
Silicon (Si), exciton 85
Silicon (Si), luminescence 97
Silicon (Si), n-type 159 272
Silicon (Si), phonon 210 220
Silicon (Si), photodiode 70
Silicon (Si), Raman active modes 220
Silicon (Si), solar cell 72
Silicon carbide (SiC) 103
Silver (Ag) 12 153
Simple harmonic oscillator 173 223
Single quantum well 117
Singlet states 168-9 176 177-9
Singlet-singlet transition 169 177-81
Singlet-triplet transition 169 178-9
Skin depth 147
Skin effect 147 156
Slope efficiency 109
Small polaron 217
Snell’s law of refraction 2
Sodium 271
Sodium chloride (NaCl) 28 47 87 177 207
Soft condensed matter 166
Solar cells 71 280
Solid state laser 15 107-10 134 196-9
Solid state, characteristic optical physics 15-20
Solitons 248
Sound velocity 205 222
Spin coating 166 182
Spin multiplicity 168 195
spin quantum number 168 177 270
Spin selection rule 169 178 270
Spin-orbit interaction 57 169 179 193-5 200 277-8
Split-off hole band 57 157 277-8
Spontaneous emission 2 4 92 107 246 263-5
Stained glass 14 138
Stark effect 131
States, Bloch 18 52 125 276
States, delocalized 19 77 166-8 186
States, localized 77 86 165-6 174 177 182 186
Static crystal field effect 192-3
Stimulated Brillouin scattering 244 246
Stimulated emission 107 234-6 264-5
Stimulated Raman scattering 244 246
Stokes scattering 218-19
Stokes shift 4 14 171 181 188 191 196
Stokes, George 4
Streak camera 103
Substrate 103-5 117
Sum frequency mixing 237-9
Superlattice 116-18 135
susceptibility see Electric susceptibility
Susceptibility, nonlinear 227-34 236-40 243-7
Symmetry, class 16 43 229 239-40
Symmetry, class, Kleinman 247
Symmetry, class, lowering 17 121 131 132 193
Symmetry, class, octahedral 192-6
Symmetry, class, point group 16
Symmetry, class, points of Brillouin zone 56 276
Symmetry, class, translational 16 276
Symmetry, effects of 16-18
Symmetry, effects of, birefringence 43
Symmetry, effects of, crystal field splitting 193 195
Symmetry, effects of, electronic bands 57
Symmetry, effects of, infrared activity 220
Symmetry, effects of, nonlinear susceptibility 229 239-40 247
Symmetry, effects of, Raman activity 220
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