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Zory P.S. — Quantum well lasers
Zory P.S. — Quantum well lasers

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Íàçâàíèå: Quantum well lasers

Àâòîð: Zory P.S.


This book provides the information necessary for the reader to achieve a thorough understanding of all aspects of QW lasers - from the basic mechanism of optical gain, through the current technolgoical state of the art, to the future technologies of quantum wires and quantum dots. In view of the growing importance of QW lasers, this book should be read by all those with an active interest in laser science and technology, from the advanced student to the experienced laser scientist.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.10.2005

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Absorption, optical      3 5 294
AlGaAs      see “GaAs/AlGaAs”
AlGaInP      see “GaInP/AlGaInP”
Amplified spontaneous emission      487 490
Amplifiers optical fiber      370
Amplifiers semiconductor      351
Angular momentum representation      47
Anisotropy      see “Gain TE/TM”
Antiguiding      398
Atomic orbitals      45
Atomic ordering (GaInP/AlGaInP)      419 426—427
Auger recombination      see “Recombination”
Axial approximation      78
Band filling      155
Band mixing      see “Valence band structure/effects”
Band offset/discontinuity GaAs/AlGaAs      6 78—80 135
Band offset/discontinuity GaInP/AlGaInP      421 22
Band offset/discontinuity InGaAs/AlGaAs      78—80 380
Band offset/discontinuity InGaAs/InGaAsP      346
Band structure conduction band      60—61
Band structure effects of strain on      72—78 199 342 354
Band structure in III-V semiconductors      45—49 63—67
Band structure valence band      see “valence band structure/effects”
Band, parabolic      3 137 139 140
Band-tail states      136
bandgap      3 5
Bandgap AlGaAs      135
Bandgap AlGaInP      419—421 427
Bandgap effective, of quantum well      141
Bandgap renormalization      150 444
Bandgap shrinkage      109
Barrier layer      2 7
Biaxial strain      see “Strained active layers/lasers”
Bloch functions definition of      19
Bloch functions in III-V semiconductors      46—47
Bloch functions linear combinations of      47 63 67
Bloch functions normalization of      19
Bloch functions orthogonality of      20 46
Bloch functions symmetry of      46
Brillouin zone      2 338—342
Broadening      see “Gain; linewidth Intraband
Buried heterostructure laser (BH)      207 400
Carrier confinement/injection efficiency (capture/leakage)      see also “Carrier transport” 43 159 164—166 170—172 218 230 236—242 248 280—286 314—316 324 421—422 428—431 439—450 462—465 476 482
Carrier density      38 44 465 467 491
Carrier scattering      see “Intraband relaxation”
Carrier transport      229—236
Carrier-carrier scattering      106 111
Carrier-phonon scattering      108 115
Catastrophic optical degradation      405 433—434 452
Cathodoluminescence      474 476
Cavity length (optimum)      173
Characteristic temperature ($T_{0}$) GaAs/AlGaAs      155 166 470 482 486
Characteristic temperature ($T_{0}$) GaInP/AlGaInP      429 440—445
Characteristic temperature ($T_{0}$) InGaAs/AlGaAs      390 394 405
Characteristic temperature ($T_{0}$) InGaAs/InGaAsP      348 350
Charge neutrality      137 140 164
Chirp      2 462
confinement      see “Carrier confinement; Optical confinement”
Connection rules for envelope functions      60 68
Coupled wells      6
Critical thickness      372
Deformation potentials      340 376
Density of states      8—9 20—24 75 104 136—138 142 191 462 465—466 488
Density of states bulk      23
Density of states optical      42
Density of states reduced      34 138 467
Density of states table      23
Differential gain      see “Gain”
Dipole moment anisotropy      468
Doping effects on gain      90
effective mass      6 135 138 140 165 382 420—421
Effective mass anisotropy of      20 66
Effective mass approximate conduction band      48
Effective mass definition of      20
Effective mass effect on gain      38
Effective mass effects of other bands on      48
Effective mass effects of strain on      76
Effective mass equation conduction band (nondegenerate)      58
Effective mass equation valence band (degenerate)      63—72
Effective mass equation valence band (degenerate) bulk solutions to      65
Effective mass equation valence band (degenerate) coupling term in      65
Effective mass equation valence band (degenerate) quantum well solutions to      67
Effective mass equation valence band (degenerate) strained      74
Effective mass in-plane      44 62
Effective mass reduced      34 138
Effective mass relation to Luttinger parameters      64
Effective mass values for      79
Effective well width      112
Efficiency differential      132 310—316
Efficiency external      280—286 350
Efficiency internal      280—286 350 468
Efficiency power      318
Electron oscillation      2
Electron-electron scattering      111
Electron-hole scattering      111
Energy broadening      see “Lineshape function”
Envelope function approximation      19 58 64 341
Envelope functions definition of      19 111
Envelope functions in conduction band      59—60
Envelope functions in valence band      67—68
Envelope functions normalization of      19 71
Envelope functions orthogonality of      31
Equivalent circuit      242
Erbium doped fibers      370
Exchange energy      108
Far field patterns      399
Fermi functions and levels      10 34 37 104 137—141 147 156 159 291 467 473 488
Fermi's golden rule      28—35
Frequency modulation, gain lever      260
GaAS      see “GaAs/AlGaAs”
GaAs/AlGaAs (850nm)      7 86 134 159 163 175 194 295 300 367 462
Gain broadening      41 92 99 104 125 143—150 294 311 462 468
Gain compression      218 220 223 225
Gain condition for      see “Transparency”
Gain confinement factor      see “Optical confinement”
Gain definition of      35
Gain differential      38—40 88—91 155 175 219 347 384 462 460—472
Gain example calculations of      84—92
Gain high      298—302
Gain lever      219 252
Gain mode      27 166 293 304—305 429
Gain peak/maximum      2 86 133 155 158 294—302 443—445
Gain saturation      154—155 177 300 361
Gain spectral convolution of      see “Intraband relaxation”
Gain spectral dependence      36 84 99 104 125 138 145 147—152 154 293 301 467
Gain TE/TM      88 142 150 153 154 330 351 357 359 363
Gain threshold      166 196 295 347 468
Gain-current relations GaAs/AlGaAs      86—92 158 295—297 300—305
Gain-current relations GaInP/AlGaInP      429
Gain-current relations InGaAs/AlGaAs      86—92
Gain-current relations InGaAsP/InP      295—297
Gain-guiding      398 449—452
GaInP/AlGaInP (670nm)      415—460
Green's function      102
Group velocity      36 42
Heat of formation      388
Higher lying quantized states      319—323
Hole-electron scattering      111
Hole-hole scattering      111
Index guided lasers      400 449—452
InGaAs/AlGaAs (980nm)      78 199 223 371
InGaAs/InGaAsP (1550nm)      163 233 344
InGaAsP/GaAs (810 and 860nm)      279
InGaAsP/InP(1300nm)      163 169 175 279
Injection efficiency      see “Carrier confinement”
Interface quality      132
Intervalence band absorption      330 332 420
Intraband relaxation      41 84 92 97—130 137 142—152 294 467
Inversion layer      7
K factor      234 399
k*p theory      337
k-selection (momentum conservation)      8 30 33 90 136 140 143 290
Landau levels      463 476
Laser arrays      402
Lattice match      371 416—418 425
Lead salt QW Laser      321
Leakage current      see “Carrier confinement”
Lifetesting      403
Lifetime      see “Recombination”
Lineshape function      see “Intraband relaxation”
Linewidth, mode      155 384 462 472 483
Liquid phase epitaxy, (LPE)      2 10 278 368
Long wavelength lasers      see InGaAs/InGaAsP InGaAsP/InP
Loss, (mode)      166 294 304 309—313 469 490
Luttinger parameters      64 338
Luttinger parameters values for      79
Luttinger — Kohn Hamiltonian      58—67 337
Luttinger — Kohn Hamiltonian axial approximation      78 339
Luttinger — Kohn Hamiltonian diagonal approximation      340 342
Luttinger — Kohn Hamiltonian for (111) quantization axis      342 353
Luttinger — Kohn Hamiltonian spherical approximation      339
Luttinger — Kohn Hamiltonian spin matrices      338
Matrix element basis function momentum      47 49 138
Matrix element basis function momentum values of      49
Matrix element transition      31 50 70 138 145 177—178 290 357
Matrix element transition k-dependence of      80 358
Matrix element transition polariz on dependence of      52 150 293
Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition      see “MOCVD; OMVPE”
Misfit dislocations      372
MOCVD      10 11 15 368 386 425—426 463
Mode hopping      358
Mode-locking      264—271
Mode-locking parameter ranges      267
Mode-locking phasor description      270
Modulation bandwidth      218
Modulation efficiency, gain lever      255
molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)      3 5 10 11 15 368 390 425—426 463
Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on nonplanar substrates      476
Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on vicinal substrates      464 475 478
Momentum conservation      see “k-selection”
Multi quantum well (MQW)      11 12 131—188 349 440
Non-Markovian process      110
Nonradiative lifetime      see “Recombination”
OMVPE      425—426 463
OMVPE on nonplanar substrates      464 476 479
OMVPE on vicinal substrates      475
Optical confinement      135 166 293 299 395 429—430 437 443 462 468 481 488
Optical fiber amplifiers      370
Optical gain      see “Gain”
Optical mode      400 469 488 492
Optical transition      see “Transitions”
Organometallic vapor phase epitaxy      see “OMVPE”
Oxide defined stripe lasers      391
P-doping, AlGaInP      428—429 439
Parabolic band      3 137 139 140
Pattern effect      214
Perturbation theory      28 62
Phase-locked array      402
photoluminescence      see also “Efficiency”
Photoluminescence AlGaAs/GaAs interface      177
Photoluminescence InGaAsp (1300nm)      280—286
Photoluminescence InGaAsP (850nm)      280—286
Photoluminescence linewidth      425
Photoluminescence quantum wires      474 486
Piezoelectric fields, strain-induced      343
Poisson's ratio      340 373
Polarization      see also “Gain TE/TM” 52—57 101 125 132 150—154 293 382 386
Quantum density of states in      23 465—466
Quantum dot      462
Quantum dot fabrication techniques      473
Quantum dot laser      462 477
Quantum fabrication techniques      473
Quantum polarization dependence of      54—57
Quantum res.      2 46
Quantum subbands      481 484 487
Quasi-Fermi level      see “Fermi functions and levels”
Rare earth doped fibers      370
Recombination Auger      135 158—159 161—163 168 170—171 330 333—334 347—348 385—386 420 445
Recombination interface      161—162 170—174 177—180 182 474
Recombination leakage      164—166
Recombination non-radiative      see “Spontaneous emission” 9 142 159—163
Refractive index      36 42 135 139 141 421 472
Relative intensity noise, gain lever      258
Relaxation broadening      see “Intraband relaxation”
Relaxation oscillation      225 462 470 483
Reliability      350 363 403
Reservoir model      see “Carrier transport”
Resonant tunneling      2 7 14
Saturable absorber      265
Scattering      see “Intraband relaxation”
Schroedinger equation      see “Effective mass equation” 19
Screened Coulomb potential      111—112
Self-pulsation      265
Separate confinement      134 345
Separate confinement AlGaInP      437—438
Separate confinement graded index      197 207 211
Short-period superlattice      446—447
Spatial quantization      7
Spherical approximation      78
Spin degeneracy      138
Spin-orbit interaction      47
Spin-orbit splitting energy      47 63 78
Spontaneous emission      42—43 141 145 148—151 219
Spontaneous emission broadening      145—146 149 151
Spontaneous emission comparison to $BN^{2}$      87
Spontaneous emission relation to current density      43 133 141 157—158
Stark shift      343
Strained active layers/lasers      38 72—78 84—89 198—203 329—366 367—413 448—450
Subband mixing      see “Valence band structure/effects”
Substrate orientation      342 352 427 432 446
Superlattice      7 14
Switch-on delay      211
Switching, digital      210
TE polarization      see “Polarization”
Thermal expansion coefficient      417
Thermal guiding      398
Thermal restivity      418 429
Threshold current/density      189—216
Threshold current/density GaAs/AlGaAs      168—180 469—470 491
Threshold current/density GaAs/AlGaAs compared with (111) growth direction      330—331 359—361
Threshold current/density GaInP/AlGaInP      430—431 438 442
Threshold current/density InGaAs/AlGaAs      393—397
Threshold current/density InGaAs/InGaAsP      347—351
Threshold current/density InGaAsP/GaAs      304 313
Threshold current/density InGaAsP/InP      309
Threshold current/density temperature dependence      see “Characteristic temperature”
TM polarization      see “Polarization”
TM-mode lasers      449
transitions      see also “Matrix element”
Transitions allowed and forbidden      8 31 81
Transitions band edge strength of      55
Transitions higher lying quantum states      319
Transitions localized      30
Transitions net rate of downward      35
Transitions spin-degenerate      50
Transparency      38 89 91 125 168 193 396 429 443 448 469
Transport, carrier      229—236
Tunable laser, gain lever      262
Tunneling      7 14
Urbach tail      121
Valence band structure/effects      32 35 44 57 63—78 329—366
Vertical emitting lasers      203
Zero-bias modulation      211
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