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Поиск книг, содержащих: Return statement
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Roman S., Petrusha R., Lomax P. — VB.Net Language in a Nutshell | 2nd 3rd | Mughal K., Rasmussen R. — A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification: A Comprehesive Primer | | Cheng F., deHaan J., Dixon R.L. — ActionScript 2.0 Language Reference for Macromedia Flash 8 | | Liberty J. — Learning C# | | Kern S., Lynd D., Penny D. — Lotus Notes and Domino 6 Development | | Newham C., Rosenblatt B. — Learning the bash Shell | 2nd | deHaan J., deHaan P. — Learning ActionScript 2.0 for Macromedia Flash 8 | | Hurwicz M. — Using Macromedia Studio MX 2004 | | Lomax P., Petrusha R., Patrick T. (ed.) — Visual Basic 2005: In a Nutshell | | Deitel H.M. — Visual C# How to Program | 2nd | Terry P.D. — Compliers and Compiler Generators: An Introduction With C++ | 260, 265, 268, 277 | Levine J.R., Manson T., Brown D. — Lex & Yacc | 7, 171 | Holzner S. — Spring Into PHP 5 | | Kline K.E. — SQL in a Nutshell | | Mayo J. — C# Builder KickStart | 2nd | Drayton P., Albahari B., Neward T. — C# in a Nutshell | | Deitel H.M. — C++ How to Program | 2nd 3rd 4th 5th | Lischner R. — C++ in a Nutshell | | Lippman S.B., Lajoie J., Moo B.E. — C++ Primer | | Kolman B., Busby R.C., Cutler S.C. — Discrete Mathematical Structures | 434 | Hubbard J.R. — Theory and Problems of Fundamentals of Computing with C++ | 69, 82 | Sebesta R.W. — Concepts of programming languages | 447 | Kernighan B.W., Ritchie D.M. — The C programming language | 25, 30, 70, 73, 225 | Client-side javascript reference. | 625 | Diaz J. (ed.), Ramos I. (ed.) — Formalization of Programming Concepts | 5.1, 5.8 | Metcalf M., Reid J. — Fortran 90, 95 explained | 80, 293 | Hartmann A.K., Rieger H. — Optimization Algorithms in Physics | 11 | Deitel H., Deitel P.J. — C. How to Program | 155 | Kolman B., Busby R.C., Ross S. — Discrete Mathematical Structures | 445, 452—453 | Conger D. — Physics modelling for game programming | 472 | Kupferschmid M. — Classical FORTRAN: Programming for Engineering and Scientific Applications | 133 |