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Liberty J. — Learning C#
Liberty J. — Learning C#

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Название: Learning C#

Автор: Liberty J.


Most C# books are written for experienced C++ and Java programmers. If you're a novice programmer, or you have experience in VB6 or other procedural programming languages, and you want to learn C#, until now you've been out of luck. That's why Jesse Liberty, author of the best-selling books Programming C# and Programming ASP.NET, has written an entry-level guide to C#. Written in a warm and friendly manner, this book assumes no prior programming experience, and provides an easy introduction to Microsoft's premier .NET language. Learning C# is a complete introduction to C# and object-oriented programming. Learning C# will help you build a solid foundation in .NET, and show how to apply your skills by using dozens of tested examples. Learning C# introduces Visual Studio .NET, a tool set for building Windows and Web applications. You'll learn about the syntax and structure of the C# language, including operators, classes and interfaces, structs, arrays, and strings. Liberty then demonstrates how to develop various kinds of applications — including those that work with databases — and web services. By the time you've finished Learning C# you'll be ready to move on to a more advanced programming guide that will help you create large-scale web and Windows applications. Whether you have a little object-oriented programming experience or you are new to programming altogether, Learning C# will set you firmly on your way to mastering the essentials of the C# language.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 368

Добавлена в каталог: 14.06.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
! (not operator)      
!= (not equals operator)      2nd
"spaghetti code"
% (modulus operator)      
%= (modulus self-assignment operator)      
&& (and operator)
() (parentheses)      
() (parentheses), changing order of evaluation      
() (parentheses), grouping in regular expressions      
* (multiplication operator)      
*= (multiplication self-assignment operator)      
+ (addition operator)      
+ (addition operator), combining delegates      
+ (concatenation operator)      
+ (plus sign), in Autos window      
++ (increment operator)      2nd
+= (addition self-assignment operator)      
+= (addition self-assignment operator), adding events      
+= (addition self-assignment operator), adding to multicast delegates      2nd
- (subtraction operator)      
-- (decrement operator)      
-= (subtraction self-assignment operator)      
-= (subtraction self-assignment operator), removing from multicast delegates      
. (dot operator), in object names      
.cs extension      
.csproj extension      
.NET Enterprise Servers      
.NET Framework      
.NET framework class library (FCL)      
.NET platform      2nd [See also C# language; VS.NET]
.NET programming      
.NET programming, books about      
.NET programming, web sites about      
.NET types, corresponding to C# types      
.NET-enabled non-PC devices      
.sln extension      
/ (division operator)      
/* */ (comment delimeters)      
// (slashes, two), beginning comments      
/// (slashes, three), beginning comments      
/= (division self-assignment operator)      
; (semicolon), ending statements with      2nd
< (less than operator)      
<= (less than or equal to operator)      2nd
= (assignment operator)      2nd 3rd
== (equals operator)      2nd 3rd
> (greater than operator)      
>= (greater than or equal to operator)      
? (ternary operator)      
@ (verbatim string literals)      
Abstract classes      2nd [See also interfaces]3rd
abstract classes, instantiating      
abstract classes, interfaces compared to      
abstract keyword      
abstract methods      
abstract methods, not used with explicitly implemented methods      
Access modifiers      
access modifiers, for class members      2nd 3rd
access modifiers, for classes      2nd
access modifiers, not used in interface methods      
access modifiers, not used with explicitly implemented methods      
accessors, get accessors      2nd
accessors, set accessors      2nd
Add QuickWatch item, VS.NET debugger      
Add Watch item, VS.NET debugger      
Add() method, ArrayList class      2nd
addition operator (+)      
addition operator (+), combining delegates      
addition self-assignment operator (+=)      
ADO.NET, books about      
aggregation of classes      
ampersand, two (&&), and operator
analysis, object-oriented      
and operator (&&)
Append() method, StringBuilder class      
AppendFormat() method, StringBuilder class      
applications      2nd [See also debugger; executable files; projects; source code]
applications, creating from source code      
applications, running from VS.NET      
applications, types of      2nd
Arguments      [See parameters]
arithmetical operators      [See mathematical operators]
Array class      [See System.Array class]
array lists      
array lists, copying to arrays      
ArrayList class      
Arrays      2nd 3rd
arrays, accessing elements of      
arrays, as reference types      
arrays, clearing      
arrays, collections copying to      
arrays, copying      
arrays, declaring      
arrays, default values of elements in      
arrays, dimensions, number of      
arrays, elements as value types      
arrays, first instance of, determining      
arrays, fixed size, determining if it has      
arrays, for methods with variable number of parameters      
arrays, index of      
arrays, initializing (populating)      2nd
arrays, instantiating      
arrays, iterating through with foreach statement      
arrays, jagged      2nd
arrays, last instance of, determining      
arrays, length of      2nd
arrays, multidimensional      2nd
arrays, rectangular      2nd
arrays, reversing order of elements in      
arrays, sorting elements in      
arrays, System.Array class implementing      
arrays, zero-based      
as operator      2nd
ASP.NET      2nd 3rd
assignment operator (=)      2nd 3rd
assignment operator (=), copying strings      
assignment, definite      2nd
association among classes      
asterisk (*) as multiplication operator      
asterisk, equals sign (*=), multiplication self-assignment operator      
at sign (@) beginning verbatim string literals      
Attributes      2nd
AutoHide property of window      
Autos window, VS.NET debugger      
backslash (\) beginning escape characters      
base class      2nd 3rd
behavior of classes or objects      [See methods]
bool type      2nd 3rd
Boolean expression      
Boolean values, types for      2nd
boxing, arrays      
boxing, value types      
braces ({})      
braces ({}), enclosing block of statements      2nd 3rd
braces ({}), enclosing class body      2nd
braces ({}), enclosing initial array elements      
braces ({}), enclosing namespaces      
brackets ([])      [See square brackets]
Branching      2nd [See also looping]
branching, conditional      2nd
branching, conditional, if statement      
branching, conditional, switch statement      
branching, unconditional      
branching, unconditional, break statement      2nd
branching, unconditional, continue statement      
branching, unconditional, goto statement      
branching, unconditional, method calls as      
branching, unconditional, throw statement      
break statement      2nd 3rd
breakpoints, setting      
Bugs      [See also debugger; exceptions]
bugs, exceptions compared to      
bugs, finding at compile-time      
Byte type      2nd 3rd
C# language      2nd [See also object-oriented programming]
C# language, application types developed with      
C# language, books about      
C# language, keywords      
C# language, versioning considerations      
C# language, web sites about      
C-style comments      
Call Stack      [See also stack memory]
Call Stack window, VS.NET debugger      
call stack, and exception handling      
call stack, displaying in debugger      
call stack, displaying with stack trace      
call stack, searching for exception handler on      
Camel notation      2nd
capabilities of an object      
Capacity property, ArrayList class      2nd
Capacity() method, StringBuilder class      
caret (^) indicating new line in regular expressions      
Carroll, Charles, web site      
Case statement      2nd
casting, implicit and explicit      2nd
casting, operators for      
casting, to interfaces      
casting, to string      
catch statement      2nd 3rd
chaining assignments      
Char type      2nd 3rd
characteristics of classes or objects      [See member variables]
Characters      [See also string literals; strings]
characters, types for      2nd
Chars property, System.String class      
Chars() method, StringBuilder class      
checked operator      
Class keyword      
class members      [See member variables methods properties]
Classes      2nd [See also interfaces; methods; objects; structs]3rd 4th 5th
classes, abstract      2nd
classes, access modifiers for      2nd
classes, aggregation (composition) of      
classes, as reference types      
classes, association among      
classes, attributes of      
classes, base      2nd
classes, client      
classes, concrete      
classes, defining      2nd
classes, derived      2nd
classes, derived, from abstract classes      
classes, derived, from classes implementing interfaces      
classes, derived, implementing polymorphic methods      
classes, derived, preventing derivation of      
classes, derived, type decided at runtime      
classes, generalization relationships with      
classes, identifier for      
classes, instantiating objects from      2nd 3rd
classes, modeling with UML      
classes, private implementation of      
classes, properties of      2nd
classes, public interface of      
classes, publishing      2nd
classes, relationships between      
classes, root      
classes, sealed      
classes, server      
classes, specialization relationships of      
classes, state of      2nd 3rd 4th
classes, structs compared to      
classes, subscribing      2nd
clear() method      
Clear() method, ArrayList class      
Clear() method, Queue class      
Clear() method, Stack class      
Clear() method, System.Array class      
Client      2nd 3rd
close() method      
CLR (Common Language Runtime)      2nd
Code      [See source code]
code completion feature of IDE      
code examples      
code examples, complexity of      
code examples, font conventions used in      
code examples, web site containing source code for      
collection interfaces      
collection interfaces, foreach statement used in      
collection interfaces, IEnumerable      
collection interfaces, list of      
collections      [See arrays array lists collection interfaces indexers queues stacks]
colon (\:)      
colon (\:), creating a derived class      
colon (\:), following labels      
colon (\:), implementing interfaces      
colon (\:), invoking constructor of base class      
columns, in two-dimensional array      
COM technology      
Common Language Runtime (CLR)      
Compare() method, System.String class      
Comparison operators      
Compiler      2nd
compiling programs      
complexity of programs, managing      2nd [See also object-oriented programming]3rd 4th
composition of classes      
Concat() method, System.String class      
concatenation operator (+) for strings      
concrete classes      
conditional branching      2nd
conditional branching, if statement      
conditional branching, switch statement      
console applications      2nd 3rd
console applications, displaying output to the screen      2nd 3rd
console applications, running with Ctrl+F5      
Console class      
Console class, Write() method      
Console class, WriteLine() method      2nd 3rd
const keyword      2nd
constants, enumerations      
constants, initializing      
constants, literal      
constants, naming      
constants, symbolic      
constructors, copy      
constructors, default      2nd 3rd
constructors, for base class      
constructors, for derived class      
constructors, for structs      
constructors, overloading      
contact information      
contains() method      
Contains() method, Queue class      
Contains() method, Stack class      
continuation character      
continue statement      2nd
conversion operators      
copy constructors      
copy() method      
Copy() method, System.Array class      
Copy() method, System.String class      2nd
copying strings      
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