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Kernighan B.W., Ritchie D.M. — The C programming language |
Предметный указатель |
! bitwise inclusive OR operator 48 207
## preprocessor operator 90 230
#def ine 14 89 229
#define vs. enum 39 149
#define with arguments 89
#define, multi-line 89
#else, #elif 91 232
#endif 91
#error 233
#if 91 135 231
#ifdef 91 232
#ifndef 91 232
#include 33 88 152 231
#line 233
#pragma 233
#undef 90 172 230
% modulus operator 41 205
& address operator 93 203
& bitwise AND operator 48 207
' bitwise exclusive OR operator 48 207
' quote character 19 37-38 193
* indirection operator 94 203
* multiplication operator 41
* preprocessor operator 90 230
+ addition operator 41 205
+ unary plus operator 203-204
++ increment operator 18 46 106 203
+= assignment operator 50
, comma operator 62 209
- decrement operator 18 46 106 203
- one’s complement operator 49 203-204
- subtraction operator 41
- unary minus operator 203-204
-> structure pointer operator 131 201
. . . declaration 155 202
. structure member operator 128 201
/ division operator 10 41 205
0... octal constant 37 193
< locale. h> header
< less than operator 41 206
<< left shift operator 49 206
<= less or equal operator 41 206
<assert.h> header 253
<ctype .h> header 43 248
<errno.h> header 248
<float.h> header 36 257
<limits .h> header 36 257
<math.h> header 44 250
<setjm 254
<signal.h> header 255
<stdarg.h> header 155 174 254
<stddef .h> header 103 135 241
<stdio.h> contents 176
<stdio.h> header 6 16 89—90 102 151—152 241
<stdlib.h> header 71 142 251
<string.h> header 39 106 249
<time.h> header 255
= assignment operator 17 42 208
== equality operator 19 41 207
> greater than operator 41 206
>= greater or equal operator 41 206
>> right shift operator 49 206
?: conditional expression 51 208
a.out 6 70
Abort library function 252
Abs library function 253
Abstract declarator 220
Access mode, file 160 178 242
Acos library function 251
Actual argument (see Argument)
addition operator 41 205
additive operators 205
Addpoint function 130
Address arithmetic (see Pointer arithmetic)
Address of register 210
Address of variable 28 94 203
Address operator 5 93 203
Addtree function 141
Afree function 102
Alert character, \a 38 193
Alignment by union 186
Alignment restriction 138 142 148 167 185 199
Alignment, bit-field 150 213
Alloc function 101
Allocator, storage 142 185 189
Ambiguity, if-else 56 223 234
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) ix. 2 191
Argc argument count 114
Argument list, variable length 155 174 202 218 225 254
Argument list, void 33 73 218 225
argument promotion 45 202
Argument, definition of 25 201
Argument, function 25 202
Argument, pointer 100
Argument, subarray 100
arguments, command-line 114 118
Argv argument vector 114 163
Arithmetic conversions, usual 42 198
arithmetic operators 41
Arithmetic types 196
Arithmetic, pointer 94 98 100—103 117 138 205
Array declaration 22 111 216
Array declarator 216
Array initialization 86 113 219
Array name argument 28 100 112
Array name, conversion of 99 200
Array of pointers 107
array reference 201
Array size, default 86 113 133
Array subscripting 22 97 201 217
Array vs. pointer 97 99—100 104 113
Array, character 20 28 104
Array, initialization of two-dimensional 112 220
Array, multi-dimensional 110 217
Array, storage order of 112 217
Array, two-dimensional 110 112 220
Arrays of structures 132
As in library function 251
ASCII character set 19 37 43 229 249
Asctime library function 256
Asm keyword 192
Assignment expression 17 21 51 208
assignment operator 50
assignment operators 42 50 208
Assignment statement, nested 17 21 51
Assignment suppression, scanf 157 245
Assignment, conversion by 44 208
Assignment, multiple 21
associativity of operators 52 200
Atan, atan 2
Atan, library functions 251
Atexit library function 253
atof function 71
Atof library function 251
atoi function 43 61 73
Atoi library function 251
Atol library function 251
Auto storage class specifier 210
automatic storage class 31 195
automatic variable 31 74 195
Automatics, initialization of 31 40 85 219
Automatics, scope of 80 228
Avoiding goto 66
Bell character (see Alert character)
Binary stream 160 241—242
Binary tree 139
Binsearch function 58 134 137
Bit manipulation idioms 49 149
Bit-field alignment 150 213
Bit-field declaration 150 212
| Bitcount function 50
Bitwise AND operator 48 207
Bitwise exclusive OR operator 48 207
Bitwise inclusive OR operator 48 207
Bitwise operators 48 207
Block (see Compound statement)
Block structure 55 84 223
Block, initialization in 84 223
Boundary condition 19 65
Braces 7 10 55 84
Braces, position of 10
break statement 59 64 224
Bsearch library function 253
Buffered getchar 172
Buffered input 170
Buffering (see Setbuf setvbuf)
Calculator program 72 74 76 158
call by reference 27
Call by value 27 95 202
Calloc library function 167 252
Canonrect function 131
Carriage return character, \r 38 193
case label 58 222
CAST operator 45 142 167 198 205 220
Cast, conversion by 45 198—199 205
cat program 160 162—163
cc command 6 70
Ceil library function 251
Char type 10 36 195 211
character array 20 28 104
character constant 19 37 193
Character constant, octal 37
Character constant, wide 193
Character count program 18
Character input/output 15 151
Character set 229
Character set, ASCII 19 37 43 229 249
Character set, EBCDIC 43
Character set, ISO 229
character string (see String constant)
Character testing functions 166 248
Character, signed 44 195
Character, unsigned 44 195
Character-integer conversion 23 42 197
Characters, white space 157 166 245 249
Clearerr library function 248
Clock library function 255
Clock_t type name 255
Close system call 174
Closedir function 184
Coercion (see Cast)
comma operator 62 209
command-line arguments 114—118
comment 9 191—192 229
Comparison, pointer 102 138 187 207
Compilation, separate 67 80 227
Compiling a C program 6 25
Compiling multiple files 70
compound statement 55 84 222 225—226
Concatenation, string 38 90 194
Concatenation, token 90 230
conditional compilation 91 231
Conditional expression 51 208
Const qualifier 40 196 211
constant expression 38 58 91 209
Constant suffix 37 193
Constant, manifest 230
Constant, type of 37 193
Constants 37 192
continue statement 65 224
control character 249
Control line 88 229—233
Conversion 197—199
Conversion by assignment 44 208
Conversion by cast 45 198—199 205
Conversion by return 73 225
Conversion of array name 99 200
Conversion of function 200
Conversion operator, explicit (see Cast)
Conversion, character-integer 23 42 197
Conversion, double-float 45 198
Conversion, float-double 44 198
Conversion, floating-integer 45 197
Conversion, integer-character 45
Conversion, integer-floating 12 197
Conversion, integer-pointer 199 205
Conversion, pointer 142 198 205
Conversion, pointer-integer 198—199 205
Conversions, usual arithmetic 42 198
copy function 29 33
Cos library function 251
Cosh library function 251
Creat system call 172
CRLF 151 241
Ctime library function 256
D conversion 18
Date conversion 111
Day_of _year function 111
declaration 9 40 210—218
Declaration of external variable 31 225
Declaration of function 217—218
Declaration of function, implicit 27 72 201
Declaration of pointer 94 100 216
declaration vs. definition 33 80 210
Declaration, array 22 111 216
Declaration, bit-field 150 212
Declaration, external 225—226
Declaration, storage class 210
Declaration, structure 128 212
Declaration, type 216
Declaration, typedef 146 210 221
Declaration, union 147 212
Declarator 215—218
Declarator, abstract 220
Declarator, array 216
Declarator, function 217
Decrement operator 18 46 106 203
Default array size 86 113 133
Default function type 30 201
default initialization 86 219
default label 58 222
defensive programming 57 59
Defined preprocessor operator 91 232
Definition of argument 25 201
Definition of external variable 33 227
Definition of parameter 25 201
Definition of storage 210
Definition, function 25 69 225
Definition, macro 229
Definition, removal of (see #undef)
Definition, tentative 227
Del function 123
Del program 125
Dereference (see Indirection)
derived types 1 10 196
Descriptor, file 170
Designator, function 201
Difftime library function 256
Dir .h include file 183
DIR structure 180
Dirdcl function 124
Directory list program 179
Dirent structure 180
Dirwalk function 182
Div library function 253
division operator 10 41 205
Division, integer 10 41
Div_t, ldiv_t type names 253
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