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Kernighan B.W., Ritchie D.M. — The C programming language
Kernighan B.W., Ritchie D.M. — The C programming language

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Название: The C programming language

Авторы: Kernighan B.W., Ritchie D.M.


This second editon describes C as defined by the ANSI standard. This book is meant to help the reader learn how to program in C. The book assumes some familiarity with basic programming concepts like variables, assignment statements, loops, and functions. A novice programmer should be able to read along and pick up the language.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Языки программирования/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd edition

Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 272

Добавлена в каталог: 18.11.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Missing type specifier      211
Mktime library function      256
Modf library function      251
modularization      24 28 34 67 74—75 108
modulus operator      41 205
Month_day function      111
Month_name function      113
Morecore function      188
Multi-dimensional array      110 217
Multi-way decision      23 57
Multiple assignment      21
Multiple files, compiling      70
Multiplication operator      41 205
multiplicative operators      205
Mutually recursive structures      140 213
NAME      192
name hiding      84
name space      227
Names, length of      35 192
Negative subscripts      100
Nested assignment statement      17 21 51
Nested structure      129
New-style function      202
Newline      191 229
Newline character, \n      7 15 20 37—38 193 241
NULL      102
Null character, \      0 30 38 193
null pointer      102 198
Null statement      18 222
Null string      38
Numbers, size of      9 18 36 257
Numcmp function      121
Numeric sorting      118
Numeric value of logical expression      44
Numeric value of relational expression      42 44
Object      195 197
Octal character constant      37
Octal constant      0 37 193
Old-style function      26 33 72 202
One’s complement operator.      49 203—204
Open system call      172
opendir function      183
Operations on unions      148
Operations permitted on pointers      103
operators, additive      205
operators, arithmetic      41
operators, assignment      42 50 208
Operators, associativity of      52 200
operators, bitwise      48 207
operators, equality      41 207
operators, multiplicative      205
operators, precedence of      17 52 95 131—132 200
operators, relational      16 41 206
operators, shift      48 206
Operators, table of      53
order of evaluation      21 49 53 63 77 90 95 200
Order of translation      228
output redirection      152
Output, formatted      (see printf)
Output, screen      15 152 163 170
Overflow      41 200 250 255
Ox... hexadecimal constant      37 193
PARAMETER      84 99 202
Parameter, definition of      25 201
Parenthesized expression      201
Parse tree      123
Parser, recursive-descent      123
Pattern finding program      67 69 116—117
permissions, file      173
Perror library function      248
Phases, translation      191 228
pipe      152 170
Pointer argument      100
pointer arithmetic      94 98 100—103 117 138 205
Pointer arithmetic, illegal      102 103 138 205
Pointer arithmetic, scaling in      103 198
pointer comparison      102 138 187 207
Pointer conversion      142 198 205
Pointer generation      200
Pointer initialization      102 138
pointer subtraction      103 138 198
pointer to function      118 147 201
Pointer to structure      136
Pointer vs. array      97 99—100 104 113
Pointer, declaration of      94 100 216
Pointer, file      160 175 242
Pointer, null      102 198
Pointer, void      93 103 120 199
Pointer-integer conversion      198—199 205
Pointers and subscripts      97 99 217
Pointers, array of      107
Pointers, operations permitted on      103
Polish notation      74
pop function      77
Portability      3 37 43 49 147 151 153 185
Position of braces      10
Postfix ++ and      46 105
Pow library function      24 251
Power function      25 27
precedence of operators      17 52 95 131—132 200
Prefix ++ and      46 106
Preprocessor name,__FILE__      254
Preprocessor name,__LINE__      254
Preprocessor names, predefined      233
Preprocessor operator      90 230
Preprocessor operator, defined      91 232
Preprocessor, macro      88 228—233
Primary expression      200
Printd function      87
Printf conversions, table of      154 244
Printf examples, table of      13 154
Printf library function      7 11 18 153 244
Printing character      249
program arguments      (see Command-line arguments)
Program format      10 19 23 40 138 191
Program readability      10 51 64 86 147
Program, calculator      72 74 76 158
Program, cat      160 162—163
Program, character count      18
Program, del      125
Program, echo      115—116
Program, file concatenation      160
Program, file copy      16—17 171 173
Program, fsize      181
Program, keyword count      133
Program, line count      19
Program, list directory      179
Program, longest-line      29 32
Program, lower case conversion      153
Program, pattern finding      67 69 116—117
Program, sorting      108 119
Program, table lookup      143
Program, temperature conversion      8—9 12—13 15
Program, unde      1 126
Program, white space count      22 59
Program, word count      20 139
Promotion, argument      45 202
promotion, integral      44 197
prototype, function      26 30 45 72 120 202
Ptinrect function      130
Ptrdiff t type name      103 147 206
push function      77
Pushback, input      78
Putc library function      161 247
putc macro      176
Putchar library function      15 152 161 247
Puts library function      164 247
qsort function      87 110 120
Qsort library function      253
Qualifier, type      208 211
Quicksort      87 110
Quote character      8 20 38 194
Raise library function      255
rand function      46
Rand library function      252
RANDMAX      252
Read system call      170
readdir function      184
Readlines function      109
Realloc library function      252
Recursion      86 139 141 182 202 269
Recursive-descent parser      123
Redirection      (see Input/output redirection)
Register storage class specifier      83 210
Register, address of      210
Relational expression, numeric value of      42 44
Relational operators      16 41 206
Removal of definition      (see #undef)
Remove library function      242
Rename library function      242
Reservation of storage      210
Reserved words      36 192
Return from main      26 164
Return statement      25 30 70 73 225
Return, type conversion by      73 225
REVERSE function      62
Reverse Polish notation      74
Rewind library function      248
Richards, M.      1
Right shift operator      49 206
Ritchie, D. M.      xi
Sbrk system call      187
Scaling in pointer arithmetic      103 198
Scanf assignment suppression      157 245
Scanf conversions, table of      158 246
Scanf library function      96 157 246
Scientific notation      37 73
Scope      195 227—228
Scope of automatics      80 228
Scope of externals      80 228
Scope of label      66 222 228
Scope rules      80 227
Scope, lexical      227
screen output      15 152 163 170
selection statement      223
self-referential structure      140 213
semicolon      10 15 18 55 57
Separate compilation      67 80 227
Sequencing of statements      222
Setbuf library function      243
Setjmp library function      254
Setvbuf library function      243
Shell, D. L.      61
Shellsort function      62
shift operators      48 206
Short type      10 36 196 211
Side effects      53 90 200 202
Sign extension      44—45 177 193
Signal library function      255
Signed character      44 195
signed type      36 211
Sin library function      251
Sinh library function      251
Size of numbers      9 18 36 257
Size of structure      138 204
sizeof operator      91 103 135 203—204 247
Size_t type name      103 135 147 204 242
Sorting program      108 119
Sorting text lines      107 119
Sorting, lexicographic      118
Sorting, numeric      118
Specifier, auto storage class      210
Specifier, enum      39 215
Specifier, extern storage class      31 33 80 210
Specifier, missing storage class      211
Specifier, register storage class      83 210
Specifier, static storage class      83 210
Specifier, storage class      210
Specifier, struct      212
specifier, type      211
Specifier, union      212
Splicing, line      229
Sprintf library function      155 245
Sqrt library function      251
Squeeze function      47
srand function      46
Srand library function      252
Sscanf library function      246
Standard error      161 170
Standard headers, table of      241
Standard input      151 161 170
Standard output      152 161 170
stat structure      180
Stat system call      180
Stat.h include file      180—181
Statement terminator      10 55
statements      222—225
Statements, sequencing of      222
Static function declaration      83
static storage class      31 83 195
Static storage class specifier      83 210
Static variables, external      83
Static variables, internal      83
Statics, initialization of      40 85 219
STDERR      161 163 242
stdin      161 242
stdout      161 242
Storage allocator      142 185—189
storage class      195
Storage class declaration      210
Storage class specifier      210
Storage class specifier, auto      210
Storage class specifier, extern      31 33 80 210
Storage class specifier, missing      211
Storage class specifier, register      83 210
Storage class specifier, static      83 210
Storage class, automatic      31 195
Storage class, static      31 83 195
Storage order of array      112 217
Storage, definition of      210
Storage, reservation of      210
strcat function      48
Strcat library function      249
Strchr library function      249
strcmp function      106
Strcmp library function      249
strcpy function      105—106
Strcpy library function      249
Strcspn library function      250
Stream, binary      160 241—242
Stream, text      15 151 241
Strerror library function      250
Strftime library function      256
Strindex function      69
String concatenation      38 90 194
string constant      7 20 30 38 99 104 194
String constant, initialization by      86 219
String constant, wide      194
string literal      (see String constant)
String, length of      30 38 104
String, type of      200
strlen function      39 99 103
Strlen library function      250
Strncat library function      249
Strncmp library function      249
Strncpy library function      249
Strpbrk library function      250
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