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Kernighan B.W., Ritchie D.M. — The C programming language
Kernighan B.W., Ritchie D.M. — The C programming language

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Название: The C programming language

Авторы: Kernighan B.W., Ritchie D.M.


This second editon describes C as defined by the ANSI standard. This book is meant to help the reader learn how to program in C. The book assumes some familiarity with basic programming concepts like variables, assignment statements, loops, and functions. A novice programmer should be able to read along and pick up the language.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Языки программирования/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2-nd edition

Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 272

Добавлена в каталог: 18.11.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Do statement      7 3 224
Do-nothing function      70
Double constant      37 194
Double type      10 18 36 196 211
Double-float conversion      45 198
E notation      37 194
EBCDIC character set      43
echo program      115—116
EDOM      250
Efficiency      51 83 88 142 187
else      (see if-else statement)
Else-if      23 57
empty function      70
empty statement      (see Null statement)
Empty string      38
End of file      (see EOF)
Enum specifier      39 215
Enum vs. #de fine      39 149
enumeration constant      39 91 193—194 215
Enumeration tag      215
Enumeration type      196
Enumerator      194 215
eof      16 151 242
equality operator      19 41 207
equality operators      41 207
Equivalence, type      221
ERANGE      250
errno      248 250
Error function      174
Errors, input/ouiput      164 248
escape sequence      8 19 37—38 193 229
Escape sequence, \x hexadecimal      37 193
Escape sequences, table of      38 193
Evaluation, order of      21 49 53 63 77 90 95 200
Exceptions      200 255
Exit library function      163 252
Exp library function      251
Expansion, macro      230
Explicit conversion operator      (see Cast)
exponentiation      24 251
Expression      200—209
Expression order of evaluation      52 200
expression statement      55 57 222
Expression, assignment      17 21 51 208
Expression, constant      38 58 91 209
Expression, parenthesized      201
Expression, primary      200
Extern storage class specifier      31 33 80 210
external declaration      225—226
external linkage      73 192 195 211 228
External names, length of      35 192
External static variables      83
External variable      31 73 195
External variable, declaration of      31 225
External variable, definition of      33 227
Externals, initialization of      40 81 85 219
Externals, scope of      80 228
F cntl. h include file      172
F open library function      160 242
F scanf library function      161 245
F seek library function      248
F tell library function      248
Fabs library function      251
Fclose library function      162 242
Feof library function      164 248
Feof macro      176
Ferror library function      164 248
Ferror macro      176
Fflush library function      242
Fgetc library function      246
Fgetpos library function      248
fgets function      165
Fgets library function      164 247
Field      (see Bit-field)
File access      160 169 178 242
File access mode      160 178 242
File appending      160 175 242
File concatenation program      160
File copy program      16—17 171 173
File creation      161 169
file descriptor      170
File inclusion      88 231
File opening      160 169 172
file permissions      173
File pointer      160 175 242
FILE type name      160
Filecopy function      162
Filename suffix, ,h      33
Float constant      37 194
float type      9 36 196 211
Float-double conversion      44 198
Floating constant      12 37 194
Floating point, truncation of      45 197
Floating types      196
Floating-integer conversion      45 197
Floor library function      251
Fmod library function      251
fopen function      177
FOPEN_MAX      242
for statement      13 18 60 224
For vs. while      14 60
Formal parameter      (see Parameter)
Formatted input      (see scanf)
formatted output      (see printf)
Formfeed character, \f      38 193
Fort ; ; ) infinite loop      60 89
Fortran keyword      192
Fpos_t type name      248
Fprintf library function      161 243
Fputc library function      247
fputs function      165
Fputs library function      164 247
Fread library function      247
free function      188
Free library function      167 252
Freopen library function      162 242
Frexp library function      251
Fsetpos library function      248
Fsize function      182
Fsize program      181
Fstat system call      183
Function argument      25 202
Function argument conversion      (see Argument promotion)
Function call semantics      201
Function call syntax      201
Function declaration, static      83
Function declarator      217
Function definition      25 69 225
function designator      201
Function names, lengih of      35 192
function prototype      26 30 45 72 120 202
Function type, default      30 201
Function, conversion of      200
Function, declaration of      217—218
Function, implicit declaration of      27 72 201
Function, new-style      202
Function, old-style      26 33 72 202
Function, pointer to      118 147 201
Functions, character testing      166 248
Fundamental types      9 36 195
Fwrite library function      247
Generic pointer      (see void * pointer)
Getbits function      49
Getc library function      161 247
getc macro      176
Getch function      79
Getchar library function      15 151 161 247
Getchar, buffered      172
Getchar, unbuffered      171
Getenv library function      253
Getint function      97
Getline function      29 32 69 165
Getop function      78
Gets library function      164 247
Gettoken function      125
Getword function      136
Gmtime library function      256
GOTO statement      65 224
Greater or equal operator      41 206
Greater than operator      41 206
Hash function      144
Hash table      144
header file      33 82
Headers, table or standard      241
Hexadecimal constant. Ox...      37 193
Hexadecimal escape sequence, \x      37 193
Hoare, C. A. R.      87
HUGE_VAL      250
Identifier      192
If-else ambiguity      56 223 234
If-else statement      19 21 55 223
Illegal pointer arithmetic      102—103 138 205
Implicit declaration of function      27 72 201
incomplete type      212
Inconsistent type declaration      72
Increment operator      18 46 106 203
Indentation      10 19 23 56
Indirection operator      94 203
inequality operator      1 16 41 207
Infinite loop, for( ;;)      60 89
Information hiding      67—68 75 77
Initialization      40 85 218
Initialization by string constant      86 219
Initialization in block      84 223
Initialization of automatics      31 40 85 219
Initialization of externals      40 81 85 219
Initialization of statics      40 85 219
Initialization of structure arrays      133
Initialization of two-dimensional array      112 220
Initialization, array      86 113 219
Initialization, default      86 219
Initialization, pointer      102 138
Initialization, structure      128 219
Initialization, union      219
initializer      227
Initializer, form of      85 209
inode      179
Input pushback      78
Input, buffered      170
Input, formatted      (see scanf)
Input, keyboard      15 151 170
Input, unbuffered      170
input/output errors      164 248
input/output redirection      152 161 170
Input/output, character      15 151
Install function      145
int type      9 36 211
Integer constant      12 37 193
Integer-character conversion      45
Integer-floating conversion      12 197
Integer-pointer conversion      199 205
Integral promotion      44 197
Integral types      196
Internal linkage      195 228
Internal names, length or      35 192
Internal static variables      83
Is command      179
Isalnum library function      136 249
Isalpha library function      136 166 249
Iscntrl library function      249
Isdigit library function      166 249
Isgraph library function      249
Islower library function      166 249
ISO character set      229
Isprint library function      249
Ispunct library function      249
Isspace library function      136 166 249
Isupper library function      166 249
Isxdigit library function      249
iteration statements      224
Itoa function      64
jump statements      224
Keyboard input      15 151 170
Keyword count program      133
Keywords, list of      192
Label      65 222
Label, case      58 222
Label, default      58 222
Label, scope of      66 222 228
labeled statement      65 222
Labs library function      253 34
Ldexp library function      251
Ldiv library function      253
Leap year computation      41 111
Left shift operator      49 206
length of names      35 192
length of string      30 38 104
Length of variable names      192
Less or equal operator      41 206
less than operator      41 206
Lexical conventions      191
Lexical scope      227
Lexicographic sorting      118
library function      7 67 80
Library functions      251
Line count program      19
Line splicing      229
Linkage      195 227—228
Linkage, external      73 192 195 211 228
Linkage, internal      195 228
List directory program      179
List of keywords      192
Locale issues      241
Localtime library function      256
Log, log      10
Logical AND operator      21 41 49 207
Logical expression, numeric value of      44
Logical negation operator      42 203—204
Logical OR operator      21 41 49 208
Long constant      37 193
Long double constant      37 194
long double type      36 196
Long jmp library function      254
Long type      10 18 36 196 211
Longest-line program      29 32
Lookup function      145
Loop      (see while for do)
Lower case conversion program      153
LOWER function      43
Lseek system call      174
lvalue      197
Macro preprocessor      88 228—233
Macros with arguments      89
magic numbers      14
main function      6
Main, return from      26 164
Makepoint function      130
malloc function      187
Malloc library function      143 167 252
manifest constant      230
Member name, structure      128 213
Memchr library function      250
Memcmp library function      250
Memcpy library function      250
Memmove library function      250
Memset library function      250
Missing storage class specifier      211
1 2 3 4
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