Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Basis of a vector space
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Dummit D.S., Foote R.M. — Abstract algebra | 408 | Yale P.B. — Geometry and Symmetry | 126 | Becker T., Weispfenning V. — Groebner bases and commutative algebra | 121 | Opechowski W. — Crystallographic and metacrystallographic groups | 89 | Edwards H. — Advanced Calculus: A Differential Forms Approach | 115—117 | Merris R. — Combinatorics | 496 | Berberian S.K. — Fundamentals of Real Analysis | 43 | Rudin W. — Functional analysis | 15 | Robinson D.J.S. — A Course in Linear Algebra with Applications | 133 | von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra | 197, 200, 449, 628, 679, 681 | Rao C.R., Mitra S.K. — Generalized inverse of matrices and its applications | 2 | Sachs R.K., Wu H. — General relativity for mathematicians | 2 | Staicu V. (ed.) — Differential Equations, Chaos and Variational Problems | 21—25, 40—41 | McCoy N.H. — The theory of rings | 92 | Liu C.L. — Introduction to combinatorial mathematics | 193, 202 | Howes N.R — Modern Analysis and Topology | 332 | Dieudonne J. — Linear Algebra and Geometry. | 4.1.2, 6.1.1 | Usmani R.A. — Applied Linear Algebra | 16 | Zorich V.A., Cooke R. — Mathematical analysis II | 500 | Zorich V. — Mathematical Analysis | 500 | Knuth D.E. — Selected papers on discrete mathematics | 511—513 |