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Staicu V. (ed.) — Differential Equations, Chaos and Variational Problems
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Íàçâàíèå: Differential Equations, Chaos and Variational Problems
Àâòîð: Staicu V. (ed.)
Àííîòàöèÿ: Differential equations are a fast evolving branch of mathematics and one of the mathematical tools most used by scientists and engineers. This book gathers a collection of original articles and state–of–the–art contributions, written by highly distinguished researchers working in differential equations, delay–differential equations, differential inclusions, variational problems, Young measures, control theory, dynamical systems, chaotic systems and their relations with physical systems. The forefront of research in these areas is represented in this volume.
The book and all contributions are dedicated to Arrigo Cellina and James A. Yorke on their 65th anniversary. Their remarkable scientific career covered all the above areas and was one of the main driving forces behind the work of many of the authors and the editor of this volume.
For researchers and graduate students in mathematics, physics and engineering, the material in this book will be a valuable resource, and a tool for everyone working in differential equations, chaos and variational problems. It brings the reader to the frontiers of research in the areas mentioned above and will stimulate further research.
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2008
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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 10.12.2009
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"Bare" theory 116—125
"Bare" theory, "effective" knowledge in 119—120
"Bare" theory, emergence of "probabilities" in 120—123
"Bare" theory, self-measurement in 180—186
"Color" (as a property of electrons) 1
"Hardness" as a property of electrons 1
"Ignorance" interpretation of probabilities in Bohm's theory 135 139—140
"Ignorance" interpretation of superpositions 15
"Modal" interpretations of quantum mechanics 191—197
Action at a distance (in Bohm's theory) 159—160 see
Aharonov — Bohm effect 11—12
Aharonov, Yakir 12n 195n
Aicardi, F. 106
Albert, D. 101 129n 131n 133n 185n 189n 191n
Barrett, J. 115 123n
Basis of a state space 31 33 40—41
Basis of a vector space 21—25 40—41
Bell's theorem 66—70 131 158
Bell, J. 61 68 70 134 160n
Bohm's theory 134—179
Bohm's theory, contextuality 153—155
Bohm's theory, effective collapse 161—164
Bohm's theory, epistemology 164—169
Bohm's theory, metaphysics 134—135
Bohm's theory, nonlocality 155—161
Bohm's theory, probability 135 140
Bohm's theory, relation to "modal" (Kochen — Healy — Dieks) interpretations of quantum mechanics 191 194
Bohm's theory, relation to many-minds theories 176—179 188n
Bohm's theory, self-measurement 187—188
Bohm, D. 12n 134
Bohr, Neils 17
Borsellino, A. 106
Brain states, discoverability of, by introspection 116—120
Brain states, relation to mental states 77 104—110 126—132 170—176 180—189
Brain states, time evolution of 77—79 104—110 119—125 180—189
Brain surgery, science-fictional 107—108 170—173
Brains, observables of 180—186
Causality 64—65n
Classical mechanics 43—44 134—135
Collapse of the wave function 36 37 51—53
Collapse of the wave function, effective (in Bohm's theory) 161—164
Collapse of the wave function, effective (in the "bare" theory) 119—120
Collapse of the wave function, effective (in the single-mind theory) 127—129
Collapse of the wave function, empirical consequences of 75—76 78 84—92 176n
Collapse of the wave function, for systems consisting of more than a single particle, or with more than one degree of freedom 51—53
Collapse of the wave function, lack of experimental evidence for 110—111
Collapse of the wave function, theories of 80—84 92—111
Commutators/commutation relations and compatibility 42—43 182—184n
Commutators/commutation relations and compatibility, the case of position and momentum 44
Compatible/incompatible observables 7 14—15 32—33 42—43
Compatible/incompatible observables, simultaneous knowability/unknowability of 7 165—170 183—188
Complex numbers/vector spaces 39—41
Contextuality, of deterministic replacements for quantum mechanics 153—155
Coordinate space 18—19
Coordinate space, quantum-mechanical formalism for 43—47 140—141 142—143
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics 17 38
Correspondence, principle of 43—44
Cosmology 133
D'Espagnat, B. 127n
Daneri, A. 91n 124n
deBroglie, L. 134
Decoherence see "Environmental decoherence effects"
Degrees of freedom 53
Determinism of Bohm's theory 135 137 187—188
Determinism of the quantum-mechanical equations of motion 34 36 37
Deutsch, David 115n
DeWitt, B. 113
Dieks, D. 191
Dualism, mind-body 81—82 126 130—132
Eigenstates 31
Eigenvalues/eigenvectors 29
Einstein — Podolsky — Rosen (EPR) argument 61—66 69
Einstein, A. 61 69
Elementary particles 93—94
Empirical equivalence/inequivalence/incommensurability of theories 176—179
Energy non-conservation (in the GRW theory) 97—98
Environmental decoherence effects 88—92 161—164
Epistemology of Bohm's theory 165—170 183—186 187—188
Epistemology of the many-minds theory 132—133 183—187
Equation of motion (Schroedinger equation) 34
Everett, H., III 112—113
Fields, force 135
Fields, relativistic quantum 59—60 160n
Gell-Mann, M. 91n 124n
Ghirardi, G.C. 96 106
Ghirardi, Rimini, and Weber (GRW) theory of the collapse of the wave function 92—111 153n 176n
Ghirardi, Rimini, and Weber (GRW) theory of the collapse of the wave function, nonconservation of energy 97—99
Ghirardi, Rimini, and Weber (GRW) theory of the collapse of the wave function, significance of position 93 101—104 153n see
Gleason, A.M. 155n
Gottfried, K. 91n 124n
Grassi, R. 106
Hartle, J. 91n 124n
Healy, R. 191
Hermitian operators 40—41
Inner product, of two vectors 20
introspection see "Brain states"
Kochen and Specker theorem 154n
Kochen, S. 155n 191
Light, speed of 65n
Linearity, as a property of dynamical laws 34
Linearity, as a property of operators 26
Locality 64—65
Locality, of the many-minds theory 131—132 see
Lockwood, Michael 124n
Loewer, B. 129n 131n 191n
Loinger, A. 91n 124n
Macroscopic systems/superpositions 83—84 see principle "Environmental
Many-minds theory 130—132
Many-minds theory and locality 131—132
Many-minds theory and self-measurement 186—187
Many-minds theory and the vacuum 133
Many-minds theory, relation to Bohm's theory 176—179 188n
Many-stories interpretation of quantum mechanics 115—116
Many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics 113—115 187
Matrices 27—28
Measurement 34—38 39 50—53 see
Measurement, approximate 194—197
Measurement, forms of outcomes of 92—93 99 100—111 170—179 191—197
Measurement, interactions 73—79
Momentum, observable of 44 see
Newman, J. 124n
Norm, of a vector 21
Normalized vectors, use of, in quantum mechanics 30
Observables 30—31 see "Operators"
Observables, complete 40—41
Operators 25—30 31—32 36
Operators, Hermitian 40—41
Orthogonal vectors 21
Orthonormal bases 21
Orthonormal bases, theorems about 40—41
Peres, A. 91n 124n
photons 101 102—104
Podolsky, B. 61 69
POSITION 170—176
Position, observable of 44—47
Position, special role of, in Bohm's theory 134—135
Position, special role of, in the Ghirardi — Rimini — Weber theory 93 100—111
Privacy, the quantum mechanics of 184—186 187—188
Probability in Bohm's theory 135 139—140
Probability in Kochen — Healy — Dieks-type theories 193
Probability in many-worlds and many-stories theories 114—116
Probability in single-mind and many-minds theories 126—129 130
Probability in the Ghirardi — Rimini — Weber theory 93—95 97—98
Probability in the standard formulation of quantum mechanics 34—36 46
Projection postulate see "Collapse of the wave function"
Prosperi, G.M. 91n 124n
Putnam, Hilary 187
Quantum mechanics, coordinate-space formalism 43—47
Quantum mechanics, general formalism 30—43
Quantum mechanics, multiple degree-of-freedom formalism 53
Quantum mechanics, multiple-particle formalism 47—52 142—143
Quantum mechanics, relativistic formalism 60—61
quantum states 30
Relativity and Bohm's theory 160—161 169 see
Relativity and locality 65n
Retinas 105
Rimini, A. 96
Rosen, N. 61 69
Schroedinger's cat 73—80
Schroedinger's equation see "Equation of motion"
Senses, human 103 105—106
Senses, nonhuman 107
Senses, superhuman 107—111 170—176
Separability/nonseparability 49 see "Nonlocality"
Simultaneity see "Relativity" see
Single-mind theory 126—130
Space see "Coordinate space" see "State "Vector
Space-time structure, and the foundations of quantum mechanics 177
Specker, E.P. 155n
Spin angular momentum 1 33
State space 30—33 40—41
State vector 30
State vector reduction see "Collapse of the wave function"
State, quantum-mechanical 30
Statistical mechanics 135
Superposition 11
Superposition, phenomenology of 116—125 see
Supervenience of the mental on the physical see "Brain states"
Time evolution see "Equation of motion"
Two-slit experiment 12—14
Uncertainty principle 7 see "Compatible/incompatible
Underdetermination of theory by experiment see "Empirical equivalence/inequivalence/incommensurability of theories"
Vacuum, quantum-mechanical 133
Vaidman, L. 101
van Fraassen, B. 196
Vector/vector space 17—25
von Neumann, J. 80
Wave functions see "Quantum mechanics coordinate-space
Weber, T. 96
Wigner's friend 76—79
Wigner, E.P. 81—82