Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Reid, Constance
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 196.r | Ewald W. — From Kant to Hilbert, Vol.2 | 1089 | Matijasevich Y. — Hilbert's 10th Problem | 16, 151, 247 | Yandell B. — The Honors Class: Hilbert's Problems and Their Solvers | 7, 95, 138, 180, 232, 241, 252—253, 298 | Dawson Jh.W. — Logical Dilemmas: The Life and Work of Kurt Godel | 72 | Rockmore D. — Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis: The Quest to Find the Hidden Law of Prime Numbers | 179, 260n | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics | 196.r | von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra | 561, 722 | von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra | 561, 722 | Rockmore D. — Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis | 179, 260n | Hellman H. — Great Feuds in Mathematics: Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever | 184 | Gries D. — A Logical Approach to Discrete Math | 111, 475 | Chandler B., Magnus W. — The history of combinatorial group theory: a case study in the history of ideas | 60 | Ewald W.B. — From Kant to Hilbert: A source book in the foundations of mathematics. Volume 2 | 1089 | Derbyshire J. — Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics | 186, 188 | Wilson R. — Mathematical conversations: selections from The mathematical intelligencer | 51 | Brezinski C. — History of Continued Fractions and Padé Approximants | 484 | Alexanderson G. — The harmony of the world: 75 years of Mathematics Magazine MPop | 51 |