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Dawson Jh.W. — Logical Dilemmas: The Life and Work of Kurt Godel
Dawson Jh.W. — Logical Dilemmas: The Life and Work of Kurt Godel

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Название: Logical Dilemmas: The Life and Work of Kurt Godel

Автор: Dawson Jh.W.


This is a paperbound reprint of a 1997 work. Gödel held that the universe is rationally organized and can be comprehended by the human mind, that the universe is causally deterministic, that there is a conceptual and mental realm apart from the physical world, and that understanding must come from introspection. He also held a legion of irrational fears, one of which, his fear of eating, finally killed him. Dawson (mathematics, Pennsylvania State U.), who catalogued Gödel's papers and co-edited the Collected Works, prepared this biography for a mathematically sophisticated audience

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 376

Добавлена в каталог: 17.06.2008

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Предметный указатель
"American refugee policy in historical perspective" (Daniels)      143
"Goedel's proof (Nagel and Newman)      215n
"Intellectual Autobiography" (Carnap)      29 62
"Kin Beitag zur Manniglaltigkeitslehre" (Cantor)      44
"On the infinite" (Hilbert)      120.I 18
"Remarks at the Princeton Bicentennial Conference" (Goedel)      See Goedel Kurt:
"Russell's mathematical logic" (Goedel)      See Goedel Kurt:
"Some facts about Kurt Goedel" (Wang)      250
"The concept of truth in formalized languages" (Tarski)      326
"What is Cantor's continuum problem?" (Goedel)      See Goedel Kurt
$\lambda$-calculus      99
$\omega$-rule      72
A Grammar of Late Modern English (Poutsma)      218n
A Logical Journey: From Godel to Philosophy (Wang)      240—242
Aberglaube und Zauberei      30
Absoluteness      133
Achensee (Austrian resort)      7
Ackermann, Wilhelm      50
Ackermann, Wilhelm, results in logic      73 94 101
Adenauer, Konrad      209
Aflenz, Austria      7 111
Aiken, Howard      [470]
Albert, A.Adrian      |226]
Aleph notation      45
Alexander, James      96
Alien Registration Act      155
Alt, Franz      122n
American Mathematical Monthly      173 175
Analytic set      127n
Annals of Mathematics      123
Anselm, Saint      39
Anselm, Saint, ontological argument      198 229
Antinomy of the liar      38 65
Antinomy, Burali — Forti's      42
Antinomy, Richard's      42 100
Antinomy, Russell's      42 76
Aristotelian logic      37—38
Aristotle      203
Arithmctization of syntax      63
Arithmetic, consistency of      48
Arithmetices Principia, Nova Methodo Ex-posila (Peano)      15—46
Artin, Emil      124 [332]
Association for Symbolic Logic      202 322
Ativan, Michael      221
Attentate, die Oesterreich erschuetterten (Siegert)      111n
Auernheimer, Raoul      210
Austerlilz, battle of      7
Austria, political and, civil disintegration      90 103 110
Axiom of Choice      109 115 321 326 328
Axiom of Choice, conflict over      75
Axiom of Choice, implied by Axiom of Constructibility      133
Axiom of Choice, independence of      118—119 159—160 222
Axiom of Choice, relative consistency of      108 119 122—123 170—171
Axiom of Choice, statement of      117
Axiom of Constructibility, class formulation      132
Axiom of Constructibility, independence of      160 222—223
Axiom of Constructibility, relative consistency of      133
Axiom of Constructibility, statement of      122
Axiom of Constructibility, truth of      175
Axiom of Elementary Sets      116 119
Axiom of extensionality      116 119
Axiom of foundation      119
Axiom of infinity      98 117 119
Axiom of pairing      119
Axiom of replacement      118—119
Axiom of Restriction      118
Axiom of separation      116—119 121
Axiom of the power set      117 119
Axiom of union      116—117
Axioms of infinity      See large cardinal axioms
Aydelotte, Frank      145 148—149 154 158
Bach, Johann Sebastian      201
Bacon, Francis and Roger      24
Bad Elsler, Germany      75 78 119
Bamberger, Edgar      97
Bamberger, Louis      94—95
Bamhi (Disney film)      181
Banach — Tarski paradox      326
Bar Harbor, Maine      157
Bargmann. Valentin      154
Barnes, Mabel Schmeiser      [226]
Baumhach, Rudolf      209
Begriffsschrifi (Frege)      41 217 322
Behmann, Heinrich      73n
Bellah, Robert      244—245
Beltrami, Eugenio, Mi Benacerraf, Paul      247
Bergmann, Gustav      91
Berlin, Germany      121
Bernays, Paul      78 84 220
Bernays, Paul, academic career      206 321
Bernays, Paul, article on Hilbert      82
Bernays, Paul, association with Hilbert      72
Bernays, Paul, class formalism for set theory      132 139
Bernays, Paul, contributions to propositional logic      51 54
Bernays, Paul, correspondence with KG      73—74 206—207 226 230—231 239 247
Bernays, Paul, death      252
Bernays, Paul, influence on KG's works      206
Bernays, Paul, shipmate of KG      109
Beurling, Ante      244
Bieberbach, Ludwig      53
Birkhoff, George David      95n
Blackwell, Kenneth      163n
Blaschke, Ernst      24
Blaschke, Wilhelm      53
Bled, Yugoslavia      93
Bleick, Willard E.      [226]
Blue Hill, Maine      160
Blumenthal, Leonard M.      [226]
Bom, Max      107
Bombieri, Enrico      260
Bonaparte, Napoleon      7
Boole, George      41 88
Boole, George, contributions to logic      39—40
Boolean-valued models for set theory      224
Boone, William      207 215n 238
Borel, Armand      202—203 220 259
Borowieka, Sylvia      111
Braithwaite, R.B.      216
Brauer, Alfred      154
Breaking the Cade (Whitemore)      269
Breitenstein am Semmering, Austria      108
Brno, Moravia      21 22 23 31 32 161n
Brno, Moravia, birthplace of KG      45
Brno, Moravia, Godel villa in      7—8 33 126 146 167 208
Brno, Moravia, schools      9 12—15 17—19 53
Brooklin, Maine      157
Brouwer, Luilzen Egbertus Jan      74 324
Brouwer, Luilzen Egbertus Jan, biographical sketch      321
Brouwer, Luilzen Egbertus Jan, conflict with Menger      27
Brouwer, Luilzen Egbertus Jan, influence on KG      55—56
Brouwer, Luilzen Egbertus Jan, lectures in Vienna      37 52
Brouwer, Luilzen Egbertus Jan, opposition to formalization      49 55 73
Brown, Dorothy      See Paris Dorothy
Brown, George W.      132 155 161
Bruenn, Moravia      See Brno
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society      199
Burali-Foni, Cesare      42 115
Burggraf, Georg      18
Bush, Vannevar      197
Calculus ratiocinator (Leibniz)      166
Cameron, Robert H.      [226]
Cantor, Georg      120 328
Cantor, Georg, attempts to prove the Continuum Hypothesis      11
Cantor, Georg, biographical sketch      322
Cantor, Georg, concept of set      117
Cantor, Georg, conjectures of      17—18
Cantor, Georg, correspondence with Dedekind      116.
Cantor, Georg, diagonal method      14 44 45 65 73
Cantor, Georg, results on trigonometric series      12—13
Cantor, Georg, theorem on cardinalities of power sets      44 133
Cantor, Georg, theory of transfinite numbers      13—15
Carnap, Rudolf      53—51 78 86
Carnap, Rudolf, biographical sketch      322
Carnap, Rudolf, conventionalism      200
Carnap, Rudolf, conversations with KG      55 68
Carnap, Rudolf, emigration      124
Carnap, Rudolf, interest in parapsychology      29
Carnap, Rudolf, lecture at Koenigsberg      69
Carnap, Rudolf, member of Vienna Circle      26—27
Carnap, Rudolf, personality      28
Carnap, Rudolf, quoted      59 60 62 73 77
Cech, Eduard      161
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart      18
Chandnisekhar, Subramanyan      181—185
Characteristica universalis (Leibniz)      166
Chern, S.S.      184n
Chihara, Charles      161—165
Choice, axiom of      See Axiom of Choice
Church's thesis      112 327
Church's Thesis, KG's skepticism regarding      99
Church's Thesis, statement      99 322
Church, Alonzo      100 101 106 267 324 327
Church, Alonzo, at Princeton Bicentennial Conference      169—170
Church, Alonzo, biographical sketch      322
Church, Alonzo, correspondence with E.L.Post      [321]
Church, Alonzo, correspondence with KG      98—99
Church, Alonzo, formulation of Thesis      99
Church, Alonzo, initial contact with KG      92
Church, Alonzo, notion of $\lambda$-defibability      99 102
Church, Alonzo, reaction to incompleteness theorems      99 [157]
Church, Alonzo, system shown inconsistent      99
Church, Alonzo, tribute to P.J.Cohen      221
Church, Alonzo, undecidability and unsolvability theorems      112
Clebsch, Rudolf      53
Co-analytic set      127n
Cohen's method      See method of forcing
Cohen, Paul J.      [504] [505]
Cohen, Paul J., awarded Fields Medal      221
Cohen, Paul J., correspondence with KG      223—221
Cohen, Paul J., independence results in set theory      171
Compactness Theorem      60 [287]
Compactness theorem, statement      58
Completeness theorem      54 56 58 67—68
Computational complexity theory      108
Constructibility, Axiom of      See Axiom of Counstractibility
Constructible hierarchy      122
Constructible order      133
Constructible relativization      133n
Constructivists      19
Continuum Hypothesis      109 321
Continuum Hypothesis, attempts to decide      48 120
Continuum Hypothesis, independence of      156
Continuum Hypothesis, posed as problem by Hilbert      17
Continuum Hypothesis, relative consistency of      123 126
Continuum Hypothesis, truth value of      175 225 261 268
Continuum Hypothesis, variant forms of      11—15 171.
Courant, Richard      172
Critique of Purr Reason (Kant)      39
Cumulative hierarchy      121—122
Curry, Haskell      131
Daniels, Roger      143
Darwin, Charles      265—266
Das Kontinuum (Weyl)      328
Davis, Martin      101 170 216 226
Decision problem (Entscheidungsproblem)      51 112 127
Dedekind, Richard, correspondence with Cantor      116 118n
Dedekind, Richard, theorem on definition by recursion      45
Dedekind, Richard, theory of irrationals      13
Dehn, Max      149n
Der logische Aufhau der Well (Carnap)      322
Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften (Musil)      12n
Descartes, Rene      24
Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung      322
Deutsches Worterbuch (Weigand)      3
Diagonal method      44 45 65 73
Dialectics      203n 206 321
Die Idee der Riemannschen Flache (Weyl)      327—328
Die Irrengesetzgebung in Deutschland      112
Die Kohlenoxydgasvergiftung      112
Die Naturwissenschaftein      212
Die Philosophic des Als Ob (Vaihinger)      165n
Differentialdiagnostik in der Psychiatrie      112
Dirac, Paul      107
Dirichlel, G.P.L.      53
Dollfuss, Engelbert      90 93 103
Dreben, Burton      57
Dukas, Helen      [373]
Dulles, John Foster      208
Dyson, Freeman      176 182
Echols, Robert L.      [226]
Eddington, Sir Arthur      107
Edlach, Austria      78
Effi Briest (Fontane)      210
Einleitung in die Mengentehre (Fraenkel)      120
Einstein Awards      194—195
Einstein, AIbert      178 184n
Einstein, AIbert, birthday celebration      183
Einstein, AIbert, death      203—204
Einstein, AIbert, determinism      263
Einstein, AIbert, friendship with KG      27 176—177
Einstein, AIbert, Gibbs lecturer      197
Einstein, AIbert, letters to Roosevelt      242—243
Einstein, AIbert, pacifism      191
Einstein, AIbert, professor at IAS      95
Einstein, AIbert, quip about KG      208—209
Einstein, AIbert, witness for KG      179—180
Eisenhower, Dwight D.      209
Elementary Sets, Axiom of      116 119
Elements (Euclid)      25
Ellentuck, Erik      236—237
Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars      154 159/1
Encyclopedia of Philosophy      82
Entscheidungsproblem      See decision problem
Epimenides      38
Erdoes, Paul      154 lfiln
Ergebnisse eines mathematischen Kolloquiums      27
Erkenntnis      322
Eubulides      65
Euclid      225—226 245
Euler, Leonhard      [98]
Evangelische Privat- Volks- und Burger- schule      See Brno Moravia schools
Extensionality, axiom of      116 119
Fatherland Front      93 103
Federal Bureau ol Investigation      190—191
Federici, Adeline      252
Feferman, Anita Burdman      [494]
Feferman, Solomon      55 222 261 264
Feigl, Herbert      26 28 31 68
Fermi, Laura      143
Finite Ramsey theorem      267—268
Finsler, Paul      89—90
First-order logic      50 52
Flexner, Abraham      107 141 221
Flexner, Abraham, correspondence with KG      98 103 108—109 128 137
Flexner, Abraham, efforts on KG's behalf      137 139 144
Flexner, Abraham, first IAS director      91 95 145
Flexner, Abraham, role in founding IAS      94—95
Flexner, Simon      95
Fontane, Theodor      210
Forcing      See method of forcing
Ford, Lester R.      173 175
Forever Undecided: A Puzzle Guide to Goedel (Smullyan)      269
Formalism      18—49
Forman, Philip      180
Foundation, axiom of      119
Four Quartets (Eliot)      173
Fourier series      12—43
Fourier, Joseph      12
Fraenkel, Abraham      118—119 328
Frank, Philip      26n 123
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