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Dawson Jh.W. — Logical Dilemmas: The Life and Work of Kurt Godel |
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Rautenberg, Wolfgang 225
Redlich, Friedrich 3 4 167
Reflections on Kurt Goedel (Wang) 210
Reichenbach, Hans 69 176 322
Reid, Constance 72
Rekawinkel, Austria 79 111
Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics (Wittgenstein) 77
Replacement, axiom of 118—119
Restricted functional calculus 50
Restriction, Axiom of 118
Richard's antinomy 42 100
Richard, Jules 42
Riemann, Bernhard 25
Robinson, Abraham 215 230 244 [541]
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research 95
Rockefeller University 243
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 169
Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel 209
Rosinski, Herbert 154
Rosser, J.Barkley 99 100 102 112 134
Rothherg, Dr. Harvey [577]
Rousseau. Jean-Jacques 21
Rudolf, Crown Prince 210
Ruse, Harold S. [226
Russell's antinomy 12 76
Russell's paradox 12 76
Russell, Bertrand 47 176 217 262 321 323
Russell, Bertrand, antipathy toward 131
Russell, Bertrand, axiomatization of propositional logic 136
Russell, Bertrand, biographical sketch 325—326
Russell, Bertrand, champion of Frege's work 12
Russell, Bertrand, criticism of Zermelo's set theory 118
Russell, Bertrand, discovery of antinomy 42
Russell, Bertrand, logicism 48
Russell, Bertrand, mistaking of KG for a Jew 117n 163
Russell, Bertrand, quoted 163—164
Russell, Bertrand, reaction to incompleteness theorems 77
Russell, Bertrand, theory of types 19 136
Russell, Bertrand, visitor in Princeton 163
Salkover, Meyer [226]
Sanatorium Westend, Purkersdorf bei Wien 78—79 101—106
Schilpp, Paul Arthur 182 218
Schimanovieh, Werner DePauli- 88 111n 257
Schlick Circle See Vienna Circle
Schlick, Moritz 29 87
Schlick, Moritz, founding of Circle 26
Schlick, Moritz, murder 111 124
Schlick, Moritz, personality 28
Schlick, Moritz, seminar on Russell 25
Schlick, Moritz, writings 125
Schoenberg, Isaac J. [226]
Schopenhauer, Arthur 21
Schrecker, Paul 190
Schroeder, Ernst 40 88
Schroedinger, Erwin 107
Schrutka, Lothar 24
Schur, Professor 72
Schuschnigg, Kurt 103
Schwarzschild, Martin 184n
Schwinger, Julian 194—195
Scott, Dana 171 215n 224 233 239 243
Seelig, Carl 176
Selberg, Atle 160n 202 221 244
Separation, axiom of 116—119 121
Set-theoretic paradoxes 42 46 76
Shadows of the Mind (Penrose) 269
Shakespeare, William 210
Shepherdson, John 222
Shorthand systems (German) 19
Sieg, Wilfried 102
Siegel, Carl Ludwig 163 184n
Siegel, Carl Ludwig, assisted by Emergency Committee 151
Siegel, Carl Ludwig, opposed to KG's promotion 194 202
Simon, Yves 135
Skolem Functions 51 326
Skolem normal form 326
Skolem paradox 51 119 222 326
Skolem, Thorall 53 60 84 119
Skolem, Thorall, biographical sketch 326
Skolem, Thorall, contributions to set theory 118 120
Skolem, Thorall, satisfiability theorems 51 57—58 94
Slezak, Leo [7]
Smullyan, Raymond 269
Snow White (Disney film) 181n
Society of German Scientists and Physicians 68
Solicitation of essay from KG on Carnap 200—201
Solicitation of essay from KG on relativity theory 173 175 177—178 183 262n 264
Solicitation of essay from KG on Russell 162
Solovay, Robert M. 83 224 236—237
Sommerfeld, Arnold 107
Spector, Clifford 207 244n
Speed-up theorems 108
Spilberk (fortress) 7—8
Spinoza, Baruch 6 24
Srbik, Heinrich 87
Stalin, Joseph 140n 262n
Stein, Howard 185
Stetigkeit und irrationate Zaklen (Dedekind) 43
Stevenson, Adlai 208
Straus, Ernst 176 208—209
Strauss, Lewis L. 194—195
Sudan, Gabriel 101
Sudeten Germans 15 167
Syllogisms 37—38
Szilard, Leo 242
Taft, Robert 262h
Takeuti, Gaisi 207 236—237
Tarski, Alfred 15n 84 215 267
Tarski, Alfred, address at the Princeton Bicentennial Conference 169
Tarski, Alfred, biographical sketch 326
Tarski, Alfred, concept of truth in formalized languages 59
Tarski, Alfred, influence on Carnap and KG 63
Tarski, Alfred, lectures to Menger's colloquium 62—63
Tarski, Alfred, results on cardinal arithmetic 120
Tarski, Alfred, sent Hawed manuscript by KG 235—236
Tauber, Alfred 24
Taussky(-Todd), Olga 25 [53]
Taussky(-Todd), Olga, recollections of KG 31 91 97
Taussky(-Todd), Olga, recollections of Wilhelm Wirtinger 88
Taussky(-Todd), Olga, recollections of Zermelo 75—76
The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell 147n 163
The Emperor's New Mind (Penrose) 269
The Lady or the Tiger? (Smullyan) 269
The Philosophy of Bertrand Russell (Schilpp) 162
The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap (Schilpp) 200—201
| The Undecidable (Davis) 100 170 216
The World of Mathematics (Newman) 215n
The World of Yesterday (Zweig) 17 34
Theorie (for algebraischen Zahlkoerper (Hilbert) 824
Theorie analytique de la chaleur (Fourier) 42
Theory of Games and Economic Befiavior (von Neumann and Morgenstern) 161
Theory of types 49
Thirring, Hans 29 87 242 [54]
Thomas, Tracy Y. [226]
Todd, John Arthur [226]
Torrance, Charles C. [226]
Tractatus Logico-Philosophic us (Wittgenstein) 26
Trigonometric series 42—43
Truman, Harry S. 190 208—209 262n
Truth, formal notion of 59
Tucker, Albert 155
Turing, Alan M. 75n 113 131 197 267 [470] [523] [525] [587]
Turing, Alan M., biographical sketch 327
Turing, Alan M., definition of computable function 101
Turing, Alan M., Hodges' biography of 269
Turing, Alan M., KG's disagreement with 232
Types, theory of 49 136
Ueher die Beeinflussung einfacher psychischer Vorgaenge dutch einige Arzneimittel (Kraepelin) 85n
Union, axiom of 116—117 119
Universities: American, English, German (A.Flexner) 95
Uryssohn, Pavel 325
Vaihinger, Hans 165n
van Heijenoort, Jean 216—218 226
Van Kampcn, Egbertos K. [226]
Veblen, Oswald 100 123 137 141 145 147 176 181n
Veblen, Oswald, and Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars 154
Veblen, Oswald, appointed professor at IAS 95—96
Veblen, Oswald, biographical sketch 327
Veblen, Oswald, correspondence with KG 83 91—92 104 106 109—110 124 127—128 143 155 157
Veblen, Oswald, correspondence with Menger 91 110—111
Veblen, Oswald, correspondence with von Neumann 159
Veblen, Oswald, death 203
Veblen, Oswald, guest at Menger's colloquium 82
Velden am Worthersee, Austria 196
Vetsera, Mary 210
Vicious-circle principle 164
Vienna Circle 21 26—29 31 33
Vienna, Austria, coffeehouses 31—32
Vienna, Austria, conditions after World War I 21—22
Vienna, University of, mathematical faculty 21
Vienna, University of, political disruptions at 59 93
Vienna, University of, structure and curriculum 22—23
Vietoris, Leopold 21
Vogehveide, Walter von der 17
von Karman, Theodore 197
von Mises, Richard 26n
von Neumann, John 72 74 78 88n 124 163 176n 184n 234 321 [594]
von Neumann, John, actions on KG's behalf 142—141 159 201
von Neumann, John, advisor to government 201
von Neumann, John, appointed professor at IAS 95—96
von Neumann, John, biographical sketch 327
von Neumann, John, computer work 204—205 213 [470]
von Neumann, John, consistency proof 73
von Neumann, John, contributions to set theory 119 120 132 139
von Neumann, John, correspondence with KG 70 91—92 109 123 137 140 205
von Neumann, John, death 203—204
von Neumann, John, discussions with KG in Vienna 108 126
von Neumann, John, Gibbs lecturer 197
von Neumann, John, IAS lectures on quantum theory 92 107
von Neumann, John, interest in incompleteness theorems 70—71
von Neumann, John, lecture at Koenigsberg 69
von Neumann, John, role in Kinstein Award lo KG 194—119 5
Vopfinka, Petr 171
Vorlesungen ueber die Algebra tier Logik (Schroder) 40 53
Vorlesungen ueber Zahlentheorie (Dirichlet) 25
Vorlesungen zur Phaanomenologie ties Bewusstseins (Husserl) 107
Wagner, Richard 204h
Wagner-Jauregg, Julius 29 105
Waismann, Friedrich 26 28 68
Wald, Abraham 86 107 122n 192
Wang, Mao 6n 54 58 75n 207 218 230
Wang, Mao, assistance to KG during final years 251—253
Wang, Mao, efforts to obtain honorary degree for KG 243
Wang, Mao, philosophical discussions with KG 239—212 250
Wang, Mao, speaker at memorial service 255
Wang, Sian-jun [291]
Warren, Avra M. 143—145
Was shut und was sollen die Zahlen ? (Dedekind) 45
Weibel, Peter 111n
Weierstrass, Karl 42 322
Weil, Andre 255
Weisskopf, Edith 125
Weisskopf, Victor 125
Weizmann, Run 154
Well-ordering principle 47—48 115
Weyl, Hermann 184n
Weyl, Hermann, appointed professor at IAS 96
Weyl, Hermann, biographical sketch 327
Weyl, Hermann, constructivism 49
Weyl, Hermann, criticisms of set theory 118
Weyl, Hermann, Gibbs lecturer 197
Weyl, Hermann, member of Einstein Award committee 194
Weyl, Hermann, on structure of German university system 22—23 86—87
Weyl, Hermann, opposition to KG's promotion 202
Whitehead, Alfred North 49 326
Whitemore, Hugh 269
Whitney, Hassler 255
Wiener Kreis See Vienna Circle
Wiener Werkstatte 8 104
Wilder, Raymond L. [226]
Wilks, Samuel S. 132
Wirtinger, Wilhelm 24 87 88
Wissenschaftliche Weltauffassung: Der Wiener Kreis 29
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 28 62 77 84 [124]
Woolf, Harry 255
Wright, J.P. 184—185
Wunsch untl Pflicht in Aufbau des menschlichen Lebens (Frenkel and Weisskopf) 12 5
Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete 83
Zermelo's Axiom of Choice: Its Origins, Development, and Influence (Moore) 115
Zermelo, Ernst 89 90 321
Zermelo, Ernst, axiomatization of set theory 49 115—120
Zermelo, Ernst, biographical sketch 328
Zermelo, Ernst, criticism of incompleteness theorems 76—77
Zermelo, Ernst, encounter with KG at Bad Elster 75—76 119
Zermelo, Ernst, well-ordering theorem 48 115
Zilsel, Edgar 124—125 206
Zippin, Leo [226]
Zuckerkandl, Bertha 104n
Zuckerkandl, Viktor 104
Zweig, Stefan 17 31 34 21
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