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Yandell B. — The Honors Class: Hilbert's Problems and Their Solvers |
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A priori estimates 381
Abeasis, Silvana 273
Abel, Niels Henrik (1802-1829) 30 169 215 262
Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896-1962) 42 45 86
Addison, John 70
Akhiezer, Naum ll'ich (1901-1980) 375
al-Khowarazmi (780-850) 109
Albert, Adrian 73
Aleksandrov, A.D. (1912-1999) 140
Aleksandrov, P.S. (1896-1982) 108 193 195—196 264 336 339—343 346 349 358 369 375
Alexander, James W. (1888-1971) 152 156 345
Algebraic geometry 249 264 271
Algebraic invariant theory see invariant theory
Algebraic number theory 13 99 169 216—217 219 232 255—256
Algorithm 109 354—357
Alvarez Paiva, Juan Carlos 142
Analysis situs 123 321 323
Analytic number theory 181 188 193 196 246
Anosov, D.V.(1936- ) 349 365 369—370
Apollonius (262B.C.-190B.C.) 130 275
Appel, Kenneth 291
Appell, Paul (1855-1930) 34 304—305
Archimedean 118—120
Archimedes (287B.C.-212B.C.) 124 137 213 215 257
Aristotle (384BC-322BC) 12 58 103
Arnold, Igor Vladimirovich (1900-1948) 359
Arnold, Vladimir lgorevich(1937- ) 41 162 108 211 278 320 331 344—345 349 353 356 359—363 369—372
Artin Tate, Karin 238 242—244
Artin, Emil (1898-1962) 46 133 180 188 211 213 219 228 230—245 249 255 264—267
Artin, Michael 232 238 243—244
Artin, Natascha see Brunswick Natascha
Artin, Tom 238 242—244
Atiyah, Michael (1929- ) 74
Automorphic 185 256 281 304 306 308 311—314 324 329
Automorphic functions 313
Axiom of Choice 52 64 67—70 77 80 83—84 166
Backland, R. 208
Baker, Alan 86 167—168
Baker, H.E (1866-1956) 300
Barlow, William (1845-1934) 124 279 283
Barner, Martin 201
Bashmakova, Isabella G. 323
Baumgartner, James 81
Bayes,Thomas (1702-1776) 335
Bell, E.T.(1883-1960) 33 97 125 174 300—301 327
Bernstein, Sergey Natanovich (1880-1968) 195 338 374—375 377 380—381
Bers, Lipman (1914-1993) 370
Bessel, Freidrich Wilhelm (1784-1846) 7
Bessel-Hagen, Erich (1898-1946) 179—180 187
Betti, Enrico (1823-1892) 316 321
Beurling, Arne (1905-1996) 152
Bieberbach, Ludwig (1886-1982) 251—253 279—288 297
Birkhoff, Garrett (1911-1996) 72 152
Birkhoff, George David (1884-1944) 74 325 329 370
Blaschke, Wilhelm (1885-1962) 140 241
Blashke, Wilhelm (1885-1962) 244
Bliss, Gilbert Ames (1876-1951) 382
Bocher Prize [named after Maxime Bocher (1867-1918)] 75
Bohr, Harald (1887-1951) 20 208 250 252 286
Bohr, Niels (1885-1962) 159
Bolibruch, Andrei A.(1950- ) 365 367—372
Boltianskii, Vladimir G.(1925- ) 120
Boltzmann, Ludwig (1844-1906) 352
Bolza, Oskar (1857-1942) 74
Bombieri, Enrico (1940- ) 375
Boole, George (1815-1864) 60—62 66 262—263
Boolos, George 104
Borel, Armand (1923- ) 152—154
Borel, Emile (1871-1956) 342
Born, Max (1882-1970) 18 250
Bott, Raoul 153
Bourbaki, Nicolas (-19351- ) 190 238 240
Boutroux, Pierre (1880-1922) 284 301 326
Brauer, Richard (1901-1977) 226 233—235 237—238 241 245
Braun, Hel(i9i4-I986) 175—176 178—180 182—187 200 202 244
Bricard, J. 118
Briot, Charles Auguste Albert (1817- 1882) 316
Brouwer, L.E.J.(1881-1966) 18 38 50 86 283—286
Brunswick, Natascha Artin (1909- ) 180 191 230 237 241 244
Brusotti, Luigi (1877-1959) 277
Burali-Forti, Cesare (1861-1931) 35 62
Busemann, Herbert (1905-1994) 137—142
Caccioppoli, Renato (1904-1959) 377
Calabi, Eugenio 273
Candelas, Philip 273
Cantor, Georg (1845-1918) 12 25 27—28 30—31 33—36 38—40 48—50 59—62 67—68 76 79 83 86 88 91 171 190 218 291 306 328 337
Caratheodory, Constantin (1873-1950) 281 284 341
Cardano, Girolamo (1501-1576) 26 72 124
cardinal number 59 69
Carnap, Rudolf (1891-1970) 45 54 102 109
Carnot, Lazare N.M.(1753-1823) 270
Carr, George Shoobridge (1837-?) 209
Cartwright, Mary (1900-1998) 354
Casas-Alvero, Eduardo 273
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis (1789-1857) 8 166 216 316 377
Cavalieri, Bonaventura Francesco (1598-1647) 124
Cayley, Arthur (1821-1895) 11 12 61 138
Celestial mechanics 187 189 315 318—320 350 352
Chaitin, Gregory 357
Chaos theory 317 320 323 329 348 354
Chapman, Sydney (1888-1970) 345
Chebotaryev, N.G.(1894-1947) 229 234—235 240
Chebyshev, E L.(1821-1894) 193 205 338
Chern, Shiing-Shen (1911- ) 74—75 382
Chernavskii, A.V 369—370
Chessin, Paul L. 132
Chevalley, Claude (1909-1984) 145 228—229 238 245 272
Chow, Wei-Liang (1911-1995) 272
Chudnovsky, Gregory 112—113
Church's thesis 87—88 91
Church, Alonzo (1903-1995) 66 86—89 93—94
Class field 14 169 213—214 217 219 226 228 233—235 238 255—256
Clebsch, Alfred (1833-1872) 11
Cohen, Paul (1934-) 46—47 58 65 67-68 70-84 113 211 328
Cohn-Vossen, Stephan (1902-1936) 140
Colson (probably Clement, 1853-1939) 304
Comessatti, Annibale (1886-1945) 277—278
Completeness theorem 46—47 68
Complex analysis 166 193—195 206 228 256 311 365 377
Consistency 8 15—16 25 38 40 42 47 50 52 67 69 70 75 77 80 83 263 291
Constructible sets 52—53 69 80 83
Continuum Hypothesis 35 53—54 58—59 67—70 76—77 79—80 83—84 328
Contradiction 12 16 25 35 37—38 47 49—51 62—63 65 159 195 290 337
Conway, John Horton (1937- ) 290
Coolidge, Julian Lowell (1873-1954) 271
Coray, Daniel F. 273
Courant, Richard (1888-1972) 130 138 180 232 238 241 246 250—253 284 287 298 341 380 382
Crystallographic group 279 281 283 288—289 360
Dantzig,Tobias (1884-1956) 324
Darboux, Gaston (1842-1917) 18 300—303 305—306 314 322
Dauben, Joseph Warren 28
Davenport, Harold (1907-1969) 178 189 191 248—249
Davis normal form 94 103
Davis, Martin (1928- ) 50 73 77 82 85 87 90 92—95 99—106 109—113
Dawson, John W., Jr. 43 50—51 55
De Concini, Corrado 273
de l'Ossa, Xenia C. 273
De Morgan, Agustus (1806-1871) 60 63
De Morgan, Augustus (1806-1871) 263
Debye, Peter (1884-1966) 246
Decision process 86 88 91 110 114
Dedekind, Richard (1831-1916) 30 62 190 218 223 246
DeGiorgi, Ennio (1928-1996) 378—379
Degtyarev, Alex 278
Dehn invariant 120 111 123
Dehn invariants 121
Dehn, Max (1878-1952) 93 117—135 181—182 186—187 199 238 241
Deligne, Pierre 369 371
Demazure, Michel 273
Demidov, S.S. 195—196
| Desargues,Girard(1591-1661) 124
Descartes, Rene (1596-1650) 16 124
Diagonalization 31 33 35 48 83 86 88 91
Dieudonne, Jean (1906-1992) 181 185 187 311 314—315 322—323
Diophantine approximation 125 196
Diophantine equation 85 95 99—101 104 110 113—114 168—169 191 323 329
Diophantine sets 100 110
Diophantus of Alexandria (3rd century AD.) 85 323
Dirac, P A M.(1902-1984) 160 167 190 306
Dirichlet, R G.Lejeune (1805-1859) 16 194 207 215—218 233 246 311 319 380—381
Dodgson, Charles (1832-1898) a.k.a. Lewis Carroll 61
Drechsler, Konrad 273
Du Bois-Reymond, Paul David Gustav (1831-1889) 376
Dulac, Henri (1870-?) 318
Dunham, William 26 215
Dynamical systems 351 362
Dyson, Freeman (1923- ) 55 161—162 169 196 211
Ecalle.Jean 318
Edwards, Harold M. 204 206 208 248
Effective computability 95 109
Effective process 86 91
Efimov, N.V.(1910-1972) 140
Egorov, D.£.(1859-1931) 195—196 235
Ehresmann, Charles (1905-1979) 272
Einstein, Albert (1879-1955) 18 54—57 159—160 167 323 345
Eisenstein, Ferdinand (1823-1852) 166 177 185
Eliashberg, Yakov 361
Ellingsrud, Geir 273
Elliptic partial differential equation 374 376—377 380
Enderton, Herb 104
Enumerative geometry 271—273
Epstein, Paul (1871-1939) 123 127—129 199
Erdds, Paul (1913-1996) 165—166
Ergodic 317 347 351—352 356
Euclid (-325B.C- -265B.C.) 8 14—16 27 64 124 130
Euler, Leonhard (1707-1783) 30 162 171 190 198 204 214—215 232 331
Evans, Griffith C.(1887-1973) 97
Extension fields 213—215 217—219 224 231 233 246
Faddeev, D.K.(1907-1989) 111
Faraday, Michael (1791-1867) 60
Fedorov, E.S.(1853-1919) 279 283
Feferman, Anita Burdman 66
Feferman, Solomon 57—58 75 76 81
Feller, Willy (1906-1970) 243—244 251
Fermat's last theorem 114 168 174 190 207 214 257 329
Fermat, Pierre de (1601-1665) 124 214—216 227
Fermi, Enrico (1901-1954) 71 74 209 354
Feynman, Richard (1918-1988) 71 160 306
Fiedler,Thomas 278
Fields Medal [named after Fields, John (1862-1932)] 82 145 162 177 263 273 375
Finashin,Sergey 278
Finat Codes, Francisco Javier 273
Finn, Robert 381
Fisher, R A.(1890-1962) 346
Folland, Gerald 377
Forcing 65 78—81 83—84
Formal system 40—42 46 47 49—50 60 62 65 79 88—89 91 93 99 102 261 271 328
Fourier series 28 30 50 75 336 338 351
Fourier, Joseph (1768-1830) 28
Fraenkel, Adolf Abraham (1891-1965) 63 67 69 251
Franck, James (1882-1964) 250
Frankfurt mathematics history seminar 118 123 127 130 175 181 204 208
Frechet, Maurice (1878-1973) 341
Freedman, Michael 329
Frege, Gottlob (848-1925) 61—63 66—67 86 109
Freudenthal, Hans (1905-1990) 190 284 286 297 299 311 366
Friedrichs, Kurt O.(1901-1983) 380
Frobenius, Ferdinand (1849-1917) 176—178 183 223
Fuchs, Lazarus (1833-1902) 9 12 223 304 306 312—313
Fuchsian function 304 307—308 314
Fuchsian singularity 370
Fuchsian system 365 370
Fujisawa, Rikitaro (1861-1933) 222—223
Function theory, function theorist 145 230 235 281—282 309 311 331 370
Fundamental region 280 288 310 312—313
Furtwaengler, Philipp (1869-1940) 44 52 219 230
Gaal, Lisl (1924- ) 169
Galgani, Luigi 320
Galois group 215 219 234 262—263
Galois, Evariste (1811-1832) 30 169 215 262—263
Garabedian, Paul 378
Garding, Lars (1919- ) 380
Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777-1855) 11 14 166 185 190 205 214—215 217—218 232—234 247 331 337
Gelfand, I.M.(1913- ) 142 360
Gelfond, A.O.(1906-1968) 171 174 191—198 208 235 349
Genus 123 313 316—317
Gerard, R. 369
Germain, Sophie (1776-1831) 215 257
Gianni, Patrizia 273
Gilbarg, David 381
Gilmer, Patrick 278
Giraud.G. 380
Gleason, Andrew (1921- ) 143 152 158 291
Gleick, James 348
Gnedenko, B.Y (1912-1995) 349—350 375
Godel, Kurt (1906-1978) 37 42—45 47—58 65—70 75—78 80 82—83 86—90 92 97 102—104 109 130 188 229 283 285 337
Goldbach, Christian (1690-1764) 114 167 203
Goldstein, Herbert (1922- ) 162
Goldstine, Herman (1913- ) 232
Golubeva, V.A. 369—370
Gomperz, Heinrich 44
Gordan's problem 11—12
Gordan, Paul (1837-1912) 11—12 267
Goresky, Mark 273
Gram, Jorgen P (1850-1916) 208
Grassmann, Hermann (1809-18 77) 61 263
Grattan-Guinness, Ivor 28
Grauert, Hans 179 185
Green, P.S. 273
Gregory, Duncan (1813-1844) 263
Grommer, Jakob 18
Gross, Benedict 278
Grothendieck, Alexander (1928- ) 272
Grunsky, Helmut (1904-1986) 284
Gudkov, D.A.(1918-1992) 277—278
Haar, Alfred (1885-1933) 145
Hadamard, Jacques (1865-1963) 207 374 380
Hadwiger, Hugo 120
Haeflinger, Andre 363
Hahn, Hans (1879-1934) 44
Hahn, Kurt(1886-1974) 298
Hain, R.M. 369
Haken, Wolfgang 291
Hales, Thomas C. 290 291
Hamel, Georg (1877-1954) 138
Hamilton, William Rowan (1805-1865) 61 263
Hardy, G.H.(1877-1947) 165 167 181 208—210 213 254 257
Harnack, Axel (1851-1888) 276—277
Harriot, Thomas (1560-1621) 27
Harris, Joseph 273 278
Hartner, Willy (1905-1981) 128
Hasse, Helmut (1898-1979) 99 185—186 188 190 211 213 220 228—229 241 244—255
Haupt, Otto 200
Hecke, Erich (1887-1947) 179 211 228 246 249 284
Heegaard, Poul (1871-1948) 123
Heesch, Heinrich (1906-1995) 288
Heine, Heinrich Eduard (1621-1881) 223
Heisenberg, Werner (1901-1976) 18 160
Hellinger, Ernst (1883-1950) 123 126—128 130 199
Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von (1821-1901) 12
Henon, Michele 321
Hensel, Kurt (1861-1941) 246 248
Henson, Ward 104
Herbrand, Jacques (1908-1931) 86—87 228 238
Herglotz, Gustav (1881-1953) 186 231—232 284
Hermite, Charles (1822-1901) 10 13 34 171 185 311
Hey, Kiithe 237
Heyting, Arend (1898-1980) 38 40 50—51 337
Hilbert space 4 17 149—150 160
Hilbert, David (1862-1943) 7—21 180 246 250 277 327
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