Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Fresnel zones
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Lee J.S., Miller L.E. — CDMA systems engineering handbook | 181, 182 | Siegman A.E. — Lasers | 713—714 | Mouroulis P., MacDonald J. — Geometrical optics and optical design | 180—183 | Planck M. — Introduction to Theoretical Physics | 308ff. | Zajac A. — Optics | 486 | van de Hulst H.C. — Light Scattering by Small Particles | 20, 27, 32, 106, 215 | Meschede D. — Optics, Light and Lasers: The Practical Approach to Modern Aspects of Photonics and Laser Physics | 63 | Fogiel M. — The optics problem solver | 4—1, 11—14, 11-15, 11—17 to 11—20 | Achmanov S.A., Nikitin S.Yu. — Physical Optics | 232 | Slater J.C., Frank N.H. — Electromagnetism | 173—178 | Kruegel E. — The Physics of Interstellar Dust | 109ff | Akhmanov S.A., Nikitin S.Yu. — Physical Optics | 232 | Slater J., Frank N. — Introduction to Theoretical Physics | 308ff. |