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Поиск книг, содержащих: Thermometer
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Einstein A., Infeld L. — Die evolution der physik | 45 | Lommel E. — Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik | 149, 150, 152 | Von Laue M. — History of Physics | 77—78 | Bamberg P.G. — A Course in Mathematics for Students of Physics, Vol. 2 | 777 | Born M. — Natural philosophy of cause and chance (The Waynflete lectures) | 31, 35 | Dorlas T.C. — Statistical mechanics, fundamentals and model solutions | 3 | Huey E.G. — What makes the wheels go round? A first-time physics | 11, 12 | Guggenheim E.A. — Thermodynamics | 8 | Walker J. — The flying circus of physics: with answers | 3.12 | Marks R.J.II. — The Joy of Fourier | 2 | United States NAVY — Mathematics, basic math and algebra (Navy course) | 19 | Bridgman P.W. — The Nature of Thermodynamics | 72 | Greiner W., Neise L., Stöcker H. — Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics | 8 | Dugdale J.S. — Entropy and its Physical Meaning | 3, 13, 175 | David A. Mooney — Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer | 25 | Greiner W., Neise L., Stocker H. — Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics | 8 | Owen D. — A First Course in the Mathematical Foundations of Thermodynamics (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) | 18, 44, 45 | Mackey G. — Unitary Group Representations in Physics, Probability and Number Theory | 273 | Ross D. — Master Math: Basic Math and Pre-Algebra (Master Math Series) | 19 | Buchdahl H.A. — The Concepts of Classical Thermodynamics | 34, 87 |