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Huey E.G. — What makes the wheels go round? A first-time physics |
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Accelerator 75
Air 5 12 21 27
air pressure 22 26 27 28 30
Air resistance 88 112
Airplane 80 81 161
Airplane engine 77 81 82
Alcohol 15
Alternating Current 60 156 159
Amplitude modulation 159
Antenna 156 162
Aristotle 84 85
Armature 50 51
Atmosphere 147
atom 2 3 4 43 119
automobile 72-76
Automobile battery 75
Barometer 33
battery 53-55 75
Bends 32
Bicycle 116
black 149
Blotter 99 105
Boat 98
Boiler 62
Boiler, hot-water 19 21
Boiling point 13
Bottle, vacuum 34
Bullet 112 124
Buoyancy 16 95
burning 118
Can 30
Candle 121
Canvas 101
Capillary attraction 105
Carbon 1 53—55 131 132
Carburetor 74 75
Carrier waves 157-160 163
Cast iron 18
Centigrade 13 14
Charge, electric 44 45
Charging batteries 56
Circuit 57—60 74 131 132
Clothes drier 115
Clutch 75
Clutch pedal 73
Coal 23
Color, sky 147
Colors 144
Colors, rainbow 143—145
Columbus 89
Comb 47
compass 36 37
Concrete 12
Conduction 20
Contraction 12 15
Convection 22
Cooling 22 76 107
copper 1 54 118
Cosmic rays 139
Crack-the-whip 114
Crank shaft 73 75
Current, alternating 60 156
Current, direct 60
Current, electric 40 46 49—52 57 67 74 132 137
Cylinder 62 72—74
Cylinder, steam 62 64
Daylight 147
Deviation 37
Dial phone 133
Diaphragm 131 132 157
Diesel engine 77
Differential 76
Direct Current 60
Diver 31 32
Down 89 90
Drive shaft 73 75 76
drops 99
Drum 131
Dry cell 53—56
Earth 91 115
echo 130
Electric battery 53—55
Electric charge 44 45 101
Electric current 40 46 49—52 57 60 67 74 132 137
Electric light 57
Electric locomotive 49
Electric motor 51 52
Electric switch 58 59
Electric wire 57—59
electricity 42—60
Electromagnet 40 41 132
Electromagnetic waves 137—142 156
Electron 42—48 54 55
Element 1 2 3 43 152
Engine, airplane 77
Engine, diesel 77
Engine, gasoline 72—78
Engine, internal-combustion 72—78
Engine, jet 81—82
Engine, steam 61—68
Eraser 123
evaporation 106—109
Exchange, telephone 133
Exhaust pipe 67 68 74
expansion 11 12 15 21 22 61
Experiment 85 165
Experiments, von Guericke 25 29
Fahrenheit 14
Falling weights 84—88
Ferdinand III 29
Field of magnet 38
Fire 117—121
Fire box 61 62
Firefly 121
FISH 146
Flashlight 55
floating 16 95—98
Fluid 8
Flywheel 114
Fountain pen 47
Freezing 16 17
Freezing point 15
frequency 156—159
Frequency modulation 159
Friction 46—48 122—125
Frictional electricity 46—48
Fuse 59
Galileo 11 12 85—88 92 110
Gas 5 7 21 151—153
Gas, hydrogen 35
Gasoline 73 107
Gasoline engine 72—75
Gasoline truck 48
Gears 73 75
Generator 49—52 76
Gold 1 118
Grating 153
Gravitation 89—94
Gravity 89—94
Grounded wire 58
Hairpins 41
Heat 6 8 9 11 19
Heat waves 141
Helicopter 82 83
Helium 3 43 118 152 153
Hot-water boiler 19 21
Hydrogen 3 43
Hydrogen gas 35
ICE 5 16
Indirect lighting 148
| Inertia 110—116
infrared light 141
Internal—combustion 72—78
Ion 44 45
Iron 1 5 18 36 118
Jet engine 81 82
Jet plane 81 82
Lamp wick 105
Langley 80
Lariat 116
Laundry 115
Law of gravitation 92—94 111
Laws, physical 110 111
Lead 55 118
Leaning Tower of Pisa 85
Length of waves 138 145 156
Lens 150
Light 117—119 135—153
Light waves 136
Light, electric 57
Light, infrared 141
Light, moon 148
Light, reflected 148 149
Light, speed of 135
Light, star 152
Light, sun 19 22 141 143 148
Light, visible 139 141
Light, white 143
Lighting, indirect 148
Lightning 162
Lines of force 38 50—52
Lippershey 86
Liquids 5 7 106—109 151
Lizard 31
Locomotive, electric 49
Locomotive, steam 61—65
Loud-speaker 141 157
Magdeburg 26
Magnetic field 38
Magnetism 36—41
Magnets 36—41 49—52
Mass 113
Matter 5
Melting point 13 15
Meteor 124
Method, scientific 87 88 165
Microphone 157
Milk 18
Mill wheel 68 69
Modulation 159
Molds 18
Molecule 2 3 4 6 9 20 28 38 39 40 101—109 118 119
Moon 115
Moonlight 148
Mosquito 104
Motion 9
Motor, electric 51 52
Musical saw 127
Natural magnet 40
Negative 42
Neon tube 120 121
Neutron 44 45
Newton 92 110 111
Nitrogen 118 120
North pole 36
Nothing 25
Nucleus 43
OIL 23 102—104 122
Oil on water 104
Olive oil 108
Oxygen 3 118
Parachute 87
Pendulum 126
Physics 4
Pisa 85
Piston 62—66 73 75
Piston box 62—64
Piston rod 62—65 73
Plates, lead 55
Poles 36—39
Positive 42
Pressure 22 26—28 30—33
Pressure, air 22 26—28 30 32 33
Pressure, steam 61 70
Pressure, water 31 32
prism 143 150
propeller 81
Proton 42—45
Radar 161
Radiant heat waves 141
Radiation 10 22 141
Radiator 76
Radio 155—160
Radio waves 141 156 162
Rails, railroad 12 124
Rain 108 109
Rainbow 146 147
Rainbow colors 143
raindrops 99
Rays 139
Rays, infrared 141
Rays, ultraviolet 140 141
Rays, X- 139 140
Reaction turbine 69
Reflected light 148 149
Refraction 145 146
Resistance, air 88 112
Rubbing 46—48
Rust 119
Sandpaper 123
Saw, musical 127
Scientific method 87 88 165
Scientists 165 166
Screw 81
Self-starter 75
Ship 95 97 98 103 161
Shooting star 75
Silver 1
Skid 113
Sky 147
Smokestack 62 67 68
Soap bubble 30
Solids 5 7 151
Sound 126—130
Sound waves 128 129 141
Sound, speed of 130
South pole 36
Spark plug 74
Spectroscope 150
Spectrum 145 150
speed of light 135
Speed of sound 130
Star 150
Starlight 152
Stationary engine 66—71
Steam 5 61—68 70
Steam boiler 62
Steam cylinder 62 64
Steam engine 61—68
Steam locomotive 61—65
Steam pressure 61
Steam roller 67
Steam shovel 67
Steam turbine 68 70 71
Steel 40
Storage battery 55 56 75
Streetcar 58
Sun 10 22 116
Sunlight 19 22 141 143 148
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