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Ross D. — Master Math: Basic Math and Pre-Algebra (Master Math Series) |
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Absolute value 21
Accuracy 15 59
Addend 7
Adding, complex numbers 164
Adding, decimals 51
Adding, fractions 118
Adding, signed numbers 21
Adding, unlike fractions 35
Addition and subtraction 7
Addition method for solving simultaneous equations 135
Adjacent angles 182
Algebraic expressions 99
Algebraic fractions 117
Algebraic sum 99
Alternation in a proportion 144
Altitude of a triangle 183
angles 182
Apex of a triangle 183
Approximate numbers 61
Arabic numerals 1
Arbitrary constant 120
Areas, circle 189
Areas, quadrilateral 186
Areas, triangle 184
Associative laws 26 98
Axioms of equality 25
Base of exponent 65
Base of number system 2
Base of solid 193
Base of triangle 183
Binary number system 3
Binomial factors 113
Bisecting an angle 191
Borrow process 7 8
Broken lines 181
Calculating with approximate numbers 61
Caliper, vernier 64
Cancellation 38
Carry and borrow 7
Celsius thermometer 19
Center of a circle 192
Centigrade thermometer 19
Changing common fractions to decimals 49
Changing fractions to percent 55
Changing integers to percent 55
Changing percent to a decimal 56
Characteristic, logarithms 83
Checking accuracy 14
Chord of a circle 188
circle 187
Circular cylinder 194—195
Circumference of a circle 187
Coefficients, literal 125 136
Combined variation 150
Combining radicals 74
Combining terms 100
Common denominator 34
Common factors 111
Common fractions 28 49
Common logarithms 81
Commutative laws 26 98
Complement of an angle 182
Completing the square 169
Complex decimal 47
Complex fraction 43—44
complex numbers 158—163
Complex plane 161
Components of logarithms 83
Composite number 17
Concentric circles 189
Conditional equation 121—122
Conjugates of complex numbers 165
Constant of proportionality 147
Constant, definition 120
Construction, geometric 190
coordinates 130—131
Counting 1
Cube by slide rule 94
Cube root 79 95
Cube, geometric 194
Dashed line 181
Decimal, adding 51
Decimal, complex 47
Decimal, divisors 53
Decimal, equivalent 47
Decimal, fractions 45
Decimal, mixed 47
Decimal, multiplying 51—52
Decimal, nonterminating 50
Decimal, number system 2 45
Decimal, points 13 15
Decimal, power of 66
Decimal, reducing 47
Decimal, system 2
Degree of an equation 121
Degree, angular 182
Denominate numbers 9 15
Denominator, definition 28
Dependence 151
Dependent variable 151
Developing formulas 154
Diameter, circle 187
Diameter, sphere 198
Difference of two squares 113
Difference, answer in subtraction 7
Digit positions, binary 3
Digit positions, decimal 2
Digits, significant 60
Direct variation 146
Direction of measurement 19
Directly proportional 147
Discriminant 176
Distributive law 27 99
Dividend 11
Dividing by powers of ten 54
Dividing, a line into equal segments 190
Dividing, approximate numbers 61
Dividing, complex numbers 165
Dividing, decimals 52
Dividing, denominate numbers 15
Divisibility, test for 18
Division in fraction form 25
Division, fractions 40
Division, general 10
Division, methods 13
Division, signed numbers 24
Division, synthetic 110
Divisor 11
Double roots 177
Edge of a prism 194
Element, cylinder 194
Element, set 4
Ellipses 192
Ellipsis, definition 5
End zeros in multiplication 13
Equal or double roots 177
Equality Axioms 25
Equations, plotting 131
Equilateral triangle 185
Equivalent, decimal 47
Equivalent, fraction 29
Error, percent of 59
Error, relative 60
Estimation 14 58
Evaluating, formulas 153
Evaluating, radicals 78
Exponential form 60
Exponents and radicals 102
Exponents, definition 65
Exponents, fractional 70
| Exponents, laws of 67
Exponents, literal 112
Extremes of a proportion 142
Faces of a solid 193
Factor 11 17
Factoring method of solving quadratic equations 168
Factoring, definition 111
Factoring, radicals 75
Factoring, trinomials 115
Fixed constant 120
Formulas, developing 154
Formulas, evaluating 153
Formulas, graphing 156
Formulas, table of 221
Formulas, translating 155
Fractional, exponents 70
Fractional, percents 57
Fractions in equations 125
Fractions, algebraic, dividing 117
Fractions, algebraic, multiplying 117
Fractions, changing to decimals 49
Fractions, complex 43—44
Fractions, equivalent 29
Fractions, fundamental rule 30
Fractions, improper 28 31
Fractions, measurement 29
Fractions, negative 32
Fractions, partitive 29
Fractions, power of 66
Fractions, proper 28
Fractions, reducing 31 116
Function, general 151
Function, trigonometric 202 213
Fundamental rule of fractions 30
General form of a linear equation 126
Geometric figures 183—190
Geometric, classification of angles 182
Graphical interpretation of roots 179
Graphical representation of complex numbers 160
Graphical solution of quadratic equations 172
Graphing, formulas 156
Graphing, general 20
Graphing, inequalities 129 139
Great circle 198
Greater than (symbol) 20 128
Greatest common divisor 34
Grouping for multiplication 11
Grouping, symbols 101
hemisphere 198
Highest common factor 34
horizontal lines 181
Hypotenuse 199
Identity 121
Imaginary number 66 159
Imaginary root 176
Imaginary unit 159
Improper fraction 28 31
Independent variable 151
Index of a root 65
Inequalities 128
Inequalities in two variables 139
Infinite sets 6
Integers 1
Intercepts, definition 132
Interpolation 203
Interpreting equations 137
Interpreting roots by graphs 179
Intersecting lines 182
Inverse ratio 142
Inverse variation 148
Inversely proportional 148
Inversion in a proportion 144
Irrational number 77 158
Irrational root 178
Irregular pyramid 196
Isosceles triangle 185
Joint variation 149
Lateral area, pyramid 197
Lateral edge, prism 194
Laws, associative 26
Laws, commutative 26
Laws, distributive 27
Laws, exponents 67
Laws, sines 208
Least common multiple 34
Less than (symbol) 20 128
Like fractions 33
Like signs, adding 21
Line segment 5
Line, general 161
Line, parallel 137
Linear equation 121 126
Literal coefficient 124 136
Literal exponent 112
Logarithm, definition 80
Logarithm, natural 81
Lowest common denominator 34
Mantissa 83 85
mathematical symbols 219
Maximum and minimum points 174
Means of a proportion 142
Measurement, fraction 29
Measurement, principles of 58
Mental calculation 10
Mental multiplication 107
Micrometer, scale 61
Micrometer, settings 62
Micrometer, vernier 64
Minimum and maximum points 174
Minuend 7
Mixed decimal 47
Mixed number 28 32
Monomial multiplication 103
Multiples 17
multiplicand 11
Multiplication, fractions 37
Multiplication, general 10
Multiplication, grouping 11
Multiplier 11
Multiplying, approximate numbers 61
Multiplying, complex numbers 164
Multiplying, decimals 51—52
Multiplying, denominate numbers 15
Multiplying, signed numbers 23
Natural logarithms 81
Negative exponents 69
Negative fractions 32
Negative logarithms 83
negative numbers 19
Nonterminating decimals 50
Number line, fractions 28
Number line, general 5 20
number systems 2 3
Number, set 4
Numerals 1
Numerator, definition 28
Numerical coefficient, definition 100
Oblique, line 181
Oblique, triangle 185 207
Obtuse, angle 182
Obtuse, triangle 185
One as an exponent 69
Operation with decimals 50
Operation with inequalities 128
Operator I 160—161
Operators 158
order of operations 16
Order, properties of numbers 128
Orientation of lines 181
parabola 174
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