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Поиск книг, содержащих: Holmes, Sherlock
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Apostol T.M. — Calculus (vol 1) | 7 | Grinstead C.M., Snell J.L. — Introduction to Probability | 91 | Rosch W. — Winn L. Rosch Hardware Bible, Sixth Edition | | Beissinger J., Pless V. — The Cryptoclub: Using Mathematics to Make and Break Secret Codes | 33 | Bauer F.L. — Decrypted Secrets: Methods and Maxims of Cryptology | 12 | Forsyth R., Naylor Ch. — The Hitch-Hicker's Guide to Artificial Intelligence | 212 | Stillwell J. — Yearning for the Impossible: The Surprising Truths of Mathematics | 86 | Brown L.S. — Quantum Field Theory | 217 | Apostol T.M. — Calculus: One-Variable Calculus with an Introduction to Linear Algebra, Vol. 1 | 7 | Angrist S.W., Hepler L.G. — Laws of Order and Chaos | 122 | Plauger P.J. — Programming on purpose: essays on software design | 119 | Copi I.M., Cohen C. — Introduction to logic | 430—439 | Allen A. — Probability, statistics, and queueing theory with computer science applications | 1, 46, 527 | Joyner D. — Adventures in group theory: Rubik's cube, Merlin's machine, and other mathematical toys | 7 |