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Bauer F.L. — Decrypted Secrets: Methods and Maxims of Cryptology
Bauer F.L. — Decrypted Secrets: Methods and Maxims of Cryptology

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Название: Decrypted Secrets: Methods and Maxims of Cryptology

Автор: Bauer F.L.


In today's unsafe and increasingly wired world cryptology plays a vital role in protecting communication channels, databases, and software from unwanted intruders. This revised and extended third edition of the classic reference work on cryptology now contains many new technical and biographical details. The first part treats secret codes and their uses - cryptography. The second part deals with the process of covertly decrypting a secret code - cryptanalysis, where particular advice on assessing methods is given. The book presupposes only elementary mathematical knowledge. Spiced with a wealth of exciting, amusing, and sometimes personal stories from the history of cryptology, it will also interest general readers.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Fourth Edition

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 525

Добавлена в каталог: 14.09.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
"Emergency clear" device      167
"Forty Weepy"      438 443 444
$\AE$neas      12
$\mathbb{F}(p)$      81 181 199
'Aegir', FOREIGN (key net)      483
'And far Militarkande'      32
'ANNA'      411
'app'      400
'Atlanta'      454 455
'Barsac' [Gustave Bertrand]      447
'Bertok' (Berlin-Tokyo traffic)      482
'Boldest' line      356—357
'Bolek' [Gustave Bertrand]      433
'Boxing'      131
'Cadix'      447
'Counter' ENIGMA      148
'Double key'      111 364
'Dragging', 'drag grenade'      288 401 409
'Duds'      339
'Erloschen ist Leuchttonne'      214 268 269
'Evitez les courants d'air'      51 133
'Expositur 3000'      447
'Fall Gelb'      447
'Frankfurt'      221 473
'Fried Reports'      287 289 499
'FUNF'      373
'Fur GOD'      146
'Glowlamp Machine'      117
'Godefroy' [Gustave Bertrand]      433
'Greek rotors' ($\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$)      121 148 215 219
'Group Z'      447
'Heimische Gewaesser', DOLPHIN (keynet)      448
'HOSF'      411
'Hydra', DOLPHIN (key net)      448
'Hypothetical Machine' (HYPO)      338
'Index' machine      116
'JUMBO'      454
'Key phrase' cipher      45
'Law Enforcement Access Field' (LEAF)      229 230
'Luc' (Gwido Langer)      431
'Machine gun'      454
'Memex'      345
'Mephisto Polka'      158
'METEO Code'      217
'metodarusztu'      437
'Ming'      454
'Need to know' rule      VII 470 480
'Neptun' (key net)      483
'No letter may represent itself      115 223 257 268 269 279
'passport control officers'      3
'Pigpen' cipher      45
'Plaintext Bit 5 Two steps back'      397 412
'Playback'      218
'Pluggable' reflecting rotor      120 123 286
'QEP'      406
'Quex'      3
'Rapid Analytical Machine' (RAM)      339
'Reciprocal ENIGMA'      115
'Rex' (Rodolphe Lemoine)      433
'Rodding'      281—284
'Saw-buck' principle      335 338 344 407
'Scrambling' (audio)      10 456
'Sillies'      see cillies
'Simultaneous scanning'      445
'Sleipnir' (key net)      483
'Spolierverfahren'      61
'Station X'      31 442
'Steckering', Steckeruerbindung      117—118 120 121 173 286 288 339 432 438 444 448 454 482
'Sturgeon'      170 395
'Sued' (key net)      439
'Thetis' (key net)      483
'Throw-on' indicator system      431
'treble key'      142 430
'Triton', SHARK (key net)      121 219 456—157
'Tunny'      171 389 393—394 395 398 401 403 406 408 410—412 499
'Twenty Committee'      15
'Uncle Walter'      114 120
'Victory'      447 454
'Vowel-solution method'      312
'weight of evidence'      416
(CRYPT)      489
(DECRYPT)      489—492
(SHANN)      489—492
/anx/      437
/fort/ ("Fortsetzung")      438
/krkr/      216
1-Cycle      46 269 434 440 441 446
2-cycle      48 169 284—286 300 434—435
A-1 (code)      77
A-21      132 133
AA/Pers Z      154 415 464 467 470 483
ABC (key)      27 140 469
ABC Code      75 76
Abel, Rudolf      10 57
ABNER      457
Abwehr (OKW)      17 263 464 483
Abwehr ENIGMA      123—126 148—149 373
Acknowledgment      17
Acme (code)      76
Acrophony      69
Acrostics      19 20 257
Adair, Gilbert      257
ADAM and EVE      456
Addition      49 80 81 87 128 180 239—240
Addition mod $10^n$      171—172
Addition mod $2^n$      142—143
Addition mod 2      142—143 184 229 338 382—402
Addition mod N, mod $N^n$      128 341 365 379
Addition, "wrong", non-carrying      143 371
Addition, false, symbolic      171 180
Addition, poly graphic      142 172 240
Additive (adj)      75 81 172 389 400
Additive (n)      128 162 164 172 370—373 413 415 421 423 467
ADFGVX system      40 53 173
Adjustment (of cryptotexts)      375 412—419 423 478
Adleman, Leonard M.      203—204
Adstock      454
AEF      see American Expeditionary Force AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
AFA (call sign)      438
Afflne      80 175 176
Afrika-Korps, German      214 317 448
Agate (ara-r)      163
Agnes', Agnus Dei'      447 454
Agony column      27 340
Airenti (code)      75
Aktiebolaget Cryptograph      146
Aktiebolaget Ingenjoersfinnan Cryptoteknik      114
Al-Kindi, Jaakub Ibn Ishak      290
Al-Qalqashandi      45
Alarm      17 18 209
Albam      47
Albert, A.Adrian      3 457
Alberti disk      39 41 52 109 139—140 2—4
ALBERTI encryption step      109 130 141 154 169 242 244 280 350 355 359 362 369 370 374 377 379 381
Alberti, Leone Battista      XIV XIV 36 39—40 44 56 64 71 72 139—142 216 290
Alemania      15
Alesund pinch      444—445
Alexander, Conel Hugh O'Donel      VII 92 156 284 287 332 416 418 478 479 499
Algebraic alphabet      80 86
Algorithmic definition      36 164
Alignment (of shifted alphabets)      350—362 371 372
Allegorical code      16
Alpha-AXP (21164)      192
Alphabet      35 39
Alphabet ring      121 124 125 148—149
Alphabet, accompanying      50—52 106 109 128 350
Alphabet, complementary      47 90
Alphabet, decimated      90 91 128 238
Alphabet, inverse      47
Alphabet, involutory      see self-reciprocal
Alphabet, mixed      46 49 50 52 64 107 127 130
Alphabet, non-involutory      149 482
Alphabet, powers of a mixed      50 52 106 127
Alphabet, reversed      47 90 129 173 252
Alphabet, rotated      107—111 126 137 281—282
Alphabet, self-reciprocal      43 47 59 61 67 82 90 115 118 123 129—130 132 143 144 159 171—172 193 224 269 282 340 379 383 392 433 437 445 451 482
Alphabet, shifted      47 50—52 107—111 127—128
Alphabet, vertically continued      107—108
Alphabets, unrelated      131—136 222 241 358 376
Amalgamation      173 175 178—180 184 189 226
Ame, Cesare      475
American Expeditionary Force(AEF)      31 68 77 214
Anagram      93 102—104 257 466
Anagramming      464—469
Anagramming, multiple      97 100 467—469
Ananym      93
Anarchists      11 53 70 291
And VI of the R.S.H.A.      60—61 470
Anderson, Ralph V.      477
Andree, Richard V.      264 266 267
Andres, Johann Baptist      131 136 500
Andrew, Christopher      3 92
Andreyev, Andrei Nicolayevich      476
Angoo Kenkyu Han      32 475
Angooki Taipa      145 153 154
Antri.ebsrader      117
Aperiodic      36
Archer, Philip E.      219
Argenti, Giovanni Batista      36 47 50 54 56 70 130 144 160 211 217 254 339
Argenti, Matteo      36 47 55 56 130 144 160 217 254
Argot      15 21
Aristocrats      256—257 268 310
Arithmetic modulo 2      86 143 157 184 229 382 383 384 389 392 393 402 404 409
Arithmetical operations      180 183
Arlington Hall      30 334 471
Armed Forces Security Agency      31
Army Security Agency (ASA)      31
Arnold, Benedict      171
Arsocculte scribendi      9
Arthold, J.      296
Asche, ASCHE      432 437
ASCII (code)      55 310
Astragal      12
Asymmetric methods      6 167 194—199 203 209 236 480 485
Athbash      47
Atlantis (ship)      63 476
ATLAS I, ATLAS II      339 458
Augustus, Roman emperor      49
Auriol, L.J.d'      86
Auswaertiges Amt      32 61 69 87 112 154 162—165 278 415 421 464 470
Authentication      26 30 188 191 194—196 201 209 218 228 485
Autokey      159—160 188 204 229 391 399
AUTOSCRITCHER      286—287 457
Autostereogram      12—13
AVA factory (Wytornio, Radiotechnizd)      437 439
Avalanche effect      179 185 188
Ave Maria code      15 17
Axiomatic Information Theory      247 486 487—496
AZ (code)      76
B talk      21
B-1 (code)      77
B-21,B-211      179
B-Dienst      63 220—221 415 470 472—474
B.P.      see Bletchley Park
B.S.-4      431 439
Babbage, Charles      5 37 128—129 160 161 170 233 233 278 280 317 330 340 341 477 486
Babbage, Dennis William      92 286 448 457
BACH      61 219
Bach, Johami Sebastian      20
Back slang      22 93
Backwards VIGENERE      129
Bacon, Sir Francis      9 30 40 55 385
Baker, Stewart A.      222
Balzac, Honore de      30
Bamford, James E.      499
Bammel, S.E.      137
BAMS (code)      62 76 476
Banburismus      VII 401 415—419 445—448
Banbury sheets      335 416
Bar code      76
Bar drum      146
Baravelli (code)      75 213
Barrier      178—179 188-] 198 387
Basic wheel setting      61 117 122 168 432—433 437—439 441—442 443—444 448
Basis analysis, linear      157 459—461
Batey, Mavis nee Lever      284 479
Batons      52
Batons, methode de      281—286
Baudot, Jean Maurice Emile      40 382 385
Baudouin, Roger      500
Bauer, Bernhard      13
Bauer, Friedrich Ludwig      174 176 296 307
Bayes' rule (Thomas Bayes)      488
Bazeries (code)      75
Bazeries' cylinder      29 37 38 49 51 133 134 224 251 275 277
Bazeries, Etienne      5 37—38 39 49 51 70 75 93 128 133—137 134 169 179 222 224 233 234 24 256 272—273 275 277 291 296 317 344 464 477 487 500
BC-543      146—147
BEAUFORT encryption step      129—130 143 146 156—157 161 173 179 242 243 268 280 322 324 328 344 379 381 475 490 492 500
Beaufort, Sir Francis      6 129
Beckman,Bengt      132
Beesly, Patrick      235 254 473 497
Befehlstafel      78
Beiler, Albert H.      200
Beker, H.      499
Bell numbers      254
Belmke, Heinrich      470
Bel[l]aso, GiovanBatista      50 54 130 140 141 112 145 159
Bennet, Ralph      481
Bentley's (code)      76
Bernstein, Paul      121 146
Bernstein. David S.      228—229
Berry, Duchesse de      37
Berthold,Hugo A.      211 216
Bertrand, Gustave      431 433 442 447 497
Beth, Thomas      230 463
Beurling, Arne      2 3.99 400 483
Beutelspacher, Albrecht      296
Bevan, John Henry      31
Bi language      21
Bibo, Major      61
Bifide      35
Bigram      35
Bigram coincidences      335 416
Bigram encryption      316 420 431 438 443—445
Bigram frequencies      301 304—318 327 356 464
Bigram repetitions      341 344 345 347 365 416
Bigram table      61 62 122 166 218 418 438 444
Bigrammbewertungsgeraet      464
Biham, Eli      189
Biliteral (cipher)      10 40
BINARY      40 83 86 180
Binary addition      143 383
Binary alphabet      40 48 142 157
Binary cipher, binary code 10      40
Binary code, binary encoding      55 103 142 157 244
Binary digits $(Z_2, \mathbb{Z}_2)$      24 40 91 142—143
Binary linear substitution      86 91
Binary numbers      23 91 142—143 181
Binarycircuit      86 142
Bipartite      35 53—55 59—63 64 66 67 86
Bischoff, Bernhard      105
Bismarck (ship)      216
Bit, binary digit $(Z_2, \mathbb{Z}_2)$      40 142—143
Bitwise binary encryption      142—143 383
Biuro Szyfrow      117 269 431 437
BLACK (code)      41 77 475
Black Chamber      71 73 151—153 227 230
Blackout      419
Blair, William      144
Blakely, Bob and G.R.      183
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