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Bauer F.L. — Decrypted Secrets: Methods and Maxims of Cryptology
Bauer F.L. — Decrypted Secrets: Methods and Maxims of Cryptology

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Название: Decrypted Secrets: Methods and Maxims of Cryptology

Автор: Bauer F.L.


In today's unsafe and increasingly wired world cryptology plays a vital role in protecting communication channels, databases, and software from unwanted intruders. This revised and extended third edition of the classic reference work on cryptology now contains many new technical and biographical details. The first part treats secret codes and their uses - cryptography. The second part deals with the process of covertly decrypting a secret code - cryptanalysis, where particular advice on assessing methods is given. The book presupposes only elementary mathematical knowledge. Spiced with a wealth of exciting, amusing, and sometimes personal stories from the history of cryptology, it will also interest general readers.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Fourth Edition

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 525

Добавлена в каталог: 14.09.2007

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Vernam type machine      135 162 492 493
Vernam, Gilbert S.      29 55 134—135 142 143 330 382 384 386 386
Verne, Jules      95 128
Vertically continued alphabets      107—108
Vesin de Ronianini, Charles Francois      295 500
Vetsera,Mary      97
Vetterlein,Kurt      10
Viaris, Gaetan Henri Leon Marquis de      29 75 129—130 134 136—137 222 272—280 276 278 341 500
Vienna-Athens (link)      384 389
Viete, Francois      2
VIGENERE encryption step      27 127 128—129 130 140 142 143 156—157 159—161 166 171 173 174 179 193 223 239 242—243 244 248 274 280 291 322 324 328 340 350—351 354 355 359 369 370 379 381 421 461 463 469 474 490 492
Vigenere, Blaise de      6 28 127 131 141—142 159 161 217 272
Vinay, Emile      129
VIPER      339 457
Vocabulary      33
Voigt, Eberhard      500
Volapuek      368—369
Voltaire [Francois Marie Arouet]      471
Von dem Bach-Zelewski, Erich      66
Von Rundstedt, Gerd      411—412
Vowel distances      309
VP 26 (ship)      218 444
VP 5904 (ship)      61
VULTURE I (Schliisselnetz)      448
W/T RED FORM      388
Waesstroem, Sven      131
Waggoner, Thomas A.Jr.      421
Wake and Kiska islands      269
Wald, Abraham      416
Wallis,John      2
WALRUS      456
Walter (code)      75
Walze      111
Walzenlage      121 223 432
Wanderer-Werke      147
War Station      31
WARLOCK      339
Washington, George      71
WASP "(key net)      448
Wassenaar Arrangement      231
Watt, Donald Cameron      431
Weaver, Warren      3
Weber, Heinrich      123
Wehrmacht ENIGMA      48 118—121 122 124—126 147—149 166 168 284
Wehrmachtnachrichtenverbindungen Chiffrierwesen      32 147 269 335 344 372 415 419 451 464 470 474
Weierstrafi, Karl      218 496
Weierud, Frode      VIII 124 125
Weigel, Erhard      40
Weisband, William      164
Weiss, Georg      500
Weitzenbock, Roland      20
Welchman, Gordon      VII 6 117 148 173 220 224 431 443 445—446 447 448 451—454 452 456 478 482 484 498
Wenger, Joseph N.      338 456
Werftschloessel      420
West, Nigel [Rupert Allason]      3
Western Union Code      76
Wetterhurzschlussel      73 218
Wheatstone, Charles      5 50 64 65 70 145 225 Plate
Wheel breaking      401 409 410 411
Wheel movement, irregular      145—148 151
Wheel movement, regular      145—146 149
Wheel order      120—122 168 432 454 481
Wheel setting, basic      see ground setting
Wheel setting, finding the      401 404—407 410
White, Harry D.      164
Whitehead, J.H.C.      401
Whitelaw's Telegraph Cyphers      40
Whiting (link)      411
Whittaker, E.T.      495
Widman, Kjell-Ove      VIII
Wiener, M.J.      191 208
Wilkins, John      9 40
Williams, H.C.      202
Williams, Samuel B.      454
Williamson, Malcolm      167
Wills, John      75
Willson, Russell      134
Wilson, Woodrow      128 484
Winkel, Brian J.      354 500
Winterbotham, Frederick W.      92 226 497
Witt, Ernst      VI 355 372
Witzleben, Erwin von      173
Wolseley, Lord Garnet J.      365
Women's Royal Naval Service      173
Woodhull, Sam      71 256
Word frequency      306
Word length frequency      309
Word spacing      38 40 204 216 224 255 256 264 267 306 309—310
Wright, Ernest Vincent      257—258
Wuesteney, Herbert      170 397 500
WWW Software Conununicator      192
Wylie, Shaun      401 479
Wynn-Williams, C.E.      338
Wytornia Radiotechniza AVA      439
X-68003 (MADAME X)      454
X-ray crystallography      486
xB-Dienst      see B-Dienst
Yardley, Herbert O.      31 151 152 153 443 472 476 500
YELLOW (key net)      447
Z3,Z4      410
Zahlenwurm      161
Zeichenveryleichslabyrinth      335
Zellweger A.G.      123
Zener diode      164
Zentrulstelle fuer das Chiffrierwesen(ZfCh)      32 470
Zero-knowledge proof      485
Ziegenruecker, Joachim      278
Zig-zag method      281 378—381
Zimmermann telegram      484
Zimmermann, Arthur      484
Zimmermann, Philip R.      192 228 236
Zipf, George K.      302
ZMUG (HQIBPEXEZMUG)      387 389 393 394 409
Zossen ('Zeppelin')      162
Zuse,Konrad      29 410
Zygalski sheets      173 417 441 442—444
Zygalski, Henryk      431 437 441 447
[ban]      237 401 416
[bit]      237 416
[deciban]      237 401 416
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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