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Bauer F.L. — Decrypted Secrets: Methods and Maxims of Cryptology |
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Bleak (link) 411
Bletchley Park 3 66 92 114 148 155 162 165 172 173 214 216 219 226 254 269 286 322 335 338 372 373 382 384 387 401 41 415—416 418 420—421 432 434 442—443 446—447 453 454 456—457 473 475 479—480 482
Bloch, Gilbert 498
Block encryption 35—36 42 80 106 157 180 184 188 192 194 203
Block transposition 98—100 170 173 240 467
Blockdiagonal 87
Blockverfahren (one-time-pad system) 165
BLUE (code) 77 214
Blum, Manuel 168
Boetzel, A. 11 179
Boll, Heinrich 245 293 297 301 304 466
Bolton (code) 75
Bomba 417 440—448 456
BOMBE 445—457 476 497
Bonatz, Heinz 4 473
Book cipher 9
Bookseller's price cipher 28 45
Boolean algebra 86 143 329
Borelius, Carl-Gosta 401
Brachel (code) 75
Branstad, D.K. 184
Braquenie, Henri 442
Brassard, G. 499
Bream (link) 408 411
Brett-Smith, Hilary 479
Britzelmayr, Wilhelm VI
Broadhurst, Sid W. 401 407
Broadway buildings 442
BROWN (code) 77 475
BROWN (key net) 48
Brown, Cave 92
Browne, Thomas 9
Broy, Manfred VIII 84
Bruce, David 470
Bruno (Poste de Commandement) 447
Brunswick (code) 75
BRUSA pact 457
Brute force attack 189—191 205 222 251 287
Brynielsson. L.B. 157
BSI 32 228
Buck,F.J. 86
Budiansky, Stephen 418 498
Buell (code) 75
Bulldog (ship) 219
Bundesamt fuer Sicherheit in derInformationstechnik (BSI) 32 228
Bundesnachnchtendienst (BND) 31 32
Bundesstelle fuer Fernmeldestatistik 32 470
Buonafalce, Augusto, VIII Bureau of Export (BXA) 231
Burgess, Guy 164
Burke, Colin 338 456 457 464 473 487
Burkill, H. 495
Bush, Vannevar 3 338 344—345 411 487
Byron, Lord George Gordon Noel 23 30
Byte 40 55 142 168 180 184
C-35/C-36 79 146—147 Plate
C-38 see M-209
C-38m 147 223
C-41 147
C.I.A. 30
Cabinet noir 71
Cadogan 21
Cadran 52
CAESAR addition, polygraphic 81 161 172 240—243 247
CAESAR addition, simple 49 81 87 129 171 239 240 245 247 252 263 266 291 293 294 305 310 350 370 423
CAESAR encryption step, CAESAR shift 49 81 129 173 247—250 293 423
Calao 15
Callimahos, Lambros D. 25 87 500
Campaigne, Howard H. 457
Campbell, Lucille 164
Canaris, Wilhelm 17 148 263
Candela, Rosario 281
Cant 15 22
Cantor, Georg 30
Caption code 73 78
Caramuel y Lobkowitz, Giovanni 40
Cardano, Geronimo 23 96 142 159 486
cardinal number 34
Carlbom, Lars 401
Carlet, Jean Robert du 1
Carmichael's function 203
Carmichael's theorem 203 206
Carmona, J.G. 500
Carroll, Lewis 6 130 179 423
Carry device 91 143 144 171 243 382
Carter. James Earl 227
Cartier, Francois 100 278 469
Cartouche 21
Casanova, Giacomo Girolamo Chevalierde Seingalt 28 28
Casement, Hugh, VIII 104 253
Category of methods 36 163—164
CBC 188 204 236
CCITT No.2 112 382
CCM 151
CD-55, CD-57 79
Censorship VIII 2 19 25
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 30
CESA 231
CHAFFINCH (key net) 448
Chaitin, Gregory J. 163 165 493 495
Chandler, W.W. 407
Chanel, Coco 32
Character coincidences 320
Character frequencies 290 316 317 328
Character set 33 34 35 39—41
Characteristic 437
Charlemagne 45
Charles I 70
Charles II 71
Chase, Pliny Earle 67 163 183
Chateau de Vignolles 447
Chateau des Fouzes 447
Chess, Abraham P. 5
Chi 323—326 354—356 360 361—362
Chi test 279 327 339 344 358 371 376
Chi — Stelle 32 118 432—433 472 474
Chi, OKW Abteilung (Cipher Branch) 32 147 269 335 344 372 415 419 451 464 470 474 478
Chi-wheel 393—395 403—410
Chiang Kai-shek 153
Chiffre a damier 66
Chiffre carre 106
Chiffriermaschinen A.C 111 114 122 431
Childs, J.Rives 421 472
Chinese remainder theorem 202 208
Chip 178 183 190—192 229
Choice operator, nondeterministic 33
Chorrin 144
Chorukor 258
Chosen cryptotext attack 480
Chosen plaintext attack 479 480
Chronogram 20
Chronostichon, chronodistichon 20
Chub (link) 411
Church, Alonzo (Church thesis) 164
Churchill, Winston 4 31 57 101 135 224 423 470 480
Cicero (code) 75
Ciezki, Maksymilian 431 433 442
Cifrario tascabile 39 128
Cillies VII VIII 447 448 482
Cipher 35
Cipher Block Chaining see CBC
Cipher bureau 32 431
Cipher disk 44 52 139—140 Plate
Cipher security 210 466 470 480 482 487
Cipher slide, rods, strips 52
Cipher teletype machine 55 161 1—0—171 372 386 387 388 395
Cipher wheel 170—171
Ciphering devices 131—135
Ciphering machine 6 110
Ciphertext see cryptotexi
City of Bagdad (ship) 63
| Clarendon, Edward Hyde Earl of 472
Clarke, Joan see Murray Joan
Class of families 279
Classification of cryptography 24 25
Clausen, Max 57
Clausen-Thue, William 75
Cleartext 33
Clef 41 98 141
Clef principals 141
Click machine 284
Clipper 229
CLIQUE 297 300—306 310—314
Cliques on the rods 281
Clock method 415—418
Closing 56—57 171
Closure 450
Cocks, Clifford 167
Code 18 35 68 373
Code book 6 41 68
Code Compilation Section, US Signal Corps 31
Code compression 180 495
Code groups 40 68 259
Code, decryption of 373
Code, literal 75
Code, numeral 73
Code, one-part 71 72 75
Code, two-part 71 72 73
Codetext see cryptotext
Codfish (link) 406 411
Collange, Gabriel de 39
Collon, Auguste L.A. 66
COLOSSUS 2 234 338—339 372 401 407—409 410—412 447 456 497
Columnar transposition 27 98—101
Columnar transposition, double 27 100—101 244 467
Columnar transposition, US Army double 100
Combinatorial complexity 41 64 140 141 169—170 175 210 222 237 239—243 244
Combined Cipher Machine (COM) 151
Commuting encryptions 166 170 379
Companion matrix 156
Comparator 338—339 345 410—411
Complementary alphabet 90
Complete-unit transposition 98
complexity 197 198—199 210
Complexity, subexponential 198 201
Complication illusoire 27 63 67 98 148 160 224 274 413 437 464 467 469
Composition of classes of methods 169—192
Compression 180 495
Compromise 152 164 167 168 209 212 224 288—289 375—376 387 389 398 409 419—423 424 431 437 448 467 474 478—480
Computable irrational numbers 158 164
Concealment cipher 10 11 19 24
Conceptual word 306
Confrontation 297 299 300 301
Confusion 174
Congruence root, primitive 200
Conjugated encryption step 67
Contact method 312 464—469
Coombs, Allen W.M. 407
Copeland, Jack VIII 498
Coppersmith, Donald 189—190 201
Coral 156
Coupled pattern finding method 265—266
Coventry raid 4
Covert proof 485—486
CQ signals 289 474
crab 93 94 105
Crab (Knox) 149
Crash 268 272 417—418
Crawford, David J. 286
CRAY-1 339 458 Plate
CRAY-2, CRAY Y-MP, CRAY C 90,CRAY T 90, CRAY J 90, CRAY T3D,CRAYT3E, Plate Q Cray, Seymour R. 458 Plate
Creed, Frederick George 385
Crib 259 260 284 288 373 400 401 406 420 438 444 445 448 449 453 454 479 481 482
Crib run, cribbing 409 410 419
Criminology 4 256
Croissant, Klaus 9
Croix Grecqae transposition 95
Cromwell, Oliver 19
Cross-plugging 48 118 120—122 433 437 441 442 445 446 449—451 453 457 478
Cross-product sum 323
Cross-ruff 421
Crypt width 34
Cryptanalysis V VI VII 3 5 6 8 25 29 31 37 73 92 95 98 100 141 148 189 190 208—214 217 219 222 227 231 233ff.
Cryptanalysis, pure 394 489—493
Crypto AG VIII 131 163 192
Crypto board 192 Plate
Crypto clerk 210 216 224—225 310 434 436 470
Cryptographic equation 42 118 128—130
Cryptographic faults 211 224 481—482
Cryptography VII 1—8 9 12 24 25 26ff.
Cryptology VII 2 30—32
Cryptoquip 5 289
Cryptosystem VII 7 8 106 150 158
Cryptosystem, classical 489—493
Cryptosystem, fixed 41 140
Cryptosystem, ideal 493
Cryptosystem, independent key 491—493
Cryptosystem, of Vernam type 492
Cryptosystem, perfect 491—492
Cryptosystem, pure 43 170 377—378
Cryptosystem, Shannon 43 159 170 212 268 278 280 289 378 489
Cryptosystem, transitive 277 378
Cryptosystem, unbreakable 7 101 144 163 168 192 221 248 272 339 386 421
Cryptotext 33 39—43
Cryptotext vocabulary 33
Cryptotext-cryptotext compromise 164 212 224 289 375 420—421 424 431 478 480
Cryptotext-only attack (known cryptotext attack) 265 310 479
Cryptozilla 192
CSKO 482
CSP 1500 see M-209
CSP 1700 151
CSP 642 136 269 280 358 475
CSP 845 see M-138-A
CSP 889 see M-134-C
Cue 17—18 24
Culpeper, Edmund 256
CULPER 71 256
CVCCV 78 467
CVCVC 72 467
CX-52 147
Cycle (cyclotomic) numbers 80 156 181
Cycle attack 450—451
Cycle decomposition 110 125 206 437
Cycle notation 46—47 49—51 52 110
Cycle partition 49
Cyclic group 379 381—382
Cyclic shift 107
Cyclometer 234 437
Cylinder and strip devices 29 37 51—52 133—136 1 224 244 251 269 272—277 358
Cynthia 103
Cypher 31
Cyrillic alphabet 39
Czech alphabet 39
D'Agapayeff, Alexander 500
Dace (link) 411
Daemen, Joan 191
Damm, Arvid Gerhard 111 113 113—114 132—133 146 153—154 161 179 397
Darhan (code) 75
Darnier 64 66
Dato, Leonardo 139
de Grey, Nigel 471 471 472 484
de Leeuw, Karl 113
de Saussure, Ferdinand 290
de Viaris (code) 75
de Viaris, Gaetan Henri Leon 29 129 130 134 136 222 272—280 276 295 341 500
de Vries, Mauritius 3
Deavours, Cipher A. VII 121 220 282 285 286 416 437 449 498—500
Decimal digits 40 335
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